in their own right: to be back negotiating Bewertunguska
times change.
who denies this basic truth is understood, the term all the time if a stationary clock in teilchenbefreiten room that runs on and on and supplies up the self into eternity with energy.
But the world is different: As Wendy, the pony in the meadow, with the past and present happily tanzelnde children nouveau riche suburban people, while it rides tomorrow amok and threatens to massage the riding instructor with his own whip. Until one is crying.
Just because times change indicate there are changes to the blog itself specifically: It is now possible, at the end of each contribution submit a review on the basis of stars. The following applies: maximum number of stars is great, minimal or no amount of stars is ... less great. The reverse principle just a grade.
The original idea of a "very good," insert "button in the test run proved to be of little help. The main reason was probably the lack of democratic possibilities, for which at best would melancholieschwangere dictatorship lovers can warm up. The new variant is as much open, so that no one has found patronized.
The ratings themselves serve as feedback. Comments are not any, not everyone likes to write epic texts. But stars are set fix, what a blessing and are able to curse at the same time.
Regardless of what the experiment might, no one knows. But, as already mentioned:
times change.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Gums Hurt Between 2 Molars
Since 5.45 Clock
of recent events, a live report from Middle Earth.
It seems as if whether they are due to difficulties in the course of contract negotiations between the U.S. headquarters (Coca gollum) and the EMEA outer tip (CoolerMaster) to endanger the present release date by Christmas. Although they are openly
covered and put off the customers with premature Gingerbread and St. Nicholas output. However, we believe the insiders, it seems the time in the background to the European struggling existence of Santa Claus. The causes are, according to the reports, almost impossible demands of top management, which can support the European sales and hardly want to.
Sun practice of U.S. coca gollum Group since moving to Free2Drink direct pressure on the European pub Lischer "from which is actually under European sales management. The claims are absurd and impossible, so is great from this side of the resistance.
The Irish manager of the pub, for example, refuse steadfastly to its pubs slogans with "Santa Claus is until the bag is empty" or "Who is like, get the rod" to install. For concern seems that the wish to make, 90% of the revenue from biscuits and nice letters directly to Santa Claus to forward to the Group.
One of the editors present internal memo of the U.S. group after you try this way to preserve a certain identity that you look dangerous amended by the European foreign posting. Since then, the U.S. beverage company was bought by a larger media sales, believed to be in the appropriate position to make such exposures - and now wonders about the strong, unexpected resistance from CoolerMaster Ltd..
It is expected that will be delayed until a final agreement Christmas. As compensation (and damage control) offers to European customers for a limited period revival Easter.
If the contract calls are terminated prematurely, threatening a takeover of European customers by the U.S. group. This already expressed keen interest for a long time to retrieve his license originally outsourced to run to the sale of the business model under their own banner.
For customers, this would mean significant changes to which the Group would not comment until now.
would be as resource-localization of language and appearance can be saved. In addition to possible Christmas in Hawaiian shirt and pants and a cowboy hat and a burger would be smeared beard, European clients are limited exclusively to the English communication. Further support for the Santa Claus, for example, family event is also now only reserved for European customers, so one can not expect a change.
letters to Santa Claus to remain self-concept based on a customer abewandelten largely unanswered or burned without a word already in the mailbox.
But this would give the customer the opportunity to also benefit largely untested and unverified gifts arrive, if appropriate - if only geundheitliche restrictions have the effect - a very small chance. However, as individual European clients, both quite spectacular, rare and a good price for the ride on the wave of innovation at the forefront.
Regardless of possible developments, it remains that one has agreed on specific points. Whether this is the first step towards a common future or just an over-valued signal, at this stage not be determined. Of course, the team remains on site to keep customers informed in advance, should something new arise.
Live from Middle Earth, for SauronTV
of recent events, a live report from Middle Earth.
It seems as if whether they are due to difficulties in the course of contract negotiations between the U.S. headquarters (Coca gollum) and the EMEA outer tip (CoolerMaster) to endanger the present release date by Christmas. Although they are openly
covered and put off the customers with premature Gingerbread and St. Nicholas output. However, we believe the insiders, it seems the time in the background to the European struggling existence of Santa Claus. The causes are, according to the reports, almost impossible demands of top management, which can support the European sales and hardly want to.
Sun practice of U.S. coca gollum Group since moving to Free2Drink direct pressure on the European pub Lischer "from which is actually under European sales management. The claims are absurd and impossible, so is great from this side of the resistance.
The Irish manager of the pub, for example, refuse steadfastly to its pubs slogans with "Santa Claus is until the bag is empty" or "Who is like, get the rod" to install. For concern seems that the wish to make, 90% of the revenue from biscuits and nice letters directly to Santa Claus to forward to the Group.
One of the editors present internal memo of the U.S. group after you try this way to preserve a certain identity that you look dangerous amended by the European foreign posting. Since then, the U.S. beverage company was bought by a larger media sales, believed to be in the appropriate position to make such exposures - and now wonders about the strong, unexpected resistance from CoolerMaster Ltd..
It is expected that will be delayed until a final agreement Christmas. As compensation (and damage control) offers to European customers for a limited period revival Easter.
If the contract calls are terminated prematurely, threatening a takeover of European customers by the U.S. group. This already expressed keen interest for a long time to retrieve his license originally outsourced to run to the sale of the business model under their own banner.
For customers, this would mean significant changes to which the Group would not comment until now.
would be as resource-localization of language and appearance can be saved. In addition to possible Christmas in Hawaiian shirt and pants and a cowboy hat and a burger would be smeared beard, European clients are limited exclusively to the English communication. Further support for the Santa Claus, for example, family event is also now only reserved for European customers, so one can not expect a change.
letters to Santa Claus to remain self-concept based on a customer abewandelten largely unanswered or burned without a word already in the mailbox.
But this would give the customer the opportunity to also benefit largely untested and unverified gifts arrive, if appropriate - if only geundheitliche restrictions have the effect - a very small chance. However, as individual European clients, both quite spectacular, rare and a good price for the ride on the wave of innovation at the forefront.
Regardless of possible developments, it remains that one has agreed on specific points. Whether this is the first step towards a common future or just an over-valued signal, at this stage not be determined. Of course, the team remains on site to keep customers informed in advance, should something new arise.
Live from Middle Earth, for SauronTV
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Cobalt Ls With Ss Fascia
negative sign rescues the truth
The genre of role-players is one if not the most complicated of all. Do remember that the members of the natural daily fluctuation, the birth rate is sometimes even in the way and ensure that this group decimated by natural means itself.
The genre of role-players is one if not the most complicated of all. Do remember that the members of the natural daily fluctuation, the birth rate is sometimes even in the way and ensure that this group decimated by natural means itself.
This is the birth of a role player the most beautiful thing there is: A larded with ideals and truthfulness smile on the face of the newborn, then sets forth into the world to immerse yourself in it and all too happy with his own history.
