Wednesday, January 31, 2007

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31/01/2007 -
7th Day - Aswan to Luxor and back,
Elephantine, bus

After breakfast, around 8:30 clock I took the public ferry for 1 pound to Elephantine. I ended up where I was already 2 days have been before. Since I am now a better sense took, I was a few minutes in the historic site.
There is a museum. The old part of it (he is at least 30 to 40 years old) looks quite unattractive. But there is great mummies, sarcophagi and findings visible from the area. Everything is covered in dust, shown in old cases. Sure you have enough time to look at. At this time I was here almost all alone. The museum also has a second, more modern part with a better presentation of the findings. Here are its main "little things" such as household items, small statues, etc. shown.
After the museum I looked around on the big rig. There are several small temples from many periods, many houses from the Pharaonic period have been excavated. Currently, a German team is working on some houses.
There are also 2 Nilometer. (Most people only know the one, large, almost at the entrance of Area. But there are about 100 m further south and the smaller Horus Nilometer). Nilometer served to the height of the flooding of the Nile to determine accurately to calculate it can fail as will the harvest, how much water each farmer gets
so nice that I've even done it!

At 11 I was clock back at the hotel because I had to check out by 12 clock already. After another hour I was taken to the bus, where the trip began to Luxor. This time we were 10 people on the bus. Beside me sat a traveling alone, older man who had long lived in the Old Castle. We talked a lot about history, politics and much more. To 17 clock we were back at the Isis Hotel in Luxor. This time I had a super room on the 4th Floor with spectacular views of the Nile and the Valley of the Kings.
with my room I was really satisfied with this holiday!


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