Thursday, February 1, 2007

Exotic Mammal's For Rehoming In Uk


01.02.07 - 8th Tag Luxor and return flight,
valley of the craftsmen, Medina Habu

Today I had to get up very early. Already by 5 clock. After waiting for a breakfast at 6 clock drivers, me to Aswan had placed on me, take me to the west side. I had made 3 days in advance with him. The trip was relatively inexpensive, even if no one else was there. In the West, I bought the tickets at the tourist center. The seller told me that I was the first buyer of the day.
We drove into the valley of the craftsmen. We were the first. In the tombs there showed me the "guards" for a tip, all the corners. I would here also can take photos (even with flash) without further notice. But I would not. From the artisan tombs I have great photos in my books and the colors are to suffer by bright light. - Sure, this is so: in the temples can be seen, too in the dark corners colored reliefs. In the sun all the colors are gone. After the graves I watched the water point, the houses of artisans, their Horus temple. In the temple I was even allowed to climb (illegally) on the roof. Here we had a nice overview.
Then went the trip to Medina Habu. This is a large, well-preserved temple of Ramses III. Here is much more colorful. Many reliefs show the pharaoh victorious in the battle against the Sea Peoples. I was here all alone (if the 10 people who respect the fact that I'm stealing not gods, pharaohs and stones, do not count).
I stayed in the temple to 9 clock. Then we went (almost inevitably) to an alabaster factory. Well, I was alone .. So we had to stay there, not so long ...
clock at 9.30 we were back at the hotel. So I had plenty of time for a second breakfast.
This last trip was beautiful. I was thrilled by every day! Then I had

another 2 hours to pack, for up to 12 clock I had to leave my room. At 12 I went for a few hours at the pool, and at least wants to fill up a little sun.
against 16 clock I went into town and was approached by a seller in German: he asked me to a German text he had written to correct. It turned out that he is a teacher, who, to survive can, as a second job selling fabrics. A teacher gets only about 350 pounds per month. His apartment costs 500 pounds. Therefore he has to work as a salesman. The store will cost £ 5,000 per month, so he has to make daily sales of about 300 pounds (!!!). (If he does not pay the rent, going out as a warning light, a week later to the shop ..) - This Gelddiskrepanzen gave me but to think hard ....

Clock At 17 I was picked up, after 19 clock was the pilot. I had a great window seat. Even if it was dark, Luxor, Cairo, Hurghada on the night also great. We had a stopover in Hurghada.
Clock At 0.30 I was back in Leipzig. Sorry to take this Currently no buses, trains, etc. more. I had the choice to wait up to 5, or what I did then, to nozzles for 40 € by taxi home.
A great holiday had ended.

I've seen a lot:
7 Temple 10
grave plants at 4 different locations
4 museums with many mummies, statues, etc..
3 other sites
- a sound and light show
I have 2 Feluckenfahrten made
and Kaleschenfahrt.
I realized how the Egyptians really live (in Luxor and Elephantine)
I was about 550 km along the Nile with the bus on the road,
've flown 3 times
etc. ..
........ And I had a little time to lie by the pool.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sony Vegas Pro Unable To Connect To Server

31/01/2007 -
7th Day - Aswan to Luxor and back,
Elephantine, bus

After breakfast, around 8:30 clock I took the public ferry for 1 pound to Elephantine. I ended up where I was already 2 days have been before. Since I am now a better sense took, I was a few minutes in the historic site.
There is a museum. The old part of it (he is at least 30 to 40 years old) looks quite unattractive. But there is great mummies, sarcophagi and findings visible from the area. Everything is covered in dust, shown in old cases. Sure you have enough time to look at. At this time I was here almost all alone. The museum also has a second, more modern part with a better presentation of the findings. Here are its main "little things" such as household items, small statues, etc. shown.
After the museum I looked around on the big rig. There are several small temples from many periods, many houses from the Pharaonic period have been excavated. Currently, a German team is working on some houses.
There are also 2 Nilometer. (Most people only know the one, large, almost at the entrance of Area. But there are about 100 m further south and the smaller Horus Nilometer). Nilometer served to the height of the flooding of the Nile to determine accurately to calculate it can fail as will the harvest, how much water each farmer gets
so nice that I've even done it!

