In the land of the obvious reason of abstinence, there are regular dark spots of pure irony. That hope, act it is the presence of logic, regularly smashed by reality will help this observation - on the contrary. One of these disappointments
are "serving suggestions".
They are available almost everywhere in the food industry. Whenever A packaged on supermarket shelves illustrates something on the shelf life jacket, it is found somewhere in the corner: the serving suggestion.
Whether it is tomatoes next to the sausage packing a salami or the appearance of cheese on a brilliant understated grace of plates and cutlery accessories: Serve.
There are numerous approaches to explain this Darstellungsabsurdität. But the fact is likely to be good - and in that respect it is the face of rising real pain hardly want to disagree - that the dealer tries to make the threat of customers pre-clear tomato and cutlery will not be part of the contents.
This logic stands. On closer examination, this can be confirmed. Who knows how often languishing in anticipation of good hope its customer opened package salami disappointed to see: no tomato, no cutlery, no slim woman who brings you to the bed.
that some suspicion is felt in advance that recognizes the prototypical customers. Thus, a Tomato would hardly fit into the package. As is known, however, hormones that can cloud the view and a certain degree of absurdity, the sign of irrationality changes, this leads to a single assumption: "For the woman might still be room."
With all the disappointing consequences. Who created him naked as the entropy of a sausage package is opened, the full agreement.
However: Even the most intelligent customer experience with an X-ray vision will be clear that the packaging is purchasing decisions and thus the beautification, despite the small print is the reduction of promise, only to promote sales.
This gives rise to entirely new approaches to other areas of life.
It would easy to imagine that contain bestselling videos of weapons of mass destruction a discreet note: "Extermination proposal. In combination with "murder Proposal" or "multi-strike proposal" entirely new incentives arise for the usual war-mongers of today. And the seller can be sure that no one mad at the idea comes to be expected that the destroyed buildings and the dead are part of the purchase agreement - which also enables interesting thoughts ... ("The ten nuclear warheads - and, oh yes, the trailer with the burned bodies and fragments of burnt shadows are on their way ...").
whole new possibilities in the area of MMOGs. In WoW could, especially on PVP servers, any presentation videos be garnished by rogues in groups with a disclaimer distancing "Application proposal - because due to the average density on rogue PVP realms no one is seriously expect to be hugely popular with this class choice pro forma.
for AION, the winged Grinder infarction, it would have been better to bring the light of images of graceful acting duration frequent flyers a small note in the margin. Analogously, "Application proposal" - because then no one will expect too serious, casual cut everywhere and forever, the air can CLOSE. Unless there was the possibility of flight refueling, with the parallel port no later than the tank, the boundaries of the PSP would blow up under 18.
The Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG information would also be wrong not really. Videos of the captains might as a "use suggestion" mentioned as the presentation of the fire-and-forget-hunters, who are represented as onehit-wonder as if the mere tightening of the arc would move the opponent to the beyond.
would be downright enlightening such comments at the server archetypes. So amazed the number of players who regularly call on a PVP server to Frustdschihad when tiefentätowiert the quests behind. Those who expose themselves to the pain of a motivating surprise blow would not, could feel a "murder proposal" timely warning.
PVE realms play a special role, because all the proposals in this world that would otherwise be placed anywhere - whether for war or cold cuts - would find application here. The cosmopolitan of surrender to common sense itself degenerates linguist gene absolute zero, and promotes each game second that is spent with the self-searching this type of server, more dead brain cells than three days flat rate tipple in the next best disco.
Those who think that the source of all ideas is exhausted, has to deal with the last bastion of acute pain relief: the RP servers.
Because the server has become prime example of failed integration debates, there are more parallel societies that this MMO has bits. The Full range of "To each his own" Wegtolerierung performs miracles when it comes to ignore Leitregeln to go to a certain minimum level of interaction. Anyone who thinks that on RP servers "that" to find RP, which also searches for gold in the toilet.
is the reason for this misconception that "tolerance" and "look away" constitute one and the same outgrowth of the daily basic understanding of a forced coexistence. Every where as it may, without limits.
Against "any way he likes" is nothing objection - but without borders really everyone does what he likes. This constitutes a majority, the RPlern, a private group that visit, like the early Christians in secret buildings or basements pursue their shared culture.
The occasional episode for every newcomer to this type of server: disappointment. Disorientation and, at worst, to adapt to the server at the practice on-the-rules-whistling majority, which just does not feel compelled to act out their hidden RP-ignorance.
It would be so easy.
A simple "role-play proposal" would help players make clear that RP is not automatically included, but will be implemented by anyone at any time must. It is not automatically a role player when you join the server.
would Conversely, for the established RPler on the server itself are that the packaging alone does not automatically omniscience includes, but acquired these and always taught to be, instead of always assumed that everyone and everything was quiet fellow readers first and advanced role-playing customer has occupied as a study course at the local university.
the way, for the hard-line role playing game that is as cosmopolitan as are cult members of the fundamentalist organization steinbohrender moles, for the additional information would be: "Can contain traces of different opinions "might also be appropriate. Just to allergic shock reactions in the run counter to.
Finally ...
the implementation of the utopian ideas is at best a pipe dream. But the fact remains that warnings and instructions thoroughly can contribute (some totally avoidable) surprise moments to respond in advance to absorb and incorporate into the decision.
Even if this information is redundant so because, of course, as a "seat proposal" in a toilet presentation.
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