Friday, February 18, 2011

Swollen Knuckles For 2 Months

Franz von Seeburg - The Nightingale's Mark Ensslin

[no byline]
Albert Frank's journey around the world in 72 days or interesting and gallant adventures of a man of the world in pursuit of a million.
novel from the present, written on the basis of Albert Frank's diary and his companion
  • first and 2 Band in two volumes. Volkslitteratur and publisher of Art Another old Kolportagroman, probably originally in 100 books, each with 24 pages published. To the content. "Journey from Hamburg to Constantinople, India, Indochina, China, USA, returned to Hamburg Suggestion for not printing these author was probably Jules Verne's" Around the World in 80 Days' Of course you need a German 8th days less than the British 20 years before Phileas Fogg. For this experience, the German hair resist more adventures. " (According to website) More about trash in a previous blog entry:


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