Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Looking To See Basketboll Live Where Ca I?

Addendum: The sense of the mad Dr. Whine

Due to the fact that there are obviously some confusion regarding Doctor Whines practice opening speech (which is actually a good term for nahtoderfahrungssuchende Hangman player) came, it is well to the time, the real meaning behind a preposterous, or at least infantile-sounding idea to explain.

The original idea of a virtual practice has its origins in the depths of the WoW forums. As the number of players World of Warcraft is notoriously high, the number of (different) Forums user is anything but small. As a result, the minds and volcanoes regularly fought for dominance, as defined in dictionaries.

other words, the mood of the regular explosion was closer to one another as the core building blocks, so one could assume (and still is) that one could argue frequently about everything - especially and particularly about the impending end of the quite successful Warcraft MMOs.

deal with the situation was not easy. Some people decided to outweigh every word and every gold smiley with platinum. Those who are not properly articulated rechtschreibverweigernder was a troll and who is well articulated (Pronounced: who used punctuation marks and more than seven words in a sentence) was a show-off. And Troll.

From the middle of this absurd situation arose from the attempt, the spread of fire in the city center to avoid the fact that in a certain area around a targeted building chased into the air. By an absurd and wacky view of a cynical doctor (as a "House" still in the test tube was Quark), and the exaggerated conflict in letter form, this leads to a de-escalation, while good entertainment for everyone involved.

It was not so much a question of helping individuals to their opinion but was rather a kind of shared value. Suddenly, everyone was involved, who was carried away to a letter from the feedback-way street, an intersection of opinion.

Unfortunately the idea too good, so it was hardly possible to respond in an appropriate time to all equally. Also a forum platform was less suitable to maintain the necessary overview. In short, the idea was overtaken by the sands of time, the practice was closed. Many years later

should have many different events to that doctor again but Whine rose from obscurity. A key element is probably the conversion of the F2P MMORPG Lord of the Rings Online. The atmosphere there, the result of more heat rather than to split the merger should stimulate was reason to worry about how it would be a certain doctor would again receive a reply.

From the idea was an experiment and literally from the theory in practice. The chance of contact with users, via asterisk ratings also was the most important, central motivation. No more and no less.

Whether the practice remains open depends, ultimately, but from the feedback. There is low tide, there is no flood. Besides, it can hardly concern any hacks to act against the interests of the readership - with the exception of the followers of egocentric world view. But in the end would be this also treatable.

Only: Which doctor would like to be one and the same time best customer?


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