Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tech Decks With Coloured Trucks


23rd February 2011
criminal charges against the Pope

The complaint includes 59 pages and is divided into "The frightening church government," "The Mean condom ban" and "The patronage of the sex crimes of the clergy."

Voices 21 7th February 2011

February 2011
votes on the outcome

will vote on the Internet, strictly speaking, a blog and on a homepage. The platform is from a retired priest Dierk Schaefer, the other from the "Association of former children in care" (PDB).

Voices , 6 18th February 2011

January 2011
slog to Strasbourg

same time distinguished from a case before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Jürgen Bever inlets, Country Representative of the former children's home in Lower Saxony, regretted that the Round Table recommends individual assistance. At the same time he announced his intention to fight on for forfeiture of "decent pension and lump sum payments," If my health permits, I go with friends the slog. We will file a lawsuit in Strasbourg. "

New Osnabruecker newspaper 16 18th January 2011

January 2011
Privacy - fear - ignorance

institutionalized children are denied access to the file often. There are several reasons. One of these is privacy. An archive may within certain limits does not hand over documents, in which there are third party data. A second reason is the fear of home support from compensation claims. A third is ignorance. The employees of today's homes, youth agencies and religious orders often do not know where the files from the past store.

The world 17 12th January 2011

December 2010
No pension victims - high hurdles

your hopes for pension victims were in vain: the planned compensation of former children's home has met with stakeholders to sharp criticism. The hurdles were too high, individual assessments, too complicated, the Association of former children in care said Saturday.

Focus 12 December 2010

4th December 2010
compensation in individual cases only

When it comes to the experts of the "Round Table home education," it is not a general compensation for abused Former inmates of children's homes provide. That is to commit the body after two years of deliberations at its last meeting at the end of the week appeared in a final report.

Spiegel online, 4 12th December 2010

November 2010
No hasty judgments

The Round Table is residential care in the final round. The victims who participate in it feel now been "cheated", but that simply was not the Christian scrapers, experts said at round table. In the conflicts between the former institutionalized children and the other participants had to "guard against hasty decisions" are.

Radio Germany, 12. 12th November 2010

November 2010
Fulda: Contact for former children in care

The Association of educational assistance in the region of Fulda, in the youth services and educational institutions in the region Fulda are represented, there is a concern that even in Fulda for former children in care "to listen and expert advice is available. This may extend the help with the inspection of files to the opportunity of a debate. Who lived as a child or young person in one of these homes and have questions about this time, or looking for a debate, can contact directly to the homes.

Fulda Info , 9 November 2010

third November 2010
Huge crash landing

If you read between the lines, listen between the words, which was and is soon clear: The Round Table residential care (RTH) is a huge lie down in December crash landing. Ursula von der Leyen laid the foundation stone for a too short runway. They reduced the budget of 950,000 € in half and made it reasonable discussion impossible. And they threw behind bombs: The first meeting had not started yet, since they already sounded through the area that they do not require any financial compensation for the victims home go out.

Voices , 2 8th November 2010

October 2010
abuse covered up

Shocking reports of abuse in children's homes in the 50s and 60s, have recently caused a stir - while authorities and experts are the grievances were already known at that time. The results of a study on the conditions in Diakonia homes in Lower Saxony, which has presented the Welfare Association on Wednesday in Hanover.

world , 7 26th October 2010

August 2010 was
Sundays two hours of "free exit"

Sunday is always the sought-after two hours of freedom. "Free Out" was the name of the great moments, were also often used as sanctions. In the 2,000-strong village Deckham we had the choice between left and right up the street down the road. No, no cinema, no shopping, no youth club, not even a train station. Instead, forests, fields, cows and an old castle frequented by pensioners with cream cakes and coffee.

Landeszeitung Schaumburg 24 12th August 2010

July 2010
Sexually deviant behavior

In its report for the Education Roundtable residential care in the 50's and 60's, under the title "education ideas in the home education of the 50s and 60s - presented standards for adequate parenting and boundaries exercised educational and institutional violence "(2010), Carola Kuhlmann is also the problem of homosexuality is discussed. was frequently in sexually deviant behavior is a heightened expression of neglect seen.

top media Berlin 12 July 2010

June 19, 2010
nap agreement and pledged

In an interim report presented in 2008 by the Bundestag convened round table home education "without contradiction that" Closed systems ... offer no protection areas, but places where physical and mental Abuse and possible in some cases, sexual violence and were not or not sufficiently prevented or punished were. "That sounds like today, but had no consequences, as has been discussed as the subject, treated themselves to government officials their agreement and promised a nap.

