flight to Luxor - night on the town
Oh yes, when I got on the plane, I was the last one: I've hardly noticed, but the Abfertigerin said to me, "the first shall be last" - she had recognized me .. In Luxor
were few who were picked up by Alltours. 4 or 6 for a cruise, but I for a hotel. after 10 min. I was at the Isis Hotel. There I moved into a beautiful Room, in the 2nd Floor. The only downside was that the bar was pretty close and I mitbekam therefore to 23.00 or 0.00 clock music.
The Isis Hotel is part of the Pyramisa Group, which includes eg a few Nile cruise ships and the Isis Hotel in Aswan on the Isis island, should I still see.
Hotel in Luxor Egypt has 5 stars. It is about as good as the SIVA in Hurghada, but a few years older. The crowd is very mixed. Many Asians, many Englishmen, a few (thank God only!) Russians, many Muslims, of which women are "very deeply veiled" (only eye slot) to "strapless" dress.
In general, it is interesting to see how the Muslims are dressed. And behave:
- 3 steps behind the west-dressed men sneak deep veiled women.
- normal-dressed men walk arm in arm with women with headscarves ..
- women generally avoid it, to see strange men (the only exception that I saw are waitresses in the hotel / coffee).
Some men have a "raisin" on the forehead, a dark spot that occurs when you very much and pray intensely. These spots are especially me with the hotel (some of them) and noticed the well-dressed guests. / Not hardly by the simple people of Luxor and Aswan.
night on the town
After a good dinner, I headed for the Luxor Temple. Here I had seen on the outward journey, the lighting of the light show. On the banks of the Nile are everywhere
feluccas and Nile cruise ships. Everywhere one was addressed: "Felucka, Felucka" or "carriage, carriage" - Many people try to persuade one.
A boy, Omar, he is 18 years old, wanted to persuade me to make him the next day with a tour (3 islands, 100 pounds = 15 Eus - certainly a good deal for him). He did not let up, and accompanied me.
Finally, he could convince me with him to a "great Egyptian market to go. "I was not thinking of the many shops, but in a real market, which may indeed be interesting. The market should only be a few 100 meters away. He told me every few minutes. We ran through many . great local roads, half the city We walked to a Coptic Church by tourists, etc. I looked long gone, the locals saw from street to street, always poorer Finally we landed, -.. what was actually to be expected - in a huge tourist market.
I went inside. It was immediately started to negotiate on prices. Well, I bought for only 2 Eus a small papyrus image, the Mother of the Gods, which is presented as "air" (Have given the Tobias) as a gift for someone..
I wanted back then, Omar gave us a "tax collector" and paid them well. Alone, I would certainly never drove it. We agreed to meet for the next day. Since I had no desire for a ride. I did not go. Well, he was disappointed. But its price was also, I know now, totally covered. And he certainly was not the "feluccas captain," but only the keeper to the boat ....
It was an interesting evening! Class!
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