At 11 I was clock back at the hotel because I had to check out by 12 clock already. After another hour I was taken to the bus, where the trip began to Luxor. This time we were 10 people on the bus. Beside me sat a traveling alone, older man who had long lived in the Old Castle. We talked a lot about history, politics and much more. To 17 clock we were back at the Isis Hotel in Luxor. This time I had a super room on the 4th Floor with spectacular views of the Nile and the Valley of the Kings.
with my room I was really satisfied with this holiday!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hombres De Paco Online Serbia

31/01/2007 01/30/2007 01/29/2007

30.01.07 -
6th Day -
in Aswan,
Philae, Unfinished Obelisk, Hochsta

For today I had booked a ride. As I already knew I was alone with the guide and driver. That certainly has advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantage is that higher expected gratuities be. Advantages are that you are the leader has, he can ask many questions to ask him, can skip familiar with the stories and, above all, that the pace of the journey is as big as you want it yourself. First we drove
the unfinished obelisk. Past it was a huge Moslem cemetery, where you can find graves that are over 300 years. Only 2 to 3 km from the hotel's ferry is an old, fenced quarry from the Pharaonic period. The place Aswan has long developed around this quarry all around. Here you can see many traces of the age when stone blocks, obelisks, columns, etc. has broken out. This was made back then with stones, are to be harder than granite (some of which were lying around, they are black / green. But I always thought that granite is one of the hardest stones?), and wooden wedges, which can be swollen by water.
The most famous is at the quarry of course, the "unfinished obelisk of Hatshepsut. It is not clear whether he has been ordered by Hatshepsut really clear is that it must have been in roughly this time and that the obelisk would have been 42 meters, the longest that has ever been produced. But unfortunately there was a crack in the rock and thus the stone was unusable. Later they tried to cut out the long block is a smaller obelisk, but also the failed, as can be seen clearly.

drove After visiting the quarry, we continue the dam. Actually, yes there are 2 dams in Aswan: first, which was built in 1900 by the English and the famous Nasser dam. This has no concrete walls but is built up. He is about 4 km long and up to 800 m wide. By the dam, a huge lake has formed, which reaches up to 150 km in Sudan. By the lake accounts for the Nilhochwasser. The dam has both advantages and disadvantages: (?) Advantages are that nothing will be flooded, that does not happen more years of drought that the lake by up to 60% of electric energy that Egypt needs can be generated that The number of precipitation in the region increased from Aswan. The disadvantage is that the fertile Nile mud (the culture in Egypt allowed only just) does not reach the fields. The sludge accumulates in Lake Nasser. Disadvantage is that many villages of Nubians and many historic temples, tombs, facilities ... have disappeared in Lake Nasser. The disadvantage is that the insects, rats and mosquitoes that transmit serious diseases, have risen sharply.
When the lake had been moved many temples (eg Abu Simpel was set 25 m above and on the neighboring island of Philae was rebuilt), 4 stamps were given away to foreign countries. A temple was moved as by the German high-low group (?). But Germany was given a goal that I have seen in Berlin-Charlottenburg in the former Egyptian Museum.
The dam was built with Soviet engineers and Soviet money, because the World Bank to finance this project does not want to. Over 400 people died during the construction of the lake.
The view from the dam on Lake Nasser is interesting, they can see far to many small islands. Now we
went to Philae. This is a temple, which stands today on the island Agilkia. One can see from there small piles of stones, the rest of what was once the island of Philae. To get to the island only by motorboat. Of course, my guide and I had a boat to ourselves (otherwise there are always groups 20 to 30 people on it, but alone it is much more convenient.)
located on the island as the main temple is a temple of Isis (the Isis-cult has been preserved here until 300 years after Ch. Only then could the Copts, the use buildings for their own purposes. Too bad, because wherever the Copts had their church facilities, the old reliefs scraped, sanded, defaced, destroyed. Nevertheless, many beautiful murals are available.
There are also other temples, Horus, Hathor, Osiris, are dedicated to Bes .... Here, Pharaohs of the Middle Empire, Black Pharaohs, Greeks, Romans, etc. built. You can see the different types of images at different Columns etc.
went after 1 ½ hours on the island by boat and car and boat back to the hotel.
Again such a day as I had imagined before the holidays!
At 15 I went to the Clock Hotel Investors, where feluccas waiting for me. With the two ships we went down to the Nile to the tombs of nobles on the west side. These tombs are located about 100 m away from the Nile, in a mountain. Here it should give 110 graves, of which 5 or 6 are accessible.
at 15.40 I was at the ticket booth. Since it opened to me that the system includes a 16 clock. In return I got a guide who led me to two of the graves. One was for an "ivory importer ' a pharaoh of the Middle Empire created. The grave was found, therefore, images of elephants (the first time I see such animals in Egypt on walls) and pictures of the deceased, which show that he (because of an accident?) Had a broken leg and wrong are grown together.

