Thursday, September 23, 2010

Russian Bare On Beach

Less is sometimes more

long posts, some reading pleasure. Text panels are on the internet as popular as athlete's foot in a much too narrow hiking boots, worn with a everlasting forced march through swampy terrain. Since it is not long until the prototypical phrase "less is more" is.

Lawyers are certain: As a rule agree that, yes, but the exceptions are so much more complex.

just living from tennis forums, the write willing. Anyone who threatens to take the fun out of the game in that it speeds up the ball on impact on the speed of light risked while facing addition to burns, serious internal injuries and possible quantum leaps probably frustration. But here arises the misunderstanding: all this is not intentional.

each other instead collide two different types of players. Some people are pleasure to play for their lives like, forever and a day for a ball, a point. Back and forth, all the time. Some uses of the onset of Hypnosis recurrent motions even for the final strike on, but basically the principle is: You "ping" pong ", I.

His opponent could not but "Pong" to be. In rare cases, the gentle "ping" of the opponent by a "Kawumm" will be answered. If the features of the other are known, these people have no reason to pull the game unnecessarily protracted. Why should they? The clearer the situation, the clearer the position, the less possible interpretations and the more time for the real game.

"ping pong" and "Kawummler, a pulsar and a black hole in the dual system, embedded in the major forums area. A predictable dance, for in fact, an occasional "sometimes less is more" broadcast, which naturally never arrives where it should.

Thus, the answer to "sometimes less is more" only be: "Yes, but it depends ...". The nature of the one is the opposite sign of the other. From Mathemik we know: Plus minus Plus Minus is - what self-contradictory, complementary.
comes Accordingly, a "less is sometimes more" at the other as "please more, more!". Who would come up with the idea of asking a one-legged, limping, he should not?

And they revolve around each other, forever. What more honest form of coexistence there can be more than on the basis of a misunderstanding with the consequence of perpetual action and reaction? Who beats a drum, you can not make the accusation that she was very loud. Anyone who sticks his finger in the socket is, will hardly want to sue the local power company.

But to cope formulate at least concerned about possible explanations for the next haircut.


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