Cicero , May issue

17th June 2010

The inhuman treatment of children home until the 70 years, according to the Evangelical Church of Westphalia not be attributed only a few.

Westfalen-Blatt, 14 25th June 2010

May 2010
getting children in compensation?

What happened in the 1950s, 60s and 70s in the country's care home town of luck? Comments from interested parties have drawn some years ago a shocking picture of the reform school at that time: strikes and solitary confinement were, according to former children in institutions are common. Now working through the events of that time a great step has progressed: The scientific evaluation of the home document concludes that the reports of the former children in care are authentic.

NDR 19 21st May 2010

May 2010
no duty of disclosure of sexual abuse

met in Berlin on Thursday the first of three working groups of the Roundtable to abuse. One result: In the future there will be no criminal law duty to report cases of suspected sexual abuse, said Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger. They themselves had called not long ago the opposite.

Domradio 20 15th May 2010

May 2010
turbulent weeks

turbulent weeks behind Martin Rieger, CEO of the Caritas Upper Rhine, and Dieter Weiss, head pro at Juve. Once affected had reported the Badische Zeitung of abuse in children's homes in St. Fridolin Bad Säckingen and Marie forest in Rickenbach, made themselves known to them yet about a dozen other former residents with similar stories.

Badische Zeitung 15 29th May 2010

April 2010
Serious abuse?

In a children's home in Cologne at Moitzfeld it should have in the late 60s and early 70s, where cases of severe abuse. The five former residents say.

image 28 April 2010

4th April 2010
poster advertising for leaving the church

A large sign at the Biberach station is causing a stir: it promotes the exit from the Church and gives as the primary basis of the abuse scandals. Father Alfred Tönnis wants to take action against the poster and the clerk's office review legal action. Behind the poster is an initiative that is apparently close to a cult.

Schwäbische Zeitung, 3 April 2010

25th March 2010
Buy the prosecutor

In a debate full of thoughtfulness expressed the Hesse state to victims of child abuse compassion. At the same time the parliament yesterday in Wiesbaden sent a clear signal: It could give no concealment, the elucidation of the suspected cases belong in the hands of the judiciary. "Please go straight the way for the prosecution, urged Justice Minister Joerg-Uwe Hahn (FDP) to all, where a suspected child abuse or maltreatment is-known. 23rd March 2010

The world 25 March 2010

down head under water

first lock Allner in Hennef, now the children's home Pauline von Mallinckrodt in Siegburg: As also what the children's homes in the region, result in the course of public debate on abuse information and indications for Abuse that are far in the past. In order to make a clear: it is in the case of both institutions so far not sexually motivated attacks.

General Anzeiger, 23 March 2010

20th March 2010
will excuse "in the name of the people"

As a result of the consultation on the fate of children in the 50s to the 70s, the Hessian State Parliament next week officially apologize "on behalf of the people" to the victims .

NH24, 20 March 2010

19th March 2010
Alarming reports

Caritas Bonn notes go on to grievances in one of her former children's homes. They relate to the former children's home in Castle Allner Hennef. A charity spokeswoman said reports from former children in care about the conditions in the institution in an Internet blog were "alarming". 9th March 2010

Dom Radio 18 March 2010

compensate victims of abuse

Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (FDP) has a financial compensation victims of abuse in schools called as symbolic reparation.

Yahoo News, 9 March 2010

4th March 2010
Skeptical chairman

The chairman of the Round Table residential care, Antje Vollmer, has expressed skepticism over a comparable instrument to the sexual abuse of children. "I would be very careful," she said in Berlin on Thursday. They advise them to set up for each emerging Opferperspektive a round table.

Domradio , 4 March 2010 second March 2010

former home children sue

As the Essen Neue Ruhr / Neue Rhein Zeitung (NRZ) in its Friday edition reported, do former residents of the Catholic Franz Sales House in Essen sue the home . They were abused in the 50s and 60s, imprisoned and in some cases been sexually abused. "We want a public recognition of our suffering, and compensation," said Rolf-Michael Decker of the NRZ.

