Very popular with collectors adventurous novels are the old Schmöker the Italian Emilio Salgari (1862-1911), among others, were published in a multivolume edition of C. Siwinna.
here one of these volumes with colorful dust jacket illustration
The bride of the pirate
Phoenix-Verlag C. Siwinna
The paperback edition (Pocket Books), the 1920s have survived the passage of time only rarely. There were more of them than is commonly supposed, and the often widespread opinion that the history of the German pocket books would begin only after the Second World War, Ernst Rowohlt releases is at least doubtful. called

Erich FRIESEN, Professor Larsen
- daughter. Roman - [1927] (109 p.) Théophile GAUTIER, The beautiful English
- . Roman - [1927] (128 p.) Paul HAIN, The spring girl
- . Roman - 1927 (125 p.) Paul HAIN, The Rose song
- . Roman - [1927] (128 p.) COURTIER W. HOFFMANN, Karl Stülpner, the bold poacher
- of the Erzgebirge. Roman people - [1927] Marie STAHL, boundlessly
- (127 S,.). Roman - [1927] (111 p.)
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