27.01. 27.01.07 -
leads west (Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut Temple, Valley of the Queens), Kaleschenfa
- day in Luxor After a good breakfast it was up 7 clock on the west side. In the van were - except the driver and the tour guide - only 5 tourists. The other 4 actually had another tour booked, as I do.
First we went to the Valley of the Kings. Still, it was still relatively early (the tourist buses from Hurghada could not be there), it was quite crowded in the valley. I really wanted to like the graves, but first, the guide told for hours of pharaohs, gods, crafts - which is what you tell all tourist Sun
The introduction took almost half an hour. Then we could finally start. I looked first at the spot where a German Team in recent months a new grave (grave no king, but at least a Mummy, what exactly is still under investigation) have found.
Then I went a little deeper into the valley to me to find three tombs, which I do not know. And I found really great tombs
- grave of Tutmosis III (KV 34)
To come into this grave, located in a crevice in the mountain, one must walk up a long stairway. At the top it's back in the grave down the stairs, through a small hallway and then down. Everywhere on the walls (mostly black) marks on the smooth wall. As one of the earlier Pharaohs Tutmosis the XVIII. dynasty was, I think that this time it was not customary to bring relief to the walls and colored drawings. Or the grave is not ready in time. - grave of Siptah (KV 34)
The grave is only the first section completed. There are colorful paintings on the walls. The following are
area walls "undecorated" - that is, the walls are uneven, not polished, not painted. From Siptah is known that he had a short leg (polio?) The grave is about 100 m long and is similar to many other graves
- grave Tausert / Sethnacht
A richly decorated Grave. In some places you can see unfinished drawings (pre-painted black, red corrected - or is it the other way around?) - Anyway, you can see how the drawings were created 3,500 years ago. Interesting!
On the way back to the minibus we were - as usual-pressed by the dealers, their postcards, statues, etc. wanted to sell souvenirs. This helped, as always, a certain "La Shukran!" (No, thank you!). I bought a postcard collection won a €.
Then it was clear to Der el-Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple)
that I had before with Kerstin 2 years already seen. But because it was very hot. Indeed, now seemed the sun, but with 25 degrees the temperature was so that one could see everything well.
I saw this time really all the "important parts" of the system:
The Hathor Chapel (where on the pillars of the Hathor-heads - Woman with cow 's ears)
the portico of Punt: this is, even if it is reconstructed great obtained only very poorly. But it was recognized but the important pictures: The Queen of Punt, the ships of Hatshepsut, exotic fish, African animals .... The birth
chapel, the divine origin of Hatshepsut "documents"
and many others.
Because we were only a few, we also had the opportunity here long, "individually" to stay in the temple.
Then there was the usual "short breaks" in one of the many alabaster workshops. Of course I did not buy it. It was already the third time that I was in such a workshop.
is interesting that the entire "grave robbers village will be demolished at the time. By the end of February here should all be dismantled.
The Antiquities believed that the area "to 100 from the science still undiscovered tombs" are. It may be that you like something read in the newspapers over the next Months and years.
We drove to the Valley of the Queens.
the moment to visit only three graves here, the famous and recently reconstructed grave of Nefertari (Ramses II wife) has been a few years ago closed for tourists.
Therefore, the 3 graves (of which two sons of Ramses III), which we have seen, very colorful and interesting. In general, the late Prince (with lock of youth on the head) presented by her father to the gods.
I saw:
- grave No. 55 of Amun-Her-Chopeschet (Ramses III's son, colorful grave, baby mummy in the corner in a display case)
- grave No. 44 of Cha-Em-Wesset (super receive, beautiful representations of gods - I think the grave, which I liked best of all)
- grave of Ramses (son of Ramses III, but small, get mediocre)
are in the valley are 75 (? ) graves, which are usually seen only as a "hole in the ground." Some of the graves are supposed to be "burnt out".
improved by 13 clock we were back at the hotel. The tour was good, even if you consider that I have seen the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Hatshepsut before 2 and 5 years.
And so I imagined the Egypt holiday! went
From about 13.30 bis 15.30 clock I sunbathe on the pool. I also went in the pool one I was too cold. The other was heated. Here one could stand it.
It was afternoon and I had nothing before. Why go actually not even a carriage? Sure, one is warned against (Abzockerei!!), But I wanted to try it. What should happen already?
First I looked on the way from hotel to Luxor Temple a couple of coaches to:
before Some poor, emaciated horses to the coaches, but sometimes also very well kept animals with patterns on the fur. The carriages themselves mostly "metallbehangen", black or dark blue shiny. But Here too there were differences: some of the coaches really looked for scrap: dirty, greasy .. others were well cleaned, guaranteed flea free ....
met after a few hundred meters I Mohammed with his 1-horsepower Ferrari in black and blue with a brown horse in front. Well, he gave me an extremely high price of transport. But we agreed on 35 pounds (about 5 €) for one hour tour of Luxor.
The trip, which now began to perceive exciting: I hiked to Luxor Temple, from between cars and pedestrians, some of it was very close. Before the temple we turned right into the city center. It went deeper in Luxor locals. We drove through streets that were sometimes only 50 cm wide, as the carriage. We reached the local market. Here, unwashed vegetables, wilted herbs, sold tons of spices, homemade toys, etc.. - A typical "non-tourist market."
hung in a butcher's a complete, honed sheep on the ceiling. The butcher ran with the severed sheep's head in his hand is behind us. I should take a picture of him with his head in his hand. I did - for 1 pound.
Then Mohammed said to me: "Now you've seen the market, now I'll show you a factory." He stopped in front of a store. I said I'm not interested. He said that his horse now needs water (the never got it!), so I got off it and was involved in seconds to a sales pitch. Since I swore constantly, actually want to buy anything, was the price for the 2 bottles of perfume with a total of 40 pounds certainly not totally inflated (even though I now think about it: sounds like a lot ... But the seller has started at 120 pounds to bargain) ..
Good, then we took the carriage next to the "bank of the Nile Street" back to the hotel. But now began the "Geldnachverhandeln" to:
first He was Nubians, so he gets Nubian pounds (= ten times) - I told him I am a Prussian, that I pay with Prussian Euros: which are 10 times compared to the € value)
second He fails in an hour, so I have to pay 3 for 2 hours
He obviously gets a good tip .....
... and more. About this (for me because it surprising) haggling, we arrived at our starting point.
I told him 60 pounds (9 Eus) had collapsed: "for 2 hours" plus "tip".
I explained to him that is all: great for the tour, as a tip, etc. The money I pressed into his hand. And wanted to get out.
He said: "And what about tips for the horse?" "And for the coach?" - I said to him, he is not my friend because he wants to deceive me ... and climbed out cursing.
After 10 meters I turned around again to photograph the coach once again, beckoned to me
Mohammed .. I waved back kindly, "Good Friend" .... We were both satisfied.
It was a great adventure.