Press Portal 25 February 2010

24th February 2010 should
Researchers investigate fate of children in care-

scientists at the University of Göttingen study commissioned by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, the fate of the children's home in Lower Saxony between 1949 and 1975. The working group residential care in Hanover, to work on the former home and children, had developed to a questionnaire, a spokesman for the Ministry of Social Affairs said on Tuesday the epd.

epd 23 February 2010

23rd February 2010
abuse - and no end?

A former children's home in the district of Biberach in Oggelsbeuren will be affected by the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

Donau3 22 21st February 2010

February 2010

Pinneberger home residents experienced an ordeal. Beatings, hard labor and sexual abuse the boys had to endure in the hospital on Haidkamp. The adult males have processed the experiences are still difficult.

Hamburger Abendblatt 20 19th February 2010

February 2010
trauma teachers at the Round Table

The federal task force trauma education has noted with great interest the interim report of the Round Table residential child of the 50s and 60s "note. As a trade association for the concerns of traumatized children and adults are the main field of work, we support the efforts of political and social, organizational, formerly and now responsible institutions, then those affected and to this day to come to the experience of suffering people first recognition and adequate support to . let

fair news 19 6th February 2010

February 2010
unimaginable conditions

"The Conditions I found there were unimaginable. After recording, I have been without a doctor had examined me, administered sedatives. Housed I was, like everyone else, in a single cell with whitewashed walls. There was a bed, a chair, a tin bowl for washing and toilet served as a children's eight-pot. The windows were closed and there was only a small possibility of ventilation of 20 x 10 cm. The cell door had no handle from the inside and there was no bell for emergencies. "Eleonore 57 Fletcher writes and how many other people down, their experiences on the website

time Jung, 5 February 2010

19. January 2010
story home to be worked up

The Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart wants to residential care in the fifties and sixties can be investigated in Catholic children's and youth homes in Württemberg. A study to document the history of the diocese was at the Stuttgart Institute of Applied Social Sciences (IFAS) commissioned the Caritas of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart in Stuttgart said on Tuesday.

Ad hoc News 19 13th January 2010

January 2010
long list of offenses

psychological terror, forced labor, physical abuse and sexual Abuse: The list of offenses against children in state institutions, such as in church is the 50's to 70 years. For the first time publicly, the allegations in May 2004 after a meeting of the Community interest of abused and exploited children in care.

Kölner Stadt Anzeiger 11 13th January 2010

January 2010
hotline for abused

former resident, who suffered in Catholic institutions of post-war physical or emotional suffering, can now accept help the church to complete. The German Bishops' Conference announced on Monday in Cologne launched a hotline for abused children in their life history report and advice can be therapeutic.

The world 11 January 2010

third January 2010
travel to the worst homes

a journey of the body by the worst known homes contributed to the Enlightenment. The courage of the victims to confess to their home until now often concealed biography is everywhere grown significantly. Also, the SPD politician and long-time Commissioner of the Federal Government for the German-American relations, Karsten Voigt, described the committee his home in Hamburg. Vollmer praises the "we-feeling" at the Round Table, and that all "as if on tiptoe," in the talks had gone. With great mutual respect.

Main-Post, 28 27th December 2009

December 2009
Torgau: Compensation for former children in care

young people who were in Torgau, are now rehabilitated and compensated. It is different with the many open youth work farms and special children's homes in the GDR.

Free word 21 December 2009

third December 2009
Bußaufruf to churches

In Breastfeeding is Dierk Schaefer, former director of studies at the Academy Bad Boll, has been a lawyer for former children in care. Now he goes to the public - with a Bußaufruf to the churches.

Südwestpresse , 3 December 2009

18th November 2009
"children's prison" is not mentioned

"Children in prison with hard labor." This is how Eckhardt Kowalke the home where he spent 40 years ago a hard time: in the sanctuary Diepholzer Moor. In the 1950s and 1960s was one of the most notorious sanctuary care homes after the war. However, the device takes place in an interim report by two scientists in Bochum on educational practice in religious homes in the 1950s and 1960s no mention.

