Tutorial: write articles for gaming forums right - Part 1
Everyone knows it, everyone has already seen one or two times: one is located in a games forum and read a review of another collaborator, would themselves participate. The idea is there, the will also - only: How do get started? Below to help a simple tutorial to give the shyest of all the hacks start the necessary momentum, so to speak: the slide to Selbstwirklichung oils.
But is it enough to walk through step by step instructions below, and so in this way, a deep, if not fundamental to obtain insight as to how professional scribblers publish daily real masterpieces.
Step 1: momentum and motivation
Make yourself aware of the fact that read most of the other authors of your texts do not like, unless you cite at least in between. Researchers have this, put forward the theory of verbal momentum conservation drive, which provides that each member should be interested in quietly because one thread - that is, a subject - to keep it alive.
This includes items to the same extent as well as contributions from people who really have no serious interest in a discussion, but is a means for the purpose of creating attention have found. Basically, they differ
thus not particularly by those who, in what kind manner, content in the conversation. For the purpose of conservation of momentum is nourished by the desire to be respected. Only the "arms" on a common goal-oriented - for the benefit of all. This Ratio can thus be considered as a symbiosis - that the "trolls" as parasitic.
Decide before I be a symbiont or a parasite?
Have you chosen a side and if it is to the parasite is the tutorial at this point ended. Regardless of the content we will consider you cherish and cultivate, incorporate, you completely and you, at least superficially give the impression that you are important as a person. For
regardless of the fact that "should not feed trolls" one, one will inevitably think of you. Try active for five minutes not to think of pink elephants and you will voluntarily commit . Let
The disadvantage of this method is that your message is far less important than yourself, why this - is a dead end and not even this howto will help to solve your (probably well justified emotional) problems extensively - also for future discussions.
For all others is: on to step 2
Step 2: THE
people rate posts after two important criteria: length and initiation. Let us therefore dedicate the latter first.
is the introduction, under a rule and excluding the possibility of a forum for alien life forms or those Write to acute drug flow, respectively, a Sehstörungsforum, the first record read.
think in a game forum on the clientele and remember longer (box) phrases. If you reach a wide audience, you basically have to write as it awaits its "customers": short and concise, to the KISS principle (keep it simple and stupid ").
Ask yourself why you get so much popularity in English-language forums and you will receive a striking correlation between simple language, and feedback.
basic rule: You should always
Keep in mind that your potential readers most likely the attention span of two meters has dirt road. Focus is therefore not on the comparatively few writers, who from time to honor a long time and / or complex texts. They want to be a winner and winners are mainstream. Mainstreamers are artists of the popular literature. Do not be afraid: Blockbuster will be sent to Prime Time - the literary quartet "fell asleep" at some point between and "saved me when the alarm clock."
Back to topic: Write the simplest possible introduction to maximum 13 words. A prime number is already so rewarding because you can be ripped poor divided and from the context. Before anyone responds to you, he or they read. The trap snaps shut.
particularly smart fellow even use the knowledge from step 1 and start their post with a quote. The more critical the content, the more encouragement, but at least are expected reactions. Torment you but your readers not to much and keep your text on the following trivial: no one wants, after he was captured by a quote, be forced by difficult discharges.
that this is regularly done wrong, you will notice the fact that just such (and often equally long) texts will be cited only with the introduction. Most likely cause: The rest has already been declared useless - regardless of content.
Step 3: The length
Make no mistake: you hate them. Because you will not respond to the quote with a nod, but may represent their own opinions. Her sentences are like broken glass in a birthday cake and the birthday child can only learn at the end, whether you are a pastry well disposed or are out for revenge.
As already noted, the prototypical player performs in such forums no brain acrobatic tricks to read your texts. There is no reason to follow your text longer than necessary and what is "necessary" is decided by the mental and physical well-being. Since this is not usually both made good, you will pay no attention to your text, the more words are included. The probability of being quoted out of context even from increases disproportionately with the characters.
also make contributions that are formulated content so waterproof that all the momentum conservation approaches are nipped in the bud, for frustrating moments. Anyone who steals another's motivation, it is not worth to be respected.
is therefore: Brief articles, no matter how difficult it may be. Try the urge not to give in and focus always on the target.
Formulate your contributions under the rule "as natural as possible, waterproof as necessary "to accomplish and no literary high jumps: This is a forum for ardent admirer of Thomas Mann, but a platform for burned-out fan of programmers and graphic designers
follow soon. Part 2 of the tutorial, with topics such as" content "and" end "and a footnote.
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