round table dialogue with
15th December 2008
Dr. Antje Vollmer
Vice President of the German Bundestag D.
Platz der Republik 1 11011 Berlin
Mr. Heinz-Peter Tjaden
Krumme Straße 1 26384 Wilhelmshaven
15th December 2008
Dear Mr. Tjaden,
I am writing to let you know immediately that I have read your letter and ask you all what you find important for the committee's work from your own experience, send me.
would secure it by far exceed my possibilities of finding in each case a good solution. But the exporters concerned with open ears to listen, is the first step, we are committed. This round table will begin once all the institutions that will participate, their representatives have nominated. I hope that this will be quite early in the year 2009 will be possible and thank you for your interest.
Dear Dr. Vollmer,
"They witnessed brutal violence", the "Neue Westfälische on 3 March 2009 interview, reprinted with you. Reference is made to bad conditions in children's homes "well into the 1970s." This also deals in December last year set up "round table" of the German Bundestag. Their task "Passing on perpetrators and victims" taken between. In a letter dated
15th December 2008 she asked me to send you information that I think are important. As you know, I am working for over a year as an editor with this issue.
it must be particularly alarming to the early 1970s, received in a children's home that has been in wood (Landkreis Holzminden). But all the victims, that said a colleague and I were talking, that they do without compensation. Reason: "What has impressed us the church, no one can make good."
That to me is further evidence of how difficult will be the work-up. But it could still be difficult. Because abuse and sexual abuse, there has been apparently in the 1980s. It is about a boarding school that there was until 1987 the castle Eringerfeld.
The internet address even the name of the alleged torturer. I hope that you also use such sources. I know you to:
16th March 2009
Dear Mr. Tjaden ,
thank you for sending your mail, and the reference to the home of wood. extend your suggestion, the theme of the Round Table (on the time of the 80 years) is very understandable and important, but unfortunately has been the subject of the Petitions Committee, as specified.
But I can also assure us now reached such a flood of letters and suggestions that we are not a wider issue could cope. It could not be done well. We sincerely ask for understanding.
13th Sincerely
Antje Vollmer
January 2010
mail from El Salvador
Dear Mr. Tjaden,
as I could read on the Internet, was established some time ago, a "Round Table" under the direction of Mrs. Dr. Vollmer, of the partially unimaginable "treatment" in to investigate Catholic homes.
I myself, born in 46, male, belongs to the group the long-suffering. First raised in the Episcopal orphanage at Paderborn and later in a home of the "Sisters of Charity" in Höxter. Not only inhuman "punishments" are often the norm, but also sexual abuse, with the sisters have acted in my view, often worse than the priests. I own the mid-90s visited the orphanage in Paderborn. There was communicated with, however, that all documents were destroyed.
Unfortunately I can not web-mail address of the "Round Table" section. I would Grateful if you could send me this.
Peter Schild
Sonsonate El Salvador
. PS: You may also like to forward this mail immediately to the appropriate institution.
Antje Vollmer got this mail from me. - Tj -
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