Another very large grave with only sporadic grave decoration was created for a manager and his son. I also saw many baskets of bones and mummy parts that are not well classified. (The leader said: "What name is in the museum, which has no name, will be here ..")
I could also look into a sealed grave, where large piles of bones lying around. Suddenly
said the guide: "It is 16 clock .. now is the end" I tried to convince him to tip of further visits. But that did not work. Sure, at the entrance waiting yes even the many difficult Kalashnikov-armed guards on our grave.
Too bad it was a great investment ...
at 16.45 I was back at the hotel. Since the trip was organized by Alltours, it was quite cheap (5 € + £ 10 + entry)
the evening, I am relaxed ....
The whole day I really liked, was full of interesting things. Toll!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Roger Saying On Walkie Talkie

29/01/2007 -

5th Day -

trip - to Aswan, Feluckenfahrt, Nubian Museum

early at 6:30 we went. I had to get up for breakfast at 5:15 clock, safe empty, check out (£ 80 for drinks). Then I waited for the bus that would get me. He came on time. But the surprise: I was alone on the bus, but I wanted to go from Luxor to Aswan Isis. We went first to the assembly point. Here already were several other buses. The convoy, which should be to protect the tourists began at 7:00 clock. The route to Aswan is 280 km. In between, it takes approximately one hour, there was a stop. This could one overpriced again Stehklo to harassment of traders seem so - I did not need that. At 10:30 clock we were in Aswan. Here the Nile is very interesting, there are many small islands. Before even the first Aswan Katerakt, a long time, the natural border formed in ancient Egypt. There is also the famous Nasser high dam, which I would see the next day.
But first I wanted to hotel. The Isis Hotel Aswan Isis is on the island. There always commute large and small motor boats. The hotel is newer, nicer, larger, and the island even more interesting than Isis Luxor. It was well worth its 5 stars. I had a large room on the side wing, a sort of bungalow, close to the large pool overlooking the Nile - the Old Cataract Hotel on the island of Elephantine .. Toll! - Unfortunately I was only 2 nights here. (Where: Luxor was a nice hotel but ..) Once there, the Alltours been reported to me and I booked there for the next day a tour (but expensive!! I was alone with the "leaders" and the driver .) improved by 13 clock I went by boat to Aswan and took up the same a public ferry (which is e 2 -. the crossing is for the locals for free As a tourist, add 1 pound tip, or something ..) to the island of Elephantine. There is a large ancient Egyptian plant (See 31.1.) And a Nubian village. I wanted to go to the temples, but had caught the wrong ferry. So I wandered for nearly an hour through the village. It is very poor. We do not know where are ways to continue performing and where you come only to building entrances. There are apparently no sewage, no garbage collection, the houses are made of Nilschlammziegel and therefore see most - except for a couple on the edge, which are prepared for tourists, very dirty (dark gray, dusty, shabby, falling almost) off. Before the houses are usually seated women dressed in black. I was begging by children (the only times a week), pets run between the houses herum.Irgendwie I was glad again on a ferry (the other, which is closer to the historical system) was.
In Aswan, I was once the Nubian Museum. But that had to clock up to 17. So I looked at the large Coptic church (in Aswan, there seems to be many Copts. They recognized Coptic women because they wear a veil. And men do not "raisin"). The church was a mixture of market and a place of prayer. At the door there was a huge Nativity scene with many different figures.
