Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pokemon Diglett Specs


27th November 2008
Open Letter

Dear Dr. Vollmer,

the Petitions Committee of the German parliament decided yesterday after two years of employment with the theme, the formation of a round table, you are the patron and have for the future work, four steps mentioned. The first is to listen to the former home children closely.

do I as an editor for over one year. At that time me a criminal complaint of the Aachen Public Prosecutor against eleven former home children fluttered to the desk. They were accused of the attempted fraud. Behind this is a Catholic order who is willing to date not even an apology to former children in institutions. With this complaint the prosecution suffered a belly landing.

The third major criminal division of the District Court of Aachen, chaired by Judge Wilke reviewed each case and concluded that some portrayals of former children in care may be exaggerated, but there was so much time has passed that a sound check was no longer possible. Of the charge of attempted fraud were the eleven Institutionalized children, free. The cost of the procedure was the taxpayers.

As I dealt with this case, I first came into the experience that my questions probably disappeared in some trash. This should remain so. End of 2007, I got a 31-page petition to the European Parliament. It was about a girl who has lived for over four years in a children's home. The parents of Moenchengladbach have since desperately tried to get her child back.

refused the mayor of Moenchengladbach a call, the facility where the girl lives, sent me from pillar to post, the CSU Bundestag Dorothee Baer promised indeed help, but then they stopped responding. Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen, paid tribute to me in a personal letter of respect that I wanted to send you further information, I got my mail returned unread. When I more deeply so, a wall of silence has been erected.

These parents from Mönchengladbach have now prevailed before the Higher Regional Court in Dusseldorf, which is once again almost half a year ago. The girl is still in this home ...

beginning of the month I spent a few days in felling trees in Holzminden. There were 1955 to 1972 a children's home, that occurred in the so-terrible things you need to grasp that they are hardly noticeable. I won the trust of former children in care, a colleague took me on a train. This sentence of a former child home was typical: "I do not want money from the church. What I have done, can never do again. "

It was a Sunday in October this year, when I called a former foster child. This caller is now 68 years old. But he still suffers from insomnia. If he closes his eyes, he told me he still sees the teacher in front of him, which tormented him at that time.

between, there are speeches. In Lower Saxony, now do a study on children's homes at that time. Now I have been addressed to a specific case. When I wrote to the Bishop Dr Käßmann, was what always happened: There was no answer. Responded

me, however, has the charity. The Berlin office assured me in June 2008 that any of my questions will be answered. I must have probably taken too literally ...

Dear Ms. Vollmer, as the Committee on Petitions of the German Parliament has made the issue public, I make this letter public. You might even throw a look at my pages http://kinderinheimen.blogspot.com. There you will find information in abundance. In addition, there is of me in the brochure "evil evil children enter clinics," published by http://stores.lulu.com/hwilmers.

I'm not incidentally, grew up in a home, but in a large family ...

Dr. Antje Volmer
Vice President of the German Bundestag D.
Platz der Republik 1 11011 Berlin

Mr. Heinz-Peter Tjaden
Krumme Straße 1 26384 Wilhelmshaven

15th December 2008

Dear Mr. Tjaden,

I am writing to let you know immediately that I have read your letter and ask you all what you find important for the committee's work from your own experience, send me. Sure it would

my Opportunities far exceed, in each case to find a good solution. But listen to the exporters concerned with open ears, is the first step, we are committed. This round table will begin once all the institutions that will participate, their representatives have nominated. I hope that this will be quite early in the year 2009 will be possible and thank you for your interest.


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