John L. Becker
My name is John Lambert Beckers from Mönchengladbach
I was 18 years in four homes:
St. Joseph Monastery in Dalheim-Rödgen 1956 - 1961
Order of Cellites to 1958
Sisters of Charity 1958-1961
The water tower
41844 Wegberg / Dalheim-Rödgen
Children's Village St. Joseph in Dalheim-Rödgen 1961-1970
Nuns Dominican Sisters of Bethany
41844 Wegberg / Dalheim-Rödgen
Hermann Josef House 1970 - 1971
nuns of the Congregation of the Salvatorian
Urfttalstr. 41 53 925
Kall-Urft / Eifel
training home "Abtshof Rheinische Hennef Geistingen 1971-1974
educators of the country's youth center LVR
Abtshof in Hennef / Sieg
Schulstr. 38 53773 Hennef
abuse that I learned in the homes:
hospitalism, eat shock, hangers, shoes, canes, moldy need injections in the back against bed-wetting, deprivation of liberty by day-long confinement, mental torture, educational neglect, supervision violations, humiliation, toxic forced labor with nitro spray, face shots, ears turning, forced proselytization, post embezzlement, disfigurement through scarring.
reasons of assets:
their suffering and the loss of human dignity have left consequential damages, such as 30 years of pain in body and soul, which prevented that I could live a normal life in society. The complications introduced inability to work.
loss of mother love, lack of socialization, loss of my brother by killing children in front of the home, loss of my parents by authorities. Loss of my grandparents for me and my children by authorities. War loss of my parents, failed escape attempts, suppressed (prevented) adoption.
My requirements:
punishment of the perpetrators,
apology from the county youth office
apology from the Church and the Order
pension payment for forced labor,
compensation per year in the children's home,
compensation for inflicted diseases
compensation for non- Amount of income.
Quantify the damage I can not, but it takes victims advocates for human rights.
forwarded via email to Dr. Antje Vollmer on 17 December 2008
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