The previous act, but designed to be difficult. Researchers have discovered through close observation that males females and discuss before actual mating so long and hard about sameness, that the process of natural aging of the mating diametrically opposite stands. In other words: who aims a gun on a boat and make for the final shot or a chain of associations debate on the matter emissions today's black powder with his colleagues, is in danger of missing the opportunity to be shot.
This problem is a systemic facet of the role-player genre. She discusses entangle you and the pros and cons of the approaches to be eaten by the multi-legged But and Or spiders, and digested as impossibility Ret. As an aside: This explains why many RPG story is literally covered with spider webs.
A typical example is the discussion about the inappropriate role player's name. They exist, without question. to deny the negation of the sun was about to come - even if there are some rebel representatives of the tribe of the solar cells that, paradoxically, to think about this differently. But in the current reality it must be noted: There is bad character names.
But what does one do when one's role-play is interrupted by a standing jump dividends on the common table "gummy bear"? If every heroic epic Poisoning drama a verbal stab through the self-proclaimed chicken Zorro "Huhnt" experiences? How does one against the virtuosos of the obvious, playing a human rogue named "Human Rogue? And where is the holy withdrawal string of the radiant guardian hero who goes by the name TamponDesGrauens "?
There are many ways to fight back. Ignore alone would help if the world ride on principles rather than on horseback gene would sunset. If it does not mean in can not be choosers (respectively: the devil grouped with) the fly, so the personification of envy most likely indirectly Confirmation experiences. This is, with advancing time of the existence of such a name just for bored and frustrated players often a sign to do the same and also to invent funny names.
open hostility are not an option. Reason the number is the "I-will-my-sleep" player base that would likely even in the wake of a Stalin-coup loudly asked for clarification of peace and in private. This will, in turn, will probably also recognized as a confirmation and also serves as a sign that your limits are obviously taken away.
At the last second, there is a possibility: the ticket. Less is the flight to the next switch in order to travel several months of refugee-round mission to Mars meant, but rather a subtle reminder to the GMs.
GMs are known to be the contact person when it comes to enforcing rules. Since role-playing servers constitute the legitimacy of the cages of certain types of players, is to redress an expanded set of rules provided - violations of the moral sense of role-players be particularly penalized. One would think.
Unfortunately, this rule applies: Report does not automatically lead to prosecution. Reason is that GMs often wait for that to certain borderline name several tickets written before responding.
expected Ostensibly this as a relief measure, because in fact, someone could each register, if one were to look long enough. And since education pack, regardless of the type of game takes some time and no means follows every public calls, the number of required tickets at a time to be reached somewhere between "few minutes" and "if Wargs can fly."
Thus, day in, day out are discussed. So far without result. If someone then can bring themselves to present a solution that is pointed to the impossibility or concerning possible negative consequences. The only question in this context: for whom? And the goal is not known, the goal?
One possible approach is to create a blacklist. This would most likely mean that more players are forewarned and concerned could make themselves. Long term this would lead to a consensus that would have a "minimum standard" for names to follow. The lowest common non-reportable worthy names denominator.
Instead of thrashing these solutions, at least, the first objection is not rare: "This is forbidden," which is true in the core - such discussions are often out on official forums, also set for a sign.
However, this prohibition does not necessarily apply to non-official websites, at least, the prosecution should be more difficult. Therefore: It is impossible that would not, but pleasing to the community.
probably much less pleasant to represent the situation for the GMs, because this would have to expect a flood of tickets. However, there would be even less credible scope for saying that would simply not enough people asked for the name.
is the frequent confusion of the pros and cons of it to the name issue never be a solution. Perhaps like the illustrated approach is not the best, but a different sign would help, rather than from the "never was" 'I'll see "a shaping, Who bathes in the always the same pool of Change-in-anyway-nothing statements to the water only rancid enough to risk that at the end of each interval holds dear.
And so it is always easy to pound on those that it could not obviously do. Instead of the statement, however, to undergo a stress test, it is believed supposedly, anyway, only those which could (against) to prove their statements can not believe it anyway like.
While it may be several ways To test truths and a black list may be determined not the silver bullet - but in a world of "go-no" logic would be a resignation to the situation honestly as a mumbling tone. Those who accept but can not, must seek solutions instead of repeating theses. This is the reality behind it all - including the role play.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Russian Bare On Beach
Less is sometimes more
long posts, some reading pleasure. Text panels are on the internet as popular as athlete's foot in a much too narrow hiking boots, worn with a everlasting forced march through swampy terrain. Since it is not long until the prototypical phrase "less is more" is.
Lawyers are certain: As a rule agree that, yes, but the exceptions are so much more complex.
just living from tennis forums, the write willing. Anyone who threatens to take the fun out of the game in that it speeds up the ball on impact on the speed of light risked while facing addition to burns, serious internal injuries and possible quantum leaps probably frustration. But here arises the misunderstanding: all this is not intentional.
each other instead collide two different types of players. Some people are pleasure to play for their lives like, forever and a day for a ball, a point. Back and forth, all the time. Some uses of the onset of Hypnosis recurrent motions even for the final strike on, but basically the principle is: You "ping" pong ", I.
His opponent could not but "Pong" to be. In rare cases, the gentle "ping" of the opponent by a "Kawumm" will be answered. If the features of the other are known, these people have no reason to pull the game unnecessarily protracted. Why should they? The clearer the situation, the clearer the position, the less possible interpretations and the more time for the real game.
"ping pong" and "Kawummler, a pulsar and a black hole in the dual system, embedded in the major forums area. A predictable dance, for in fact, an occasional "sometimes less is more" broadcast, which naturally never arrives where it should.
Thus, the answer to "sometimes less is more" only be: "Yes, but it depends ...". The nature of the one is the opposite sign of the other. From Mathemik we know: Plus minus Plus Minus is - what self-contradictory, complementary.
comes Accordingly, a "less is sometimes more" at the other as "please more, more!". Who would come up with the idea of asking a one-legged, limping, he should not?
And they revolve around each other, forever. What more honest form of coexistence there can be more than on the basis of a misunderstanding with the consequence of perpetual action and reaction? Who beats a drum, you can not make the accusation that she was very loud. Anyone who sticks his finger in the socket is, will hardly want to sue the local power company.
But to cope formulate at least concerned about possible explanations for the next haircut.
long posts, some reading pleasure. Text panels are on the internet as popular as athlete's foot in a much too narrow hiking boots, worn with a everlasting forced march through swampy terrain. Since it is not long until the prototypical phrase "less is more" is.