New Osnabruecker newspaper 18 November 2009

second November 2009
Important meeting for Archbishop

The chairman of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch is met for a conversation with five former home children. "It was an important meeting in a trusting atmosphere that I was very moved," the Archbishop of Freiburg, said in Bonn on Thursday.

Domradio , 2 30th November 2009

October 2009
Diet: More tears flow again

Read here

29th October 2009
former home children are angry

Under former home children who suffered who in the 1950s and 1960s in church and state institutions under voluntary and humiliation continued dissatisfaction with the investigation of the criticized as scandalous conditions by Lower Saxony.

New Osnabruecker newspaper 26 13th October 2009

October 2009
Holzen children's home: head-down into a pit latrine

The report

12th October 2009
murder in the horror home?

The facts: In the 700-soul village wood (district Holzminden) has it from 1955 to 1972 at the Greitberg a children's home inside the mission and thus given the Evangelical-Lutheran state church.

Commissioner Internet, 12 11th October 2009

October 2009
Rough times

One may push the time. It was rough, the harsh tone. Is apologize to ensure that all suffering? With outstretched hand chased teachers to their students fear one. Harmonious it was not necessarily in church institutions.

TLZ 11 14th October 2009

September 2009
compensation package possible?

The Chair of the Roundtable, Antje Vollmer said after the two-day meeting in Berlin on Wednesday, possible compensation should not mean that other groups of victims were snubbed. Also wanted to find out the round table, whether lump-sum compensation are possible. There, the question of whether former resident, who were in certain particularly repressive institutions could be compensated without further investigation. 10 20th September 2009

August 2009
Archbishop speaks to ex-pequeños

The chairman of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch is met for a conversation with five former home children. "It was an important meeting in a trusting atmosphere that I was very moved," the Archbishop of Freiburg, said in Bonn on Thursday.

Domradio 20 19th August 2009

August 2009
will be broken

Wolfgang Schnick man can not forget. Also, the plate is not: "Here," was read out, "Lions and tigers are tamed - and you are one of them." For nine years, certain his everyday life, which were threatening these words: He who does not spurt will be punished. An own will is to be broken, especially there to. With any means, without regard to the fragility of children's souls and bodies of children.

Frankfurter Rundschau 19 17th August 2009

August 2009
injunction rejected

On Thursday 13 August show, the judges of the Court of Appeal in Berlin from a request of the Association for a preliminary injunction, which the children in association wanted to force a participation of its lawyers at the round table. By court order, the round table to continue his work.

Domradio 13 16th August 2009

August 2009
terrible practice

They were forced her vomit eat, undress in front of the kitchen girl or to wear the wetted straw sleeping bag: Former home of children report the terrible practice of war. Slow break to the trauma.

The West 16 August 2009

second August 2009
shock for federal

forced labor and mistreatment of children in the 50s and 60s in institutions of the Catholic and Protestant churches. This news shocked a few years ago the German Bundestag.

Frankfurter Rundschau 31 19th July 2009

July 2009
home gets name of a victim

a children's home, to be built near the former Johanna-Helene-Heim, is named after Marianne Behr.

The now 59-year-old is one of the children who are victims of abuse in the immediate postwar period in the Johanna-Helene-Heim, and often still suffering from the consequences.

The West 17 13th July 2009

July 2009
Hell on Earth

Bremen's Office of Social Services has been reporting for several months, a telephone, the former home offers children the opportunity to tell their experience of what it was in the 50s, 60s and 70s. To date, 25 Bremer reported that under sometimes brutal conditions in homes had to be large. What human dramas played out is not always a mystery, as many home educators of that time were like.

Radio Bremen 13 15th July 2009

June 2009
abuse of traumatized victims

Vollmer wife is breaking her word to the Association of former children in care. It is documented that it exempts the club Vollmer, whom he sent to RT. Vollmer ignored constitutional principles behavior and abuse a handful of traumatized victims for their goals on the evening of her career.

press release, 14 10th June 2009

June 2009
children in care should be compensated

is now scientifically proven fact that in German children's homes in the 50's and 60's, beatings, forced labor and brutal methods of education systematically prevailed. And sexual assaults were not uncommon. A round table of government for the Study of Education advises home now has a redress.

world 10 5th June 2009

June 2009
now online

The debate about residential child of the 50s and 60s to occupy the public for several years. This involves working through the sometimes problematic residential care practice in the 1950s and 1960s in the old Federal Republic.

