Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pinewood Derby Car Nintendo Ds

girl book with a nice cover drawing

... under the series title Werner Scholl was in the 1920s with A. Deichert in Leipzig published a series of historical novels, which are briefly introduced here. Some band numbers are not used, it must remain open at present whether these books were ever published.

Moltke, Siegfried
1.-4. One thousand in 1923 (VIII, 320 p. - 1 cover) 8 °


Wettiner hand in Vögteland. A historical novel of the 13th Century
1.-4. One thousand in 1926 (VIII, 242 p. - 2 tablets) 8 ° 1.-5. One thousand in 1925 (VIII, 376 S. - 1 fig) 8 ° Seidel, Eric 1.-4. Thousand in 1929 (V, 240 S. - 1 fig) 8 ° At Castle Tenneberg. A novel from the 16th Thüringer Century. Preface: Werner Scholl - 1-4. One thousand in 1924 (VIII, 270 p. - 1 cover) 8 ° her golden law. A historical novel of the 17th Century 1.-5. Thousand 1937 (281 p.) The country house in Eisenach. A novel from the fraternity 19. Century. 1.-6. Thousand 1928 (V, 189 p. with illustrations) The castle of Kirchberg. A historical novel from Jenas past (285 p.) {lt DNB is not associated with the series}


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5 Schrickel, Leonard
Frederick the free digestion. A historical novel of the 14th Century.

The holy law. A historical novel of the 15th Century.

Michael, Eric
Jensen, Hans

Lienhard, Friedrich
quiver, Ferdinand