Lawyers are certain: As a rule agree that, yes, but the exceptions are so much more complex.
just living from tennis forums, the write willing. Anyone who threatens to take the fun out of the game in that it speeds up the ball on impact on the speed of light risked while facing addition to burns, serious internal injuries and possible quantum leaps probably frustration. But here arises the misunderstanding: all this is not intentional.
each other instead collide two different types of players. Some people are pleasure to play for their lives like, forever and a day for a ball, a point. Back and forth, all the time. Some uses of the onset of Hypnosis recurrent motions even for the final strike on, but basically the principle is: You "ping" pong ", I.
His opponent could not but "Pong" to be. In rare cases, the gentle "ping" of the opponent by a "Kawumm" will be answered. If the features of the other are known, these people have no reason to pull the game unnecessarily protracted. Why should they? The clearer the situation, the clearer the position, the less possible interpretations and the more time for the real game.
"ping pong" and "Kawummler, a pulsar and a black hole in the dual system, embedded in the major forums area. A predictable dance, for in fact, an occasional "sometimes less is more" broadcast, which naturally never arrives where it should.
Thus, the answer to "sometimes less is more" only be: "Yes, but it depends ...". The nature of the one is the opposite sign of the other. From Mathemik we know: Plus minus Plus Minus is - what self-contradictory, complementary.
comes Accordingly, a "less is sometimes more" at the other as "please more, more!". Who would come up with the idea of asking a one-legged, limping, he should not?
And they revolve around each other, forever. What more honest form of coexistence there can be more than on the basis of a misunderstanding with the consequence of perpetual action and reaction? Who beats a drum, you can not make the accusation that she was very loud. Anyone who sticks his finger in the socket is, will hardly want to sue the local power company.
But to cope formulate at least concerned about possible explanations for the next haircut.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tipsy I Triki W Pokemon Gold
Graphical stroke
Time and again we read it and throw since the last announcement of Nintendo, the new 3D's on the market, much more often: The graphic is bad and all, the unit was so useless. In the context is often the graph with the degree of Claim of a player identified - who therefore would not attach great importance to graphics, be modest.
follow this logic, unwinding thickener Studios at PC level today, which will then change regularly in sheer dread, that sales can cover the costs only slightly. Then again, the pirates (and recently the used market users) to blame, since console-level would the world look different, which makes the profit margin significantly.
that the graphics on portable devices are not necessarily those of a desktop equivalent, and must therefore be invested in the area far less money is not even considered high, let alone thinking out loud.
This is precisely the graph on the aforementioned game consoles actually not as bad as it is always claimed. It is often drawn, even in a subordinate clause, a comparison with the C64 graphics - although one that people would treat emergency storage in a C64-camp to inoculate it against such comparisons in future.
missing with security here, and since the anti-aliasing or blur in fast movement - but it behaves just at Nintendo devices so that for that target group of fun more important than the graphic, what is the success of the consoles and associated games can be easily observed. It is expected - and yet also quite rightly, as the Producers this time and again proves - that is inserted under the remaining power resources circumcision in the other game elements. Graphics are not everything.
graphic it is, make up for desktops increasingly the main cost factor on the electric bill, because the graphics cards have an energy balance that is so catastrophic that, in view of rising electricity prices, this factor gains more as a selling point in importance. What games to the desktop and the wallet to sweat a lot, a battery effect limited - yet.
Who of course, a playable "Avatar" expect, in which he thinks he can in his fine 3D graphics Haarzopf into the socket or in hammering a passing elephant, should just worry about the power source. Imagine this would be in the form of a small power plant that operates on the basis of their own egos. This could trail behind on a wheelbarrow. The waste heat - less than from the power plant from its own unit - is expected to provide an increased level of infertility and busy judges.
apart from the price of the hardware and not to mention the feasibility of miniaturization, in view of necessary cooling needs, completely.
For those who think of all this yet, the result is perhaps an interesting view of the fact they believe Nintendo necessary target audience. Accordingly, this would
with decent muscle power (-> Power Plant wheelbarrow) and an even neater content (-> price) blessed to have been fathered two children, possessed fireproof pants and would be legal expenses insurance. These people would even play minesweeper when the graphics only "cool enough" would be to feel pain with the new feedback-control when they accidentally wegzündet of explosives camouflaged the buttocks.
But why not?
If it were up to the supposed (loud) majority of the critics, could the unit still have a can holder, make the tax return, a connection for various household appliances have, I'm find shop and shake Obama's hand while you download the way my image app to the new "Womanizer" function even neat little "download" - to the already not this has, that all the great features of the device herunterrattert like an old machine gun from Grandpa's cellar. That way, had no display, but the depiction of violence was probably great.
Time and again we read it and throw since the last announcement of Nintendo, the new 3D's on the market, much more often: The graphic is bad and all, the unit was so useless. In the context is often the graph with the degree of Claim of a player identified - who therefore would not attach great importance to graphics, be modest.
follow this logic, unwinding thickener Studios at PC level today, which will then change regularly in sheer dread, that sales can cover the costs only slightly. Then again, the pirates (and recently the used market users) to blame, since console-level would the world look different, which makes the profit margin significantly.
that the graphics on portable devices are not necessarily those of a desktop equivalent, and must therefore be invested in the area far less money is not even considered high, let alone thinking out loud.
This is precisely the graph on the aforementioned game consoles actually not as bad as it is always claimed. It is often drawn, even in a subordinate clause, a comparison with the C64 graphics - although one that people would treat emergency storage in a C64-camp to inoculate it against such comparisons in future.
missing with security here, and since the anti-aliasing or blur in fast movement - but it behaves just at Nintendo devices so that for that target group of fun more important than the graphic, what is the success of the consoles and associated games can be easily observed. It is expected - and yet also quite rightly, as the Producers this time and again proves - that is inserted under the remaining power resources circumcision in the other game elements. Graphics are not everything.
graphic it is, make up for desktops increasingly the main cost factor on the electric bill, because the graphics cards have an energy balance that is so catastrophic that, in view of rising electricity prices, this factor gains more as a selling point in importance. What games to the desktop and the wallet to sweat a lot, a battery effect limited - yet.
Who of course, a playable "Avatar" expect, in which he thinks he can in his fine 3D graphics Haarzopf into the socket or in hammering a passing elephant, should just worry about the power source. Imagine this would be in the form of a small power plant that operates on the basis of their own egos. This could trail behind on a wheelbarrow. The waste heat - less than from the power plant from its own unit - is expected to provide an increased level of infertility and busy judges.
apart from the price of the hardware and not to mention the feasibility of miniaturization, in view of necessary cooling needs, completely.
For those who think of all this yet, the result is perhaps an interesting view of the fact they believe Nintendo necessary target audience. Accordingly, this would
with decent muscle power (-> Power Plant wheelbarrow) and an even neater content (-> price) blessed to have been fathered two children, possessed fireproof pants and would be legal expenses insurance. These people would even play minesweeper when the graphics only "cool enough" would be to feel pain with the new feedback-control when they accidentally wegzündet of explosives camouflaged the buttocks.