The Round Table

first June 2009
Breathtaking orphanage stories

Holzen (Landkreis Holzminden) and Dalheim (Heinsberg): small areas on the map in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, but the home stories, Heinz-Peter Tjaden in his recent book " Two cases of Commissioner tells Internet "are breathtaking, the trail continues.

press release, 1 31st June 2009

May 2009
endless story children's home "Giant Mountains" in wood?

children's home "Giant Mountains" in Wood (district Holzminden) and no end? The prosecution Hildesheim on 5 February 2009, a trial for an alleged murder in this institution, which was operated until 1974 by the Inner Mission of the Evangelical Church of Hanover set. Justification of the prosecutor: The murder suspect had not been confirmed, all other offenses were barred.

Continue here

18th May 2009
Diakonia chief Kott apologized to

Hannover / Bielefeld (epd / kb). Diakonia-president Klaus-Dieter Kott apologized on behalf of his institution for the abuse of children in the 50s to 70s. "I regret deeply what happened then, on behalf of Diakonia, "said Kott, president of the diaconal work of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Kott was the first scientific investigation, the fate of children in institutions in deacons in the early years of the Federal Republic.

New Westphalian , 18 May 2009

May 8, 2009
Rise of the children in

In Schleswig-Holstein Glückstadt did 40 years ago to a rebellion against a residential care system, which was still in the tradition of the Nazi era.

Friday, 8 May 2009 4 May 2009

Ontario: No Round Table at the country level

The churches reject a round table for the processing of the fate of abused children in care at the country level. It was not clear whether such a body could be helpful to the Round Table in Berlin also said Christoph Kunkel, director of the diaconal work on Monday during a hearing of the SPD parliamentary group in Hannover.

29th April 2009
terrible time in Wittekindshof

The allegations, which Hildegard Neumann brings to the table, weigh heavy. It must have been a terrible time they had as a young girl in Wittekindshof. Time and again strikes, again and again and again sedative imprisoned in the so-called reflection little room with no windows high up under the roof.

Minden Tageblatt, 27 20th April 2009

Could April 2009
disturbing story parroted

simply act as if we had not 2009, but - say - five years earlier, which could not write anything about this movie: Finally someone breaks the taboo. Finally someone tells the disturbing stories of children who are abused systematically in the children's homes after the war, broken and were exploited. In the spring of 2009 can be said, however, no longer the best will in as: Aha! Another film that the disturbing story of former children in parrots.

Found taz

16th April 2009
SPD convene hearing on

In principle, all parties in Parliament agree: the fate of children in the 1950s and 1960s "is one of the darkest chapter of German children and youth," the SPD politician Uwe Schwarz. Consistent Party and government officials have requested clarification in Parliament in February. But since then it is preceded not quite know why the SPD, which is pushing for a round table for Lower Saxony, now a hearing for the 4th May has scheduled. Yesterday, The invitations have been sent: "We want the issue on the ball, it must go on," says the SPD.

New Osnabruecker newspaper 15 9th April 2009

April 2009
shocking atrocities

Some describe in letters to the editor "wonderful memories" of the children's home Stapf. Of sadism and shocking atrocities on the other hand reported five affected in the late 50s and early 60s in a Catholic home were.

Nürnberger Nachrichten, 9 6th April 2008

April 2009
back pain

hear in dreams, they sometimes the breaking of the stick. Then the pain is back again: the burning welts on his back, blood shot swelling in small children's hands.

tz , 5 31st April 2009

March 2009
goes much under the skin

The many individual stories and the reports of those affected have such influence in their own personal abuse, psychological abuse and bullying the further life to this day. What have reported that children in care was already much under the skin.

Westfälische Nachrichten , Three questions for ...

27th March 2009
even worse

unloving Deaconess, a teacher, Wife beaters, abused children - it was all that bad, described as in the "Volmarsteiner Declaration" of 2006, but much worse.