ran after church I visited about a half hour on the river - where the many are Nilkreuzer. I'm always asked about "Feluckenfahrt. Here I found the best Way to go to the standing persistent calls from the road ". I did it yesterday" (. I made it yesterday) If you say that, knowing the Feluckenfahrer, taxi drivers, Kaleschenkutscher that they can make sure no business. They almost always then leave immediately friendly. "La Shukran (no thank you) more frequently is no reason to offer the services on.
Still, why should I not make Feluckenfahrt? - I agreed with one of the friendly looking "masters" in an hour, for 5 €. It's great to drive alone in the sun with a large feluccas on. The coxswain instruct you on the islands, everything of interest, one can drive myself once (goes hard - very large rudder, mainsail, strong wind). And that it completed the same journey in subsequent negotiations, as with carriage rides, one should forget the first time. (Did I save myself here .. in the end I paid for 1 ½ hours again 12 Eus. This seems to "normality" to be.)
Since it was now 17 clock, I went to the Nubian Museum. Here the development of the area from prehistoric times to today is shown. There are good pre-dynastic finds a lot of great ancient Egyptian finds (clear, with Lake Nasser so much has been flooded. There could / had to be extremely sure before hold a lot. ) I have here-the only museum may photograph officially (without flash). Therefore, I can take some pictures mummy .... There is also the trend in recent years, scenes of Nubian villages is (well yes, quite beautiful dyed), gezeigt.Als The construction of the two dams, etc. I came out of the museum, was it length 19 clock, dark and quite cold. I went back about the hotel. Such a night drive in the dark unlit boat up the Nile ... well that's interesting. The hotel was delicious supper .... The first day in Aswan was going well.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Penneys Salon Color Prices


28/01/2007 -
4. Day in Luxor - Luxor Museum
, sound and light show at Karnak

to 8.30 I have now rested. After a good breakfast I then went to the Luxor Museum. It takes about 30 minutes from the hotel.
The museum is a relatively new construction. In here you can see many unique well-preserved sculptures, panels, a Hator head of Tut's grave, many objects from ancient Egypt. I have some (eg weapons) never seen before in exhibitions.
There are many finds from the Karnak and the Luxor temple and the west side. There are also 2 Pharaonic mummies.
is certainly the best known in the Arman-style wall of the Akhenaten-time, whose parts were found in 9.Pylon of Karnak.
Equally spectacular are the sculptures exhibited here in the basement that have been found only in 1989 at the Luxor Temple in a "Cachette" (= hide).
I was in the museum for 2 hours.

Toller, interesting morning!

of 14 to 16 clock I was in the Isis hotel by the pool.

went to a nice cup of coffee is up 18 Clock Sound and Light Show at the Karnak Temple .
This temple (which I've known of 2 visits) is dedicated to Amun, was in 2000 years time and again rebuilt and extended. This is where many pharaohs immortalized. Of these, adored by the gods, from everyday life in the temple of Opet festival, etc. told them well dramatized Schow, again and again in the individual buildings, statues, etc., were brightly lit, where gods and pharaohs had their say.
was shown the place where hundreds of statues were buried, which throughout history has been shown to the end of the worship of Amun .. Much of what I knew, much that was new to me.

A great event!

talked on the way back I was with the guide. It became clear to us that my planned trip to Aswan for the following day was not organized. But "typically Egyptian" the problem was solved within minutes.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wheel Refurbishment Ann Arbor


27.01.07 -
leads west (Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut Temple, Valley of the Queens), Kaleschenfa

- day in Luxor After a good breakfast it was up 7 clock on the west side. In the van were - except the driver and the tour guide - only 5 tourists. The other 4 actually had another tour booked, as I do.