But why not?
If it were up to the supposed (loud) majority of the critics, could the unit still have a can holder, make the tax return, a connection for various household appliances have, I'm find shop and shake Obama's hand while you download the way my image app to the new "Womanizer" function even neat little "download" - to the already not this has, that all the great features of the device herunterrattert like an old machine gun from Grandpa's cellar. That way, had no display, but the depiction of violence was probably great.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Strongest Hydrocodone Pills
Subsequent declaration to the tutorial "contributions for Games forums are posting right"
I will occasionally ask for advice when it comes to write posts correctly. Of course, I try to always having a correct contributions. Sometimes, however, it will also create confusion.
That last guide led to some confusion when he abruptly ended it when it comes to writing a so-called "Troll contribution" was. Right in the middle. This caused confusion and frustration for both
Many existential fears were opened, professional virtual forums hate preachers appealed to people to jihad and the independent trade union "IG Troll announced mass strikes.
By then it was necessary to hook to contribute here de-escalating. Therefore, once a clarification, which I wound free from any threat of violence using a 9mm to my temple and two kg of C4 explosives on my lap and four cameramen with sticks of dynamite around his waist and would like to make some tanks outside my front door:
Of course, trolls a valuable part of every community. They are important, they are indispensable, they will rise up one day to the whole community do-gooder show who the true master of the forums. Meanwhile, I would like to stress once again that I feel good and I am treated fairly. And also ...
... believe them not a word, they are pure evil, and ....
I will occasionally ask for advice when it comes to write posts correctly. Of course, I try to always having a correct contributions. Sometimes, however, it will also create confusion.
That last guide led to some confusion when he abruptly ended it when it comes to writing a so-called "Troll contribution" was. Right in the middle. This caused confusion and frustration for both
Many existential fears were opened, professional virtual forums hate preachers appealed to people to jihad and the independent trade union "IG Troll announced mass strikes.
By then it was necessary to hook to contribute here de-escalating. Therefore, once a clarification, which I wound free from any threat of violence using a 9mm to my temple and two kg of C4 explosives on my lap and four cameramen with sticks of dynamite around his waist and would like to make some tanks outside my front door:
Of course, trolls a valuable part of every community. They are important, they are indispensable, they will rise up one day to the whole community do-gooder show who the true master of the forums. Meanwhile, I would like to stress once again that I feel good and I am treated fairly. And also ...
... believe them not a word, they are pure evil, and ....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Make Voice Sweet When Talking
Seelenktive perception.
There are different ways to bring things to express. Often one would like to round up his mind by a famous quote, sometimes it takes a known issue back to clarify why perhaps more than the other person is just wrong. Morally reprehensible and not the method is clear and well known. However, this can sometimes
conclusions about the verbal shooters, namely, if proved obvious is that you realize not even be said. This assumption is generally the case when - comes from the fact that few people want, in a discussion, to shoot himself in the foot - common sense presupposing.
A classic example to which it is to go here is the accusation: "... selective perception".
What at first glance a little "blue", "The Eagle Has Landed, "" I now buy two pounds of flour, respectively, may sound other trivial phrases, turns out on closer inspection, often as a statement of quality: "I'm going to heavy stone combine with this my foot and my cry of pain will be a beacon for the truth. "
Because perception is subjective and therefore regularly selective. will underline this self-attack on reason by an example that can be ofmals also seen as a cognitive disorder. rarest Namely perceived that their own views are not necessarily the right , and that "truth" is just an expression.
Such things happen every day. Questioned you witness an accident, you can be sure I can hear the different versions - especially if a time lag exists between the events or require of questions a detail that all too commonplace in the flood threatened to drown other perceptions. That is the product of our brain that constructs only a reproduction of the truth and can be fooled too easily.
We are all inclined, especially in heated discussions, to brand our opinion the concept of truth and to send into the race. Very few are willing to occasionally deviate from it if the arguments are valid or does the empathy one's own ego stop. This versatility, which is also often ridiculed like is, plain and egreifend result of a self-critical attitude that many people today have lost.
Or even "had to come."
Thanks to a highly specialized world focuses on the concept of truth for each person ever smaller, even tiny aspect that one does not want to let wegreden you. The gold rush mentality of the past gives way to the realization that in this day and age there is not much there, what it's worth going into defensive stance. Specifically the knowledge, therefore also spread too much.
can therefore, if you yourself mentally through such a maze the special knowledge has moved, but at least go out like that one right at least in this one point is located. Or? Why should we even differ. It must be right, ergo interested in the "truth" of the others do not.
they should.
reason, it was said in the days of the Enlightenment, is the ability to rise from his self-imposed immaturity and to use his mind. This one is aware of impending impotence all too often and it is not surprising that we occasionally defended tooth and nail, what one has yet. But the Enlightenment never wanted.
standstill is immaturity.
His understanding is to use well, not just critical of others but also to itself to stay never to persevere and understand that "truth" is a changeable concept that one must plug in setbacks and move forward. We might speak of a subjective truth inflation, one could speak of Wahrheitsentropie.
One could consider during the next debate just before the response, whether the person against but not for a moment, albeit partially, may be right. And then one might wonder whether the motivation for the denial from the objectivity feeds - or at least of the emotions. A deeper look into one's own soul would be sufficient enough.
then you should the question of who performs what is really selective, may well answer itself.
There are different ways to bring things to express. Often one would like to round up his mind by a famous quote, sometimes it takes a known issue back to clarify why perhaps more than the other person is just wrong. Morally reprehensible and not the method is clear and well known. However, this can sometimes
conclusions about the verbal shooters, namely, if proved obvious is that you realize not even be said. This assumption is generally the case when - comes from the fact that few people want, in a discussion, to shoot himself in the foot - common sense presupposing.
A classic example to which it is to go here is the accusation: "... selective perception".
What at first glance a little "blue", "The Eagle Has Landed, "" I now buy two pounds of flour, respectively, may sound other trivial phrases, turns out on closer inspection, often as a statement of quality: "I'm going to heavy stone combine with this my foot and my cry of pain will be a beacon for the truth. "
Because perception is subjective and therefore regularly selective. will underline this self-attack on reason by an example that can be ofmals also seen as a cognitive disorder. rarest Namely perceived that their own views are not necessarily the right , and that "truth" is just an expression.
Such things happen every day. Questioned you witness an accident, you can be sure I can hear the different versions - especially if a time lag exists between the events or require of questions a detail that all too commonplace in the flood threatened to drown other perceptions. That is the product of our brain that constructs only a reproduction of the truth and can be fooled too easily.
We are all inclined, especially in heated discussions, to brand our opinion the concept of truth and to send into the race. Very few are willing to occasionally deviate from it if the arguments are valid or does the empathy one's own ego stop. This versatility, which is also often ridiculed like is, plain and egreifend result of a self-critical attitude that many people today have lost.