The West 27 20th March 2009

March 2009
detachment and lack of commitment

It was long ago. 35 years in the case of the Wiesbaden designer Monika Siebert *. But the life of the now 52-year-old is still under the spell of those early years, they had to spend in a religious home run in Niddatal-Ilbenstadt. Detachment and lack of commitment, she says in retrospect, shaped their lives and their relationships.

Wiesbaden Courier 19 17th March 2009

March 2009
Professor A roundtable

A round table is to shed light on this dark chapter now. As the only scientist of Professor Christian Koblenz scraper sits at the round table.

Rhein-Zeitung, 17 5th March 2009

March 2009
memory lapses

close In the workup of children in care fates of the postwar period Minden is no white spot on the map. Six of facilities at this time recorded the Municipal Archives Minden. For years, stakeholders are looking at the successors to data on their crumbling biographies. And in two facilities, it should have come to violations.

Minden Tagblatt , 5 4th March 2009

March 2009
So sad, no one should be spent

Marianne Doering in the 50 years of her childhood in a religious home. For the rest of life, she vowed: "No man should be as sad as I was." Former children's home are now demanding compensation for the injustice they suffered.

Rheinische Post, 4 3rd March 2009

March 2009
beaten - abused - beaten humiliated

insulted, humiliated - more than half Million children were abused in German homes until the 1970s. Now operates a round table on the fate of those affected. The ex-Vice President Bundestag Antje Vollmer and theologian (Green) mediates between victims and perpetrators. January Rößmann talked to the native Lübbeckerin.

Neue Westfälische , 3 28th March 2009

February 2009
may still great shame

The neighbors know it, not even the former work colleagues. The shame is too great, still, decades later. "The fact that I was in such an institution," says the now 74-year-old living in Augsburg. Then breaks the Voice, his eyes fill with tears. His name he wants, only the family knows about his past decision. "He will not release until today," said his wife and puts her hand on his.

Augsburger Allgemeine 27 26th February 2009

February 2009
Locked in a room with coffins

of seven-year-old Monika Denger entered the Protestant Children's Home Zoar in Rockenhausen and lived there cruel things: She was beaten by the home staff, humiliated and had in the hospital as a nursing assistant and in the kitchen hard . work The "punishment", she was in a room imprisoned, were in the coffins.

epd Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland

17th February 2009
dispute is unavoidable

Imprisoned, tortured, humiliated, more than half a million children were in West Germany in church and state reform schools. Now is a commission work up the action. Dispute over compensation payments can hardly ignore it.

mirror 17 15th February 2009

February 2009
sticking point was compensation

The Roundtable no tribunal, Vollmer emphasized in an interview with Reuters. Rather, we have the "ambition to become a Come to consensus. This should be in the context of time, but also a response to those affected included. It would "discuss outcome." Crux of the negotiations is the question of whether there is financial compensation for those affected.

line 1, 14 13th February 2009

February 2009
Diakonia wants reconciliation

Diakonia Württemberg is working on a dark chapter in its history: That of emotional coldness and physical violence dominated education in institutions of Diakonia in the 50s and 60s, illuminated by the example of a device in Ludwigsburg example. In this case, is the agency of the Evangelical Church not only in theory, but also deals in personal terms with the past.

Mannheimer Morgen, 13 10th February 2009

The first meeting in February 2009

occurs after intense wrangling in the run next Tuesday (17 2) in the Bundestag, the first meeting of the Round Table Children's Home. " He will clarify the fate of hundreds of thousands who were exposed as children in the 50's and 60's in boarding schools of the old Federal Republic of often considerable harassment and abuse.

Saarbrücken Zeitung, 10 4th February 2009

February 2009
Wolfgang Focke wants compensation

Wolfgang Focke does not have much time. Almost seven hours he spent in Berlin. Four of them have already passed. His conversation with the politician he has already passed. This morning at about eight he is in Lower Saxony Bad Pyrmont increased in the train. Has its green Pappmappe with the collected files packed in the bag and takes off. 103 euros he paid for the ticket to Berlin, which is a third of his pension. Still, he has made the trip.

taz , 4 28th February 2009

January 2009
compensation package solution

desired According to the Greens in the Bundestag Petitions Committee chairman, Josef Winkler, took it to the institutionalization of children and adolescents in the 50's and 60's to massive human rights violations. He would have a lump sum compensation solution is desired for the victims, said. A round table is now to accelerate the processing of cases.

