Thursday, September 30, 2010

Safe Way To Check Pregnency

in their own right: to be back negotiating Bewertunguska

times change.

who denies this basic truth is understood, the term all the time if a stationary clock in teilchenbefreiten room that runs on and on and supplies up the self into eternity with energy.
But the world is different: As Wendy, the pony in the meadow, with the past and present happily tanzelnde children nouveau riche suburban people, while it rides tomorrow amok and threatens to massage the riding instructor with his own whip. Until one is crying.

Just because times change indicate there are changes to the blog itself specifically: It is now possible, at the end of each contribution submit a review on the basis of stars. The following applies: maximum number of stars is great, minimal or no amount of stars is ... less great. The reverse principle just a grade.

The original idea of a "very good," insert "button in the test run proved to be of little help. The main reason was probably the lack of democratic possibilities, for which at best would melancholieschwangere dictatorship lovers can warm up. The new variant is as much open, so that no one has found patronized.

The ratings themselves serve as feedback. Comments are not any, not everyone likes to write epic texts. But stars are set fix, what a blessing and are able to curse at the same time.

Regardless of what the experiment might, no one knows. But, as already mentioned:

times change.


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