Or even "had to come."
Thanks to a highly specialized world focuses on the concept of truth for each person ever smaller, even tiny aspect that one does not want to let wegreden you. The gold rush mentality of the past gives way to the realization that in this day and age there is not much there, what it's worth going into defensive stance. Specifically the knowledge, therefore also spread too much.
can therefore, if you yourself mentally through such a maze the special knowledge has moved, but at least go out like that one right at least in this one point is located. Or? Why should we even differ. It must be right, ergo interested in the "truth" of the others do not.
they should.
reason, it was said in the days of the Enlightenment, is the ability to rise from his self-imposed immaturity and to use his mind. This one is aware of impending impotence all too often and it is not surprising that we occasionally defended tooth and nail, what one has yet. But the Enlightenment never wanted.
standstill is immaturity.
His understanding is to use well, not just critical of others but also to itself to stay never to persevere and understand that "truth" is a changeable concept that one must plug in setbacks and move forward. We might speak of a subjective truth inflation, one could speak of Wahrheitsentropie.
One could consider during the next debate just before the response, whether the person against but not for a moment, albeit partially, may be right. And then one might wonder whether the motivation for the denial from the objectivity feeds - or at least of the emotions. A deeper look into one's own soul would be sufficient enough.
then you should the question of who performs what is really selective, may well answer itself.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How Do I Play Undf Files
Tutorial: write articles for gaming forums right - Part 2
Today Part 2 follows the tutorial, which is to write reviews for players forums correctly. "Right" means in this context: the target group and (therefore) efficiently.
In the previous part dealt with the motivation, the introduction and the length. We have learned that a striking difference between the length and the willingness of readers to deal even further with the written word, prevails. We also now know that a thread of living together and this nunmal means possible to respond to the other, no matter whether one may give him or her right.
Today it is the content, and finally go to the end. Two, three beers, more than necessary and, for non-beer drinkers among us: stretched out wine with sea water to the same result.
Step 4: The content
Many people are concerned about how the real "message" reached the receiver. They formulate, write to the wolf and throw down in the virtual trash. Some are even early on, and expresses his helplessness in verbal insults or one-liners - Or, at best, both. This must not be
The content is a matter of form, especially in games forums. As already conveyed to initiate a simple way, what about you, the content is up to the argument for your pregnant body bold thesis. And this happened even the most errors
For indeed it is assumed that arguments - the longer and more detailed they are - suddenly his approach. A fatal mistake that will fill your mailbox with many answers to help only a Pümpel can to control the situation.
Imagine you were a mountain. Not just any hill ont, no, but a mountain. But the others should look like hills, without question. And for that, it is important that you are an indomitable mountain. One will say of the other: "Wow, what a thing this is not a Sunday outing.". You want to be a proud mountain, with no walking holidays on your nose, but up with snow. They do not carry a small permanent grinning pummel girl with a thick dog, a herd of goats, a boy on cheese-LSD and a grumpy old man on the head. No, you want to be a proud, magnificent mountain.
How would you do this?
Option 1: offer many facets, all shades, different layers of rock and lots of debris. Now and then it is sometimes steep, sometimes less.
Option 1 you spayed your pride before you get the idea to wish for the moon, a new hairstyle.
Option 2: offer a smooth wall and invite you to mountain climbing. Now and then you throw a couple of medium-duty passenger cars and large rocks down earlier, when everyone is exhausted, you can pay a snow storm with occasional avalanches.
Option 2 makes you strong and proud. With a little luck also attracts a Yeti in with them. Who knows?
In other words, the example should clarify your goal, and represent the way there. They want to be treated with respect? Then download the competition with a quietly simple arguments, follow them through their door and drag it later through your back out by the heavy weights for later. And when everyone is on the ground, after you connect. Agreements which are for wimps and losers advance - you are a winner, you have your opinion and this is the right one. Show it, prove it, because who does not fight signaled that they themselves believe anything.
the way, a small tip on the side: Some envelopes make friends. Perhaps not at the expected manner, but at least in the form of an open invitation to participate in the topic. On the surface, you will hate you, but in the background hovers in the form of an eternal gratitude to-you-grinding. In this way, even mutate to zombies Reanimateuren, shows at least the experience.
true artist also bought into the personal coffer. If it is possible, too long: Respond to spelling, punctuation and expression. Go no detour, say it out freely and enjoy a various stereotypes - Parallel assessments from other MMOs are always appreciated, it is still denied to the competition.
Note, however even here in the long run. Go to five times of the three to a maximum Length of the introduction of, because the final cost will be according to place and thus attention. Do not overload your readers no. In other words, short, direct, painful.
Step 5: The Final
Almost as important as the initiation is the end of your typed Stalin organ. They are drawn into the war and want to tell the enemy exactly why you press the foot into his face. Even better, you want him to be remembered to you and think about why he is with you, your wisdom and intelligence should not create more.
There are the Internet: Cite quiet Wikipedia, the source of knowledge of each desolate expertise. Where the boundaries begin to show initiative and opens up one's entire virtual world. Take your time and also the use of the numerous websites offering in the Internet: Goethe is again beginning to get, but Kant is always practical.
who can elicit from these people no suitable quotation, which can also operate in many MMO developers. Would you like to point out contradictions, quote them quietly to the contrary quotes from developer contributions. And you want other
their blind obedience and the false belief probably hold themselves cite articles from other games that later proved a lie. Important here: concealment, however, the source later to furnish it.
What constitutes a closer look reveals an unacceptable generalization, of course, is the first shock for future posts from you is ideal. It is the mental icebreaker to break deadlocked opinions. It could not and with some skill do you manage in this way even admirers - important if one day you cannot fi be argued in the corner.
Note, however here on the track: a long circuit like no one, at least not the part for which you write. Underline important words - maxmal three in number - and keep it out if thick, in different colors and font sizes. Always remember: It's your message, which must come clear.
A false conclusion can do all the work destroyed and, worse, serve as a starting point for new discussions. Not with you, because you are the verbal Alpha and Omega.
you are right - you prove it. You will see that we will respect you and with luck, you even have allies for the next battle forums, which in turn is always handy when the game servers are down for maintenance. Success is always a question of ambition - they are so stingy as possible, treat yourself and all the other nothing. Not even their own opinion.
In this tutorial, we now have a total of learned how to target group reviews written. Occasionally one goes beyond the moral boundaries that we know from everyday life - but forums are, remember to never, only a virtual world. There is only your rules, your opinion and everyone is fighting for survival - but only for fun. And fun nunmal
means also that you can get rid of all the everyday vices. Vices such as morality, decency and mutual respect - where if not in a virtual world, you let off steam? Where else can relax?