Germany Radio

27th January 2009
Mixed signals

scores of children in postwar Germany were abused in institutions while wards of the state well into the 1970s. They now want an apology and compensation. But the government is sending mixed signals.

German wave

25th January 2009
800 000 files of former Institutionalized children

files of about 800,000 former home children of the postwar period are available. They bear witness to the crime, listen to how the pupils were forced to do heavy work without receiving wages and without payments to the pension funds. Today, many of them live in abject poverty.

ZDF magazine "Mona Lisa", 25 26th January 2009

November 2008
Round Table as a "little truth commission"

"Why was this to me? Why have I been locked up for 17 years? "These questions are hard on the lips of the child's former home Suckert Richard. The Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag has today announced the formation a round table decided that the Chairman is a former member of the Bundestag Antje Vollmer, but she got praise from the Bundestag President Norbert Lammert: ". This is a difficult task"

At a public meeting of the Petitions Committee, former home children reported sexullen abuse, forced labor and human rights violations they talked about a "dark chapter of German social history." The denial of education is a human rights violation.

has the experience and Wolfgang Focke in North Rhine-Westphalia children's home: "The reading I've taught myself. I still can not write. " They had their youth "broken and dismembered his soul."

His statement he read from a sheet of paper, the Petitions Committee, urging the formation of a fund, should pay into the carrier and all affected facilities, churches, companies that have benefited children in care work, and the state. Each former foster child stand for pain and an additional payment to top up pensions to low.

Over two years, the Petitions Committee with the theme "black pedagogy" deals in children's homes during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, called the Bundestag President so "angry" that it took so long I, Antje Vollmer classifies the Round Table as a "little truth commission", which are now four steps needed: 1 Those concerned listen carefully, 2nd The then-home education and compare lane, 3 Working with scientists and 4 Draw up proposals.

For Richard Suckert is clear: "We do not need to lie, we tell the truth.."

4th December 2008
press release of the Green

satisfaction shows the Alliance 90/The Greens today's decision by the German Bundestag, has happened in the injustice and suffering that children and young people in care 1945-1970, recognizes and is deeply regretted.

"this," says the social policy officer of Alliance 90/The Greens, Kordula Schulz-ash, "is done with the round table was a big step to make the children home to part belated justice. The recognition of this suffering and injustice is an important signal to the victim, his into society and to the carriers and carriers of the former homes. "

was in a petition of former children in care to the Bundestag President had been reported mental and physical abuse. They described elaborate systems of fines and reported continuous monitoring around the clock. The education was in favor of work assignments neglected and the work done or not paid only to a limited extent. The instruction in the homes were often, giving reasons such as loafing, neglect or moral Herumtreiberei due to denunciation. The historical research was a long time in coming and still far from complete.

"Hesse has played in the workup of this suffering and injustice an important pioneering role. The national charity has already been on 5 April 2006 apologized to the children in institutions and therefore nationwide attention achieved. This excuse has greatly contributed to that other home sources strongly have dealt with their own dark history, "says Kordula Schulz-ash determined.

7th December 2008
brutal methods as a system

A round table is to work up the abuses at home children between 1949 and 1975. The brutal methods had system to report educators

Welt am Sonntag, 7 15th December 2008

December 2008
The suffering of the children of Glückstadt

beatings, abuse, sadism - which was up in the 70s everyday life for many children in care will now be worked up nationwide - so it was decided by the parliament earlier this month. In Schleswig-Holstein it is already ahead. The federal level have convened a round table under the direction of the youth and family ministry, it is already there.

Tagesspiegel, 15 16th December 2008

December 2008
Roundtable in January 2009

with a round table under the leadership of former Vice-President Bundestag Antje Vollmer will inform the Committee on Petitions of the 1945-1970 past suffering of more than 200 000 children in institutions. The Roundtable for the Reappraisal of home education in Germany is expected at the German Association for Public and Private Welfare are located. The social policy of the CDU Schiewerling Karl said Monday in Berlin. He believes that the round table will set up in January and then start work.

