Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Deborah Sampson Quotes .

April 01 April 31 March

Apr 01

bath day and advertising as a "VIP"

Today we had to get up early, because we had a VIP - discussion at the Viva Maya had an appointment. Sure, I had expected that they wanted us to be persuaded that we look at the VIVA-chain Bind to time and again here (cheap) to take a holiday. But we had to pay over 7,200 euros (in installments), then save over 15 years per leave about 500 to 1,000 euros, for us was of course completely unacceptable. But if you plan on twice a year each 14 days in Asia, America ... to go on vacation, it can certainly be worthwhile. In any case, you had the choice among 4200 hotels ..

Our holiday would have cost about 500 € per person less.

The "Sales Service", which of course was unsuccessful for the seller took 2 hours.

(Info on the edge: The VIVA hotel in the Dominican Republic has - like many hotels in the northern region of the Dominican Republic since the fall of absolutely no beach more Everything is washed away much worse than in... Playa. The hotel occupancy there is currently around 5%)

until after lunch we went to the beach and because clouds came back, we returned after 16 clock back to our room.

There we expected, "fooling"

  • No hot water (cold shower off is also at 30 degrees is not really nice)

  • Our "Safari" for the 2nd April was postponed by one day.

My girlfriend was pissed (including me something)

But we calmed down with a couple of beautiful, well-chilled drinks.


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