Apply lessons learned here and you will succeed. You also do not be stingy with criticism of people that Guide does not read or have not taken to heart: Who writes for marginalized groups, is treated like one. Who writes for minorities also has a minority opinion. Always remember: You are a winner and winners look success - no compromise, no understanding of all of them all, but by all for you.
And now you go and show what you have learned. Have fun!
your Namidh.
Today Part 2 follows the tutorial, which is to write reviews for players forums correctly. "Right" means in this context: the target group and (therefore) efficiently.
In the previous part dealt with the motivation, the introduction and the length. We have learned that a striking difference between the length and the willingness of readers to deal even further with the written word, prevails. We also now know that a thread of living together and this nunmal means possible to respond to the other, no matter whether one may give him or her right.
Today it is the content, and finally go to the end. Two, three beers, more than necessary and, for non-beer drinkers among us: stretched out wine with sea water to the same result.
Step 4: The content
Many people are concerned about how the real "message" reached the receiver. They formulate, write to the wolf and throw down in the virtual trash. Some are even early on, and expresses his helplessness in verbal insults or one-liners - Or, at best, both. This must not be
The content is a matter of form, especially in games forums. As already conveyed to initiate a simple way, what about you, the content is up to the argument for your pregnant body bold thesis. And this happened even the most errors
For indeed it is assumed that arguments - the longer and more detailed they are - suddenly his approach. A fatal mistake that will fill your mailbox with many answers to help only a Pümpel can to control the situation.
Imagine you were a mountain. Not just any hill ont, no, but a mountain. But the others should look like hills, without question. And for that, it is important that you are an indomitable mountain. One will say of the other: "Wow, what a thing this is not a Sunday outing.". You want to be a proud mountain, with no walking holidays on your nose, but up with snow. They do not carry a small permanent grinning pummel girl with a thick dog, a herd of goats, a boy on cheese-LSD and a grumpy old man on the head. No, you want to be a proud, magnificent mountain.
How would you do this?
Option 1: offer many facets, all shades, different layers of rock and lots of debris. Now and then it is sometimes steep, sometimes less.
Option 1 you spayed your pride before you get the idea to wish for the moon, a new hairstyle.
Option 2: offer a smooth wall and invite you to mountain climbing. Now and then you throw a couple of medium-duty passenger cars and large rocks down earlier, when everyone is exhausted, you can pay a snow storm with occasional avalanches.
Option 2 makes you strong and proud. With a little luck also attracts a Yeti in with them. Who knows?
In other words, the example should clarify your goal, and represent the way there. They want to be treated with respect? Then download the competition with a quietly simple arguments, follow them through their door and drag it later through your back out by the heavy weights for later. And when everyone is on the ground, after you connect. Agreements which are for wimps and losers advance - you are a winner, you have your opinion and this is the right one. Show it, prove it, because who does not fight signaled that they themselves believe anything.
the way, a small tip on the side: Some envelopes make friends. Perhaps not at the expected manner, but at least in the form of an open invitation to participate in the topic. On the surface, you will hate you, but in the background hovers in the form of an eternal gratitude to-you-grinding. In this way, even mutate to zombies Reanimateuren, shows at least the experience.
true artist also bought into the personal coffer. If it is possible, too long: Respond to spelling, punctuation and expression. Go no detour, say it out freely and enjoy a various stereotypes - Parallel assessments from other MMOs are always appreciated, it is still denied to the competition.
Note, however even here in the long run. Go to five times of the three to a maximum Length of the introduction of, because the final cost will be according to place and thus attention. Do not overload your readers no. In other words, short, direct, painful.
Step 5: The Final
Almost as important as the initiation is the end of your typed Stalin organ. They are drawn into the war and want to tell the enemy exactly why you press the foot into his face. Even better, you want him to be remembered to you and think about why he is with you, your wisdom and intelligence should not create more.
There are the Internet: Cite quiet Wikipedia, the source of knowledge of each desolate expertise. Where the boundaries begin to show initiative and opens up one's entire virtual world. Take your time and also the use of the numerous websites offering in the Internet: Goethe is again beginning to get, but Kant is always practical.
who can elicit from these people no suitable quotation, which can also operate in many MMO developers. Would you like to point out contradictions, quote them quietly to the contrary quotes from developer contributions. And you want other
their blind obedience and the false belief probably hold themselves cite articles from other games that later proved a lie. Important here: concealment, however, the source later to furnish it.
What constitutes a closer look reveals an unacceptable generalization, of course, is the first shock for future posts from you is ideal. It is the mental icebreaker to break deadlocked opinions. It could not and with some skill do you manage in this way even admirers - important if one day you cannot fi be argued in the corner.
Note, however here on the track: a long circuit like no one, at least not the part for which you write. Underline important words - maxmal three in number - and keep it out if thick, in different colors and font sizes. Always remember: It's your message, which must come clear.
A false conclusion can do all the work destroyed and, worse, serve as a starting point for new discussions. Not with you, because you are the verbal Alpha and Omega.
you are right - you prove it. You will see that we will respect you and with luck, you even have allies for the next battle forums, which in turn is always handy when the game servers are down for maintenance. Success is always a question of ambition - they are so stingy as possible, treat yourself and all the other nothing. Not even their own opinion.
In this tutorial, we now have a total of learned how to target group reviews written. Occasionally one goes beyond the moral boundaries that we know from everyday life - but forums are, remember to never, only a virtual world. There is only your rules, your opinion and everyone is fighting for survival - but only for fun. And fun nunmal
means also that you can get rid of all the everyday vices. Vices such as morality, decency and mutual respect - where if not in a virtual world, you let off steam? Where else can relax?
Apply lessons learned here and you will succeed. You also do not be stingy with criticism of people that Guide does not read or have not taken to heart: Who writes for marginalized groups, is treated like one. Who writes for minorities also has a minority opinion. Always remember: You are a winner and winners look success - no compromise, no understanding of all of them all, but by all for you.
And now you go and show what you have learned. Have fun!
your Namidh.
Monday, September 6, 2010
First Bank Of Delaware Wilmington De In Egypt
Tutorial: write articles for gaming forums right - Part 1
Everyone knows it, everyone has already seen one or two times: one is located in a games forum and read a review of another collaborator, would themselves participate. The idea is there, the will also - only: How do get started? Below to help a simple tutorial to give the shyest of all the hacks start the necessary momentum, so to speak: the slide to Selbstwirklichung oils.
But is it enough to walk through step by step instructions below, and so in this way, a deep, if not fundamental to obtain insight as to how professional scribblers publish daily real masterpieces.
Step 1: momentum and motivation
Make yourself aware of the fact that read most of the other authors of your texts do not like, unless you cite at least in between. Researchers have this, put forward the theory of verbal momentum conservation drive, which provides that each member should be interested in quietly because one thread - that is, a subject - to keep it alive.