The world 16 20th December 2008

December 2008
Ontario: Minister is shaken

former home children who have been abused until the 70-year-in, should get professional help. "We are currently reviewing how we are for those who so wish may offer psychological support," said the Minister of Social Affairs in Lower Saxony, Mechthild Ross-Luttmann (CDU) in Hanover on Friday. "I was very shocked by the reports. I can not imagine that such a thing was possible," she said. "As a first step, we already have a Hotline set up in which all stakeholders can speak of the soul. "

Hamburger Abendblatt 20 December, 2008 December 26, 2008

backbone broken

The Bundestag is establishing a round table," small truth commission "as he calls the president Antje Vollmer. He will talk about the children in care between the war and 1970" degrading punishment, arbitrary detention and complete incapacitation "exposed." The injuries of body and soul are till today " says the SPD deputy Gabriele release pitcher-Möller.

was in Brunswick land, a Study, have been abused in church shelters a child. The study further says that beatings were common, and three or four people said they had been the backbone broken.

second January 2009
more new forms of abuse

In the studies about the conditions in Protestant children's homes in Lower Saxony in the 50s and 70s are always new forms of abuse to light. Example, would have children who were forced to eat, must eat the vomit of them, "said the Commissioner of the diaconal work of the Hanoverian Church, Hans Bauer, in an interview with the New Osnabrück Newspaper (Tuesday edition). They were beaten, humiliated and abused have been. He was repeatedly shocked by the incidents

epd , 2 January 2009

third January 2009
hidden injustice

It is hidden wrong, and it was not long ago. 200 000 children and young people living in the 50s and 60s respectively while in closed homes in the old Federal Republic, over a million total it should have been. They are all now 50 or 60 years old, and many have experienced traumatic things: abuse, incarceration, forced labor, sexual abuse, immobilization with drugs and harassment.

Pfälzischer Mercury , 3 7th January 2009

January 2009
From a press release of the German Bundestag

If you ask the committee chair after the petition was in the Committee in 2008, intense claimed, it is the answer is not difficult: "No petition has us as busy as the fate of former children in care in the Federal Republic in the period between 1945 and 1970. "

time was done in children's education and children's homes psychological and physical violence, they also had to perform forced labor. Thanks to the commitment of stakeholders and the work of the committee now, a round table will be set up to work up the the experienced injustice.

10th are new in January 2009
dispute over compensation

order passed by the Bundestag the round table on the fate of former children's home in Germany, new controversy. The "Association of former children in care" (PDB) threw the lead at the round table in front of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, differ in several respects from the resolutions of the Bundestag Petitions Committee to do. Thus the objective is endangered with analyzing the history of home education in Germany and to recognize the suffering of the victims.

world 10 12th January 2009

January 2009
Compensation Fund No

on federal and state governments could face compensation claims worth billions of ex-institutionalized children in Germany. But Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) seems to be a debate on these claims already to want to prevent in advance. In a letter to present the taz Berlin's senator for education, Jürgen Zöllner (SPD), she writes: "The establishment of a national compensation fund is not intended by the Bundestag and Federal Government."

taz 12 12th January 2009

January 2009
Committee members criticized plans

also members of the Bundestag's Petitions Committee, which for the Concerns of the pupils had made strong home, criticized the plans. He was "disappointed and angry" that the family had changed the recommendation of the Minister of Parliament "on its own at significant points," said Greens MP Josef Winkler FR. The SPD Committee chairwoman Gabriele release pitcher-Möller demanded: "The proposals need work."

Frankfurter Rundschau 12 14th January 2009

January 2009
Time and again 15th in negative headlines

Castle Dilborn

January 2009
Regional Bishop ashamed

The Regional Bishop of Hanover, Margot Kaessmann, has apologized for the abuse of children and young people in care of the Evangelical Church. In the program "People and
headlines" in the NDR television, she said: "I can say publicly that I apologize, but I would say more than that, I am ashamed that in our homes such a thing has taken place and
children were really broken in their will and their dignity was so hurt. "

22nd January 2009
light on

2004 founded the "Association of former children in care" in Germany, and addressed to the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag. Since 2006, this deals with the problem children in care, listening to stakeholders and decided unanimously in November last year: A round table led by Antje Vollmer is to bring light into the darkness of the German offense.

Germany radio, 22 January 2009


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