There are days when you stand up and only in the course notes that it would have been better not to be stood up. Mostly this is due to repetitive annoyances, frequently with occasional involvement concerns and doubts on the predictability of the next 24 hours, the work rarely surprising, and sometimes only increase the urge to go to bed again soon.
Tagtraumatische cries in the middle of a reality that may not recognize that it is one too many. That it would be better, everything, absolutely everything would explode in a gigantic explosion of frustration and anger, as a highly pressurized, runaway reactor. Like a mirror, feeling the stone impact and screams its swirling surface after outbreaks of entropy, almost begs for it.
However, there are exceptions. Triggered by surprise, is a tag from the everyday space. If the tunnel an open meadow and a drop of water in the faucet, a blue sea.
There are many causes that trigger numerous. whether it is the view of the partner, whether it is the re-discovered passion for an old or even new hobby, whether it is praise of the boss. Or to Skurilitäten of everyday life, that they had not expected.
Such a curiosity is the throwing sticks Pfefferonis - a simple, full of treacherous questionnaire Questions that reveal much about the author.
Sounds exciting.
Why not? Under normal circumstances I would break the chain, which is my aversion on the part of chain chain question, the answers no one reads anyway.
other hand, there is no rule without exception. This is because that the issues on the one hand from the part of the blogosphere are that the author is known. Also, should not be denied that the questions right ... are original.
So: Here are the answers to the questions asked ...
If your house would burn down and you could save three things. What would it be?
Relatively simple: My wallet, my passport and my TAN-list. First I need to have money at all, because no one else in our society calls another before the fire department's own house is affected. The passport I need not directly - but to me the effort is to bring a new, too large for this to take my house from the fire ravaged nerves yet.
The TAN list would help me to transfer for the lawyer to call, because my insurance company will try to qualify the house fire.
Have you ever regretted it, having read a book?
No. There were books that made me more or less tied, but basically I have not looked back. When I was ready to have "read" a book, then it must have been an occasion - "Lesemasochismus" is not among them.
If it really give Vampire: How do you make it before you? Underworld, Twilight, Dracula ...?
I hope with all my strength, hope can release at all - and beyond - that vampires, so exist, then, do not match those Twilights. In particular, and almost exclusively the main character accordingly.
Twilight, one on the target group of the stock Christian Buffy fanatic with an ultra-conservative values back-Entjungferungsphantasien idea calibrated template Masturbation is contrary to any According to the current view of a predator logic with a human face.
While it may feel too nice because who fight-or-wasbinich-wolves and Wahnpire for supremacy of their sperm in the human uterus, without ever really vorzuhaben to be able to start the final shot - certainly not before the marriage. However, this wet dream deep Christian delinquent at best suited to stimulate the female imagination or to offer depression affects a role model.
would be no, if, then "Dracula" probably the most acceptable solution.
What time would you like to live?
you believe in fate, it would be appropriate to think about living in the future. However, it would be only a phase-shifted daily, so be nothing gained.
The past is not a desirable goal - today's benefits along with the disadvantages appear to me all better than the (non) choices of the past. Therefore: No, the here and now is sufficient. It is not perfect, but it would be boring.
what pet you would like to do?
Since I already have one it will be difficult. The cat had an extreme problem with that, I would buy a rodent - respectively: the carpet with limbs would have less of a problem so than me. Or even the hamster or mouse.
A second male would be neat. Thus the destruction of at least channeled to the other. Where the fear is the issue that this would be yet again about to expand facility.
Would you like to sometimes slip into the role of the opposite sex?
There are MMOs. A female character, a fanciful name, some smilies and more than three words without grunts, and a natural reluctance on PVP - that is the male stereotype of a woman. This is perfectly adequate for all common tasks to help maintain, even for families, brunch or orgy invitations, which I like but no thanks.
Still, net of interest would be worth a show. Since I was nachsagt androgynous features, it would be the ideal opportunity to explore a different side views. However: As a man, I feel - and I do like a bungee jump with a rope right, in advance - much better.
red or white wine?
red wine. White wine would also be an option, but I'm sure not enough cultivated. In addition, I eat too little fish to produce white wine. Approached the moose cover my red wine needs a sufficient degree.
What question do you always wanted answer times, but never did she asked someone? This
. Clearly these. However, my personal favorite of minor ones ... Had I ever regret my youth.
So, those were all questions. Now I have to imagine it actually eight new questions, but I'm not really practiced it. Since I hardly eh blogger known personally, it will be difficult to find a specific "target" to locate the stick throw.
Therefore I forward the questions on to my readers. Enjoy your answer.
- cars or dolls - which was a favorite childhood toy?
- If all funds of the earth could be controlled, but only for a goal which would it be?
- How to set up before the ride on a beam of light?
- If there is the opportunity here and now, would you change jobs?
- Is the idea of parallel worlds desirable?
- Assuming that the earth would send people to colonize a new planet, taken life partner and children, would travel with?
- If you were ruler of the entire world, one would reject morality and law?
- Treating others nicely primarily due to the fear, will be treated as possibly bad?
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