This includes items to the same extent as well as contributions from people who really have no serious interest in a discussion, but is a means for the purpose of creating attention have found. Basically, they differ
thus not particularly by those who, in what kind manner, content in the conversation. For the purpose of conservation of momentum is nourished by the desire to be respected. Only the "arms" on a common goal-oriented - for the benefit of all. This Ratio can thus be considered as a symbiosis - that the "trolls" as parasitic.
Decide before I be a symbiont or a parasite?
Have you chosen a side and if it is to the parasite is the tutorial at this point ended. Regardless of the content we will consider you cherish and cultivate, incorporate, you completely and you, at least superficially give the impression that you are important as a person. For
regardless of the fact that "should not feed trolls" one, one will inevitably think of you. Try active for five minutes not to think of pink elephants and you will voluntarily commit . Let
The disadvantage of this method is that your message is far less important than yourself, why this - is a dead end and not even this howto will help to solve your (probably well justified emotional) problems extensively - also for future discussions.
For all others is: on to step 2
Step 2: THE
people rate posts after two important criteria: length and initiation. Let us therefore dedicate the latter first.
is the introduction, under a rule and excluding the possibility of a forum for alien life forms or those Write to acute drug flow, respectively, a Sehstörungsforum, the first record read.
think in a game forum on the clientele and remember longer (box) phrases. If you reach a wide audience, you basically have to write as it awaits its "customers": short and concise, to the KISS principle (keep it simple and stupid ").
Ask yourself why you get so much popularity in English-language forums and you will receive a striking correlation between simple language, and feedback.
basic rule: You should always
Keep in mind that your potential readers most likely the attention span of two meters has dirt road. Focus is therefore not on the comparatively few writers, who from time to honor a long time and / or complex texts. They want to be a winner and winners are mainstream. Mainstreamers are artists of the popular literature. Do not be afraid: Blockbuster will be sent to Prime Time - the literary quartet "fell asleep" at some point between and "saved me when the alarm clock."
Back to topic: Write the simplest possible introduction to maximum 13 words. A prime number is already so rewarding because you can be ripped poor divided and from the context. Before anyone responds to you, he or they read. The trap snaps shut.
particularly smart fellow even use the knowledge from step 1 and start their post with a quote. The more critical the content, the more encouragement, but at least are expected reactions. Torment you but your readers not to much and keep your text on the following trivial: no one wants, after he was captured by a quote, be forced by difficult discharges.
that this is regularly done wrong, you will notice the fact that just such (and often equally long) texts will be cited only with the introduction. Most likely cause: The rest has already been declared useless - regardless of content.
Step 3: The length
Make no mistake: you hate them. Because you will not respond to the quote with a nod, but may represent their own opinions. Her sentences are like broken glass in a birthday cake and the birthday child can only learn at the end, whether you are a pastry well disposed or are out for revenge.
As already noted, the prototypical player performs in such forums no brain acrobatic tricks to read your texts. There is no reason to follow your text longer than necessary and what is "necessary" is decided by the mental and physical well-being. Since this is not usually both made good, you will pay no attention to your text, the more words are included. The probability of being quoted out of context even from increases disproportionately with the characters.
also make contributions that are formulated content so waterproof that all the momentum conservation approaches are nipped in the bud, for frustrating moments. Anyone who steals another's motivation, it is not worth to be respected.
is therefore: Brief articles, no matter how difficult it may be. Try the urge not to give in and focus always on the target.
Formulate your contributions under the rule "as natural as possible, waterproof as necessary "to accomplish and no literary high jumps: This is a forum for ardent admirer of Thomas Mann, but a platform for burned-out fan of programmers and graphic designers
follow soon. Part 2 of the tutorial, with topics such as" content "and" end "and a footnote.
Everyone knows it, everyone has already seen one or two times: one is located in a games forum and read a review of another collaborator, would themselves participate. The idea is there, the will also - only: How do get started? Below to help a simple tutorial to give the shyest of all the hacks start the necessary momentum, so to speak: the slide to Selbstwirklichung oils.
But is it enough to walk through step by step instructions below, and so in this way, a deep, if not fundamental to obtain insight as to how professional scribblers publish daily real masterpieces.
Step 1: momentum and motivation
Make yourself aware of the fact that read most of the other authors of your texts do not like, unless you cite at least in between. Researchers have this, put forward the theory of verbal momentum conservation drive, which provides that each member should be interested in quietly because one thread - that is, a subject - to keep it alive.
This includes items to the same extent as well as contributions from people who really have no serious interest in a discussion, but is a means for the purpose of creating attention have found. Basically, they differ
thus not particularly by those who, in what kind manner, content in the conversation. For the purpose of conservation of momentum is nourished by the desire to be respected. Only the "arms" on a common goal-oriented - for the benefit of all. This Ratio can thus be considered as a symbiosis - that the "trolls" as parasitic.
Decide before I be a symbiont or a parasite?
Have you chosen a side and if it is to the parasite is the tutorial at this point ended. Regardless of the content we will consider you cherish and cultivate, incorporate, you completely and you, at least superficially give the impression that you are important as a person. For
regardless of the fact that "should not feed trolls" one, one will inevitably think of you. Try active for five minutes not to think of pink elephants and you will voluntarily commit . Let
The disadvantage of this method is that your message is far less important than yourself, why this - is a dead end and not even this howto will help to solve your (probably well justified emotional) problems extensively - also for future discussions.
For all others is: on to step 2
Step 2: THE
people rate posts after two important criteria: length and initiation. Let us therefore dedicate the latter first.
is the introduction, under a rule and excluding the possibility of a forum for alien life forms or those Write to acute drug flow, respectively, a Sehstörungsforum, the first record read.
think in a game forum on the clientele and remember longer (box) phrases. If you reach a wide audience, you basically have to write as it awaits its "customers": short and concise, to the KISS principle (keep it simple and stupid ").
Ask yourself why you get so much popularity in English-language forums and you will receive a striking correlation between simple language, and feedback.
basic rule: You should always
Keep in mind that your potential readers most likely the attention span of two meters has dirt road. Focus is therefore not on the comparatively few writers, who from time to honor a long time and / or complex texts. They want to be a winner and winners are mainstream. Mainstreamers are artists of the popular literature. Do not be afraid: Blockbuster will be sent to Prime Time - the literary quartet "fell asleep" at some point between and "saved me when the alarm clock."
Back to topic: Write the simplest possible introduction to maximum 13 words. A prime number is already so rewarding because you can be ripped poor divided and from the context. Before anyone responds to you, he or they read. The trap snaps shut.
particularly smart fellow even use the knowledge from step 1 and start their post with a quote. The more critical the content, the more encouragement, but at least are expected reactions. Torment you but your readers not to much and keep your text on the following trivial: no one wants, after he was captured by a quote, be forced by difficult discharges.
that this is regularly done wrong, you will notice the fact that just such (and often equally long) texts will be cited only with the introduction. Most likely cause: The rest has already been declared useless - regardless of content.
