26.01.07 -
second Day in Luxor - Luxor Temple
What had to tell the woman sounded quite interesting, however, proved to be wrong sometimes. The dates for the trip offers they had the wrong head. For example, light show, I wanted the 1.2, it was in German but at 28.1. instead. The Tour II west side, which I was booked (at least on the day) take place. ... No matter, though was the Alltours team (especially the 3 Egyptian) always there for me. But more on that later.
After the briefing I went to the city, towards the temple. The way there - about 20 minutes was accompanied by constant-In Bulldoze by many traders. Maybe I was the type? * Lol * * * fg
At 10 clock I was in the Luxor Temple. Here I could look around me in great detail in the temple of Ramses II , Tutankhamon .. many other pharaohs were found. Amun, Min, Horus all the gods of the area were gathered. About the temple is so much reported in the books ( Opet est F and above). I found it interesting to others that are in the back of Roman modifications, for some ancient Egyptian was broken and reassembled.
was looking for a short break to drink water and I found the Mumifizierungsmuseum.
this I was really disappointed. Sure, the Steps of mummification were represented, there were several animal mummies (Ibis, alligator, baby alligator, cat, fish ...), there were some tools that Mumifizierungsharze were shown some sarcophagi (all 4 or 5 of the same period of similar officials in similar presentation), a few Kanaopen and only one unwrapped mummy officials. Here I would have the many types of wrapping of the mummies (from the many hundreds of years of mummification), a choice of sarcophagi from different periods, materials, etc. required. Something is so in every case in the many camps of the present Egyptian Museum.
this I was really disappointed. Sure, the Steps of mummification were represented, there were several animal mummies (Ibis, alligator, baby alligator, cat, fish ...), there were some tools that Mumifizierungsharze were shown some sarcophagi (all 4 or 5 of the same period of similar officials in similar presentation), a few Kanaopen and only one unwrapped mummy officials. Here I would have the many types of wrapping of the mummies (from the many hundreds of years of mummification), a choice of sarcophagi from different periods, materials, etc. required. Something is so in every case in the many camps of the present Egyptian Museum.
The darkening of the intended space, the appropriate atmosphere should set up was when watching a hindrance.
went after a long walk from the pier-Nilkreuzer to the hotel and I was against 15 clock in my room. After a while I was still in the internet cafe.
That day I went to bed early.
I have seen what great! Booyah!
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