First we went to the Valley of the Kings. Still, it was still relatively early (the tourist buses from Hurghada could not be there), it was quite crowded in the valley. I really wanted to like the graves, but first, the guide told for hours of pharaohs, gods, crafts - which is what you tell all tourist Sun
The introduction took almost half an hour. Then we could finally start. I looked first at the spot where a German Team in recent months a new grave (grave no king, but at least a Mummy, what exactly is still under investigation) have found.

Then I went a little deeper into the valley to me to find three tombs, which I do not know. And I found really great tombs
  • grave of Tutmosis III (KV 34)
    To come into this grave, located in a crevice in the mountain, one must walk up a long stairway. At the top it's back in the grave down the stairs, through a small hallway and then down. Everywhere on the walls (mostly black) marks on the smooth wall. As one of the earlier Pharaohs Tutmosis the XVIII. dynasty was, I think that this time it was not customary to bring relief to the walls and colored drawings. Or the grave is not ready in time.
  • grave of Siptah (KV 34)
    The grave is only the first section completed. There are colorful paintings on the walls. The following are
    area walls "undecorated" - that is, the walls are uneven, not polished, not painted. From Siptah is known that he had a short leg (polio?) The grave is about 100 m long and is similar to many other graves
  • grave Tausert / Sethnacht
    A richly decorated Grave. In some places you can see unfinished drawings (pre-painted black, red corrected - or is it the other way around?) - Anyway, you can see how the drawings were created 3,500 years ago. Interesting!

On the way back to the minibus we were - as usual-pressed by the dealers, their postcards, statues, etc. wanted to sell souvenirs. This helped, as always, a certain "La Shukran!" (No, thank you!). I bought a postcard collection won a €.
Then it was clear to Der el-Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple)
that I had before with Kerstin 2 years already seen. But because it was very hot. Indeed, now seemed the sun, but with 25 degrees the temperature was so that one could see everything well.
I saw this time really all the "important parts" of the system:
The Hathor Chapel (where on the pillars of the Hathor-heads - Woman with cow 's ears)
the portico of Punt: this is, even if it is reconstructed great obtained only very poorly. But it was recognized but the important pictures: The Queen of Punt, the ships of Hatshepsut, exotic fish, African animals .... The birth
chapel, the divine origin of Hatshepsut "documents"
and many others.
Because we were only a few, we also had the opportunity here long, "individually" to stay in the temple.
Then there was the usual "short breaks" in one of the many alabaster workshops. Of course I did not buy it. It was already the third time that I was in such a workshop.

is interesting that the entire "grave robbers village will be demolished at the time. By the end of February here should all be dismantled. The Antiquities believed that the area "to 100 from the science still undiscovered tombs" are. It may be that you like something read in the newspapers over the next Months and years.

We drove to the Valley of the Queens.
the moment to visit only three graves here, the famous and recently reconstructed grave of Nefertari (Ramses II wife) has been a few years ago closed for tourists.

Therefore, the 3 graves (of which two sons of Ramses III), which we have seen, very colorful and interesting. In general, the late Prince (with lock of youth on the head) presented by her father to the gods.
I saw:
  • grave No. 55 of Amun-Her-Chopeschet (Ramses III's son, colorful grave, baby mummy in the corner in a display case)
  • grave No. 44 of Cha-Em-Wesset (super receive, beautiful representations of gods - I think the grave, which I liked best of all)
  • grave of Ramses (son of Ramses III, but small, get mediocre)

are in the valley are 75 (? ) graves, which are usually seen only as a "hole in the ground." Some of the graves are supposed to be "burnt out".

improved by 13 clock we were back at the hotel. The tour was good, even if you consider that I have seen the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Hatshepsut before 2 and 5 years.
And so I imagined the Egypt holiday! went
From about 13.30 bis 15.30 clock I sunbathe on the pool. I also went in the pool one I was too cold. The other was heated. Here one could stand it.