Step 3: The length
Make no mistake: you hate them. Because you will not respond to the quote with a nod, but may represent their own opinions. Her sentences are like broken glass in a birthday cake and the birthday child can only learn at the end, whether you are a pastry well disposed or are out for revenge.
As already noted, the prototypical player performs in such forums no brain acrobatic tricks to read your texts. There is no reason to follow your text longer than necessary and what is "necessary" is decided by the mental and physical well-being. Since this is not usually both made good, you will pay no attention to your text, the more words are included. The probability of being quoted out of context even from increases disproportionately with the characters.
also make contributions that are formulated content so waterproof that all the momentum conservation approaches are nipped in the bud, for frustrating moments. Anyone who steals another's motivation, it is not worth to be respected.
is therefore: Brief articles, no matter how difficult it may be. Try the urge not to give in and focus always on the target.
Formulate your contributions under the rule "as natural as possible, waterproof as necessary "to accomplish and no literary high jumps: This is a forum for ardent admirer of Thomas Mann, but a platform for burned-out fan of programmers and graphic designers
follow soon. Part 2 of the tutorial, with topics such as" content "and" end "and a footnote.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Creating Fake Ontario License
Lord of the Rings Online - the role-play creates from
open the theory that the less role-playing people interested in investing disproportionately in the creation of new characters rather than productive to participate in the RP. Overall, it would cost the registered more energy than what they bring her. This
go further, so the book back on genetic susceptibility of people - already culturally determined - rp-were unwilling and incapable.
One solution was to exclude these people gradually from Endgame, while role players (as generally accepted rules) access to higher-value loot received. In this way, the economy would only ensure that the right people increased, while moving the rest, or at least would be forced to adapt to the generally accepted definition of an RP-term.
Finally, the book ends with the statement that one would welcome anyone on a RP server that lives on this, does not operate a recognized role-playing and constantly created new heavily armed hooded hunters.
The role play has always had moments where it was explained by someone dead. But now, specifically in the context of the approaching threat scenario" Free2Play ", is attempting to be the subject when approaching on hysterical manner. Among all kinds of colorful personalities are represented.
Only recently published the well-known dwarf Tarr Azin a book titled "Middle-earth creates from itself." There, he represented
open the theory that the less role-playing people interested in investing disproportionately in the creation of new characters rather than productive to participate in the RP. Overall, it would cost the registered more energy than what they bring her. This
go further, so the book back on genetic susceptibility of people - already culturally determined - rp-were unwilling and incapable.
One solution was to exclude these people gradually from Endgame, while role players (as generally accepted rules) access to higher-value loot received. In this way, the economy would only ensure that the right people increased, while moving the rest, or at least would be forced to adapt to the generally accepted definition of an RP-term.
Finally, the book ends with the statement that one would welcome anyone on a RP server that lives on this, does not operate a recognized role-playing and constantly created new heavily armed hooded hunters.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Best Indian Concealer Revlon
third September 2010
expensive medicines for the fear
half-nude bed-bound, cold showers in the morning, to school on the street, a caregiver to him her appendix scar shows: Jörg W. from the Hannover region reported harm from a dormitory of Burgwedeler Pestalozzi Foundation. As a 12-year-old he came into this home. That was in August 1955. What remains is fear. He fought with drugs. They are expensive.
"If the body would at least say of themselves that they contribute to the cost of my medicine," says the 67-year-old. Then he would not be a supplicant. The first is to be satisfied with apologies and an invitation to Burgwedel near Hanover.
Again no one could do well, what happened to him 1955th His mother suffers only every 14 Day visits to their child. Still, makes Jörg W. one day earlier than desired is on the way, his mother sent back to the home at a late hour to come there and have a dressing put up with the supervisor. Then she changes the subject, talks about how difficult it is, finally, it shows the 12-year-old her appendix scar: "barrel but at times"
The boy does not want. Breaks into tears. Is sent to bed. Get the next day a single room. Reason: "You masturbate." He therefore had to be watched. Of the other children.
Lying on his stomach, Jörg W. confined to bed. Cold showers in the morning he gets from his peers, who then accompanied him to the toilet. may close the door the boy did not. Jörg W. pees in a can so. Pour the contents from the window of his single.
On the way to school the 12-year-old is teased. He must use the other side. The other children call home across the street ". Fummel Lauke" Even in high school they call him so. For over a month. Until Jörg W. turns to his teacher. Informs the home management and the mother of the boy. The 12-year-old can go home again.
visited the high school Burgwedel he long for another half year. His grades are getting worse. Jörg W. is removed from the base of the school, an apprenticeship in carpentry and goes to the armed forces. After passing the TV technician trade test and successful completion of the technical school he started in the city of Hanover as an operating supervisor.
But the fear can Jörg W. ignore. In 1986, he is early retirement. "I have met my life and my work only with great effort," the 67-year-old says today.
third September 2010
expensive medicines for the fear
half-nude bed-bound, cold showers in the morning, to school on the street, a caregiver to him her appendix scar shows: Jörg W. from the Hannover region reported harm from a dormitory of Burgwedeler Pestalozzi Foundation. As a 12-year-old he came into this home. That was in August 1955. What remains is fear. He fought with drugs. They are expensive.
"If the body would at least say of themselves that they contribute to the cost of my medicine," says the 67-year-old. Then he would not be a supplicant. The first is to be satisfied with apologies and an invitation to Burgwedel near Hanover.
Again no one could do well, what happened to him 1955th His mother suffers only every 14 Day visits to their child. Still, makes Jörg W. one day earlier than desired is on the way, his mother sent back to the home at a late hour to come there and have a dressing put up with the supervisor. Then she changes the subject, talks about how difficult it is, finally, it shows the 12-year-old her appendix scar: "barrel but at times"
The boy does not want. Breaks into tears. Is sent to bed. Get the next day a single room. Reason: "You masturbate." He therefore had to be watched. Of the other children.
Lying on his stomach, Jörg W. confined to bed. Cold showers in the morning he gets from his peers, who then accompanied him to the toilet. may close the door the boy did not. Jörg W. pees in a can so. Pour the contents from the window of his single.
On the way to school the 12-year-old is teased. He must use the other side. The other children call home across the street ". Fummel Lauke" Even in high school they call him so. For over a month. Until Jörg W. turns to his teacher. Informs the home management and the mother of the boy. The 12-year-old can go home again.
visited the high school Burgwedel he long for another half year. His grades are getting worse. Jörg W. is removed from the base of the school, an apprenticeship in carpentry and goes to the armed forces. After passing the TV technician trade test and successful completion of the technical school he started in the city of Hanover as an operating supervisor.
But the fear can Jörg W. ignore. In 1986, he is early retirement. "I have met my life and my work only with great effort," the 67-year-old says today.
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