Since 5.45 Clock
of recent events, a live report from Middle Earth.
It seems as if whether they are due to difficulties in the course of contract negotiations between the U.S. headquarters (Coca gollum) and the EMEA outer tip (CoolerMaster) to endanger the present release date by Christmas. Although they are openly
covered and put off the customers with premature Gingerbread and St. Nicholas output. However, we believe the insiders, it seems the time in the background to the European struggling existence of Santa Claus. The causes are, according to the reports, almost impossible demands of top management, which can support the European sales and hardly want to.
Sun practice of U.S. coca gollum Group since moving to Free2Drink direct pressure on the European pub Lischer "from which is actually under European sales management. The claims are absurd and impossible, so is great from this side of the resistance.
The Irish manager of the pub, for example, refuse steadfastly to its pubs slogans with "Santa Claus is until the bag is empty" or "Who is like, get the rod" to install. For concern seems that the wish to make, 90% of the revenue from biscuits and nice letters directly to Santa Claus to forward to the Group.
One of the editors present internal memo of the U.S. group after you try this way to preserve a certain identity that you look dangerous amended by the European foreign posting. Since then, the U.S. beverage company was bought by a larger media sales, believed to be in the appropriate position to make such exposures - and now wonders about the strong, unexpected resistance from CoolerMaster Ltd..
It is expected that will be delayed until a final agreement Christmas. As compensation (and damage control) offers to European customers for a limited period revival Easter.
If the contract calls are terminated prematurely, threatening a takeover of European customers by the U.S. group. This already expressed keen interest for a long time to retrieve his license originally outsourced to run to the sale of the business model under their own banner.
For customers, this would mean significant changes to which the Group would not comment until now.
would be as resource-localization of language and appearance can be saved. In addition to possible Christmas in Hawaiian shirt and pants and a cowboy hat and a burger would be smeared beard, European clients are limited exclusively to the English communication. Further support for the Santa Claus, for example, family event is also now only reserved for European customers, so one can not expect a change.
letters to Santa Claus to remain self-concept based on a customer abewandelten largely unanswered or burned without a word already in the mailbox.
But this would give the customer the opportunity to also benefit largely untested and unverified gifts arrive, if appropriate - if only geundheitliche restrictions have the effect - a very small chance. However, as individual European clients, both quite spectacular, rare and a good price for the ride on the wave of innovation at the forefront.
Regardless of possible developments, it remains that one has agreed on specific points. Whether this is the first step towards a common future or just an over-valued signal, at this stage not be determined. Of course, the team remains on site to keep customers informed in advance, should something new arise.
Live from Middle Earth, for SauronTV
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