It was afternoon and I had nothing before. Why go actually not even a carriage? Sure, one is warned against (Abzockerei!!), But I wanted to try it. What should happen already?
First I looked on the way from hotel to Luxor Temple a couple of coaches to:
before Some poor, emaciated horses to the coaches, but sometimes also very well kept animals with patterns on the fur. The carriages themselves mostly "metallbehangen", black or dark blue shiny. But Here too there were differences: some of the coaches really looked for scrap: dirty, greasy .. others were well cleaned, guaranteed flea free ....

met after a few hundred meters I Mohammed with his 1-horsepower Ferrari in black and blue with a brown horse in front. Well, he gave me an extremely high price of transport. But we agreed on 35 pounds (about 5 €) for one hour tour of Luxor.

The trip, which now began to perceive exciting: I hiked to Luxor Temple, from between cars and pedestrians, some of it was very close. Before the temple we turned right into the city center. It went deeper in Luxor locals. We drove through streets that were sometimes only 50 cm wide, as the carriage. We reached the local market. Here, unwashed vegetables, wilted herbs, sold tons of spices, homemade toys, etc.. - A typical "non-tourist market."

hung in a butcher's a complete, honed sheep on the ceiling. The butcher ran with the severed sheep's head in his hand is behind us. I should take a picture of him with his head in his hand. I did - for 1 pound.

Then Mohammed said to me: "Now you've seen the market, now I'll show you a factory." He stopped in front of a store. I said I'm not interested. He said that his horse now needs water (the never got it!), so I got off it and was involved in seconds to a sales pitch. Since I swore constantly, actually want to buy anything, was the price for the 2 bottles of perfume with a total of 40 pounds certainly not totally inflated (even though I now think about it: sounds like a lot ... But the seller has started at 120 pounds to bargain) ..

Good, then we took the carriage next to the "bank of the Nile Street" back to the hotel. But now began the "Geldnachverhandeln" to:

first He was Nubians, so he gets Nubian pounds (= ten times) - I told him I am a Prussian, that I pay with Prussian Euros: which are 10 times compared to the € value)
second He fails in an hour, so I have to pay 3 for 2 hours
He obviously gets a good tip .....
... and more. About this (for me because it surprising) haggling, we arrived at our starting point.

I told him 60 pounds (9 Eus) had collapsed: "for 2 hours" plus "tip".
I explained to him that is all: great for the tour, as a tip, etc. The money I pressed into his hand. And wanted to get out.

He said: "And what about tips for the horse?" "And for the coach?" - I said to him, he is not my friend because he wants to deceive me ... and climbed out cursing.

After 10 meters I turned around again to photograph the coach once again, beckoned to me
Mohammed .. I waved back kindly, "Good Friend" .... We were both satisfied.

It was a great adventure.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Poem To Ask For Money For Baby Gift


26.01.07 -
second Day in Luxor - Luxor Temple

After a good breakfast I had to wait half an hour, because there was the introduction of Alltours tour guide. Admittance were a total of 5 people came.
What had to tell the woman sounded quite interesting, however, proved to be wrong sometimes. The dates for the trip offers they had the wrong head. For example, light show, I wanted the 1.2, it was in German but at 28.1. instead. The Tour II west side, which I was booked (at least on the day) take place. ... No matter, though was the Alltours team (especially the 3 Egyptian) always there for me. But more on that later.

After the briefing I went to the city, towards the temple. The way there - about 20 minutes was accompanied by constant-In Bulldoze by many traders. Maybe I was the type? * Lol * * * fg

At 10 clock I was in the Luxor Temple. Here I could look around me in great detail in the temple of Ramses II , Tutankhamon .. many other pharaohs were found. Amun, Min, Horus all the gods of the area were gathered. About the temple is so much reported in the books ( Opet est F and above). I found it interesting to others that are in the back of Roman modifications, for some ancient Egyptian was broken and reassembled.
By 0:30 I was in the temple.
was looking for a short break to drink water and I found the Mumifizierungsmuseum.
this I was really disappointed. Sure, the Steps of mummification were represented, there were several animal mummies (Ibis, alligator, baby alligator, cat, fish ...), there were some tools that Mumifizierungsharze were shown some sarcophagi (all 4 or 5 of the same period of similar officials in similar presentation), a few Kanaopen and only one unwrapped mummy officials. Here I would have the many types of wrapping of the mummies (from the many hundreds of years of mummification), a choice of sarcophagi from different periods, materials, etc. required. Something is so in every case in the many camps of the present Egyptian Museum.

