Saturday, March 20, 2010

Trailer Tires Load Range D

Pestalozzi Foundation II

20th March 2010
dealing openly with the past

"We are confident that we now offer not only a publicly recognized and professional youth services, but also make a lot of exemplary," says Pastor Andreas Seifert, since the summer of 1984 the Board Pestalozzi Foundation in Burg must Wedel and in three months in retirement. In this work if no "bad light", so must be dealt openly with the past.

This past include the experiences described in this blog of Michael B., who lived from 1978 to 1982 in Wichernhaus the Pestalozzi Foundation, reports of beatings and sexual overtures by the then head home. Andreas Seifert recalls, "This home manager, I have met and soon dismissed for various offenses." These transgressions would, however, did not relate to attempted sexual abuse. Rather, the former national director had stuck with the young people of his group under a blanket, the police found stolen goods in his room.

Around 30 alumni, Andreas Seifert have to grow within the past two years at the Pestalozzi Foundation Burgwedel reported: "Most were only in inspecting the file." Six alumni have made allegations, Michael B. is the seventh man. "We also have three former staff reports with charges that exceed the reports of the former children and adolescents," said Andreas Seifert, who adds: ". Refer all allegations to beatings and punishments and humiliating and degrading educational measures"

Yet he would not cast doubt on the accounts of Michael login as: "What he reported, we have noted with dismay There is no reason to deny these statements, or to qualify.." The

do you along with the current investigations of the Diaconal work on the history of residential care from 1945 to 1978 not: "In these days of an interim report because we have a good archive, many negative examples are mentioned in our foundation.."

evaluates Never Andreas Seifert as a compliment that determination of a former "I was in three homes When you first because it was the least bad..." And as is true for Michael, "We look forward to hearing from him directly yet."


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