The darkening of the intended space, the appropriate atmosphere should set up was when watching a hindrance.

went after a long walk from the pier-Nilkreuzer to the hotel and I was against 15 clock in my room. After a while I was still in the internet cafe.
That day I went to bed early.

I have seen what great! Booyah!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Changing Handlebars On 2010 Ultra


flight to Luxor - night on the town

In the morning I went to Leipzig. I was 3 hours before departure at the airport. By chance I was the first at the check-in and got a window seat in the 10th Series. Well, I was pretty upset. When I went into the Boeing 737, I wanted to chase away the couple of series 9 of their seats. But I noticed just in time. In the 10th Series, I was also better than the people in the 9th : Who had the window seat not even a window.

Oh yes, when I got on the plane, I was the last one: I've hardly noticed, but the Abfertigerin said to me, "the first shall be last" - she had recognized me .. In Luxor
were few who were picked up by Alltours. 4 or 6 for a cruise, but I for a hotel. after 10 min. I was at the Isis Hotel. There I moved into a beautiful Room, in the 2nd Floor. The only downside was that the bar was pretty close and I mitbekam therefore to 23.00 or 0.00 clock music.

The Isis Hotel is part of the Pyramisa Group, which includes eg a few Nile cruise ships and the Isis Hotel in Aswan on the Isis island, should I still see.
Hotel in Luxor Egypt has 5 stars. It is about as good as the SIVA in Hurghada, but a few years older. The crowd is very mixed. Many Asians, many Englishmen, a few (thank God only!) Russians, many Muslims, of which women are "very deeply veiled" (only eye slot) to "strapless" dress.

In general, it is interesting to see how the Muslims are dressed. And behave:

  • 3 steps behind the west-dressed men sneak deep veiled women.
  • normal-dressed men walk arm in arm with women with headscarves ..
  • women generally avoid it, to see strange men (the only exception that I saw are waitresses in the hotel / coffee).

Some men have a "raisin" on the forehead, a dark spot that occurs when you very much and pray intensely. These spots are especially me with the hotel (some of them) and noticed the well-dressed guests. / Not hardly by the simple people of Luxor and Aswan.

night on the town
After a good dinner, I headed for the Luxor Temple. Here I had seen on the outward journey, the lighting of the light show. On the banks of the Nile are everywhere
feluccas and Nile cruise ships. Everywhere one was addressed: "Felucka, Felucka" or "carriage, carriage" - Many people try to persuade one.

A boy, Omar, he is 18 years old, wanted to persuade me to make him the next day with a tour (3 islands, 100 pounds = 15 Eus - certainly a good deal for him). He did not let up, and accompanied me.

Finally, he could convince me with him to a "great Egyptian market to go. "I was not thinking of the many shops, but in a real market, which may indeed be interesting. The market should only be a few 100 meters away. He told me every few minutes. We ran through many . great local roads, half the city We walked to a Coptic Church by tourists, etc. I looked long gone, the locals saw from street to street, always poorer Finally we landed, -.. what was actually to be expected - in a huge tourist market.

I went inside. It was immediately started to negotiate on prices. Well, I bought for only 2 Eus a small papyrus image, the Mother of the Gods, which is presented as "air" (Have given the Tobias) as a gift for someone..

I wanted back then, Omar gave us a "tax collector" and paid them well. Alone, I would certainly never drove it. We agreed to meet for the next day. Since I had no desire for a ride. I did not go. Well, he was disappointed. But its price was also, I know now, totally covered. And he certainly was not the "feluccas captain," but only the keeper to the boat ....

It was an interesting evening! Class!