Sunday, April 6, 2008

Arabic Birthday Songsmp3

06th April 04th

06th April


Today was our vacation, unfortunately, have to end. At noon we were back swimming. At that time we had packed our bags almost. At 14.30 we were to be picked up at the hotel. The bus had but half an hour late, and it shows the other passengers on the bus. The couple, who sat behind us was constantly bleating on. Especially when it did not succeed in the long time bus driver, his vehicle maneuver from the very narrow access to back out.

Ca. 2 ½ hours before scheduled departure, we were at the airport in Cancun.

There was before the check-in counter, the longest queue I've ever seen at an airport. Unfortunately we had to do back and wait a long time. Therefore, we also got a window seat on the return flight no more.

The aircraft had very little delay. The return flight only lasted about 9 hours, but by the time shift from Sunday, 18.40 clock to Monday 12 clock.

The conversion time was not easy to see through. Germany and Mexico were introduced at different days of the summer, and there were even the 7 hour time difference .. believe ( I ..)

Losflug When we saw under the sun to go next. On the night lightning flashed in the clouds, very quickly (I had 2 hours sleep, previously seen a movie and eaten) right the sun rose again.

After landing, we were surprisingly quick and our luggage was left totally without control of the airfield.

The return trip from Dusseldorf to Hall was a bit funny: Whether it was because we were tired anyway I saw the man who gave us looked very sharp at the airport and then quickly loslief while his case was unattended, as a threat. (But surely no dynamite was .. in his case). When, on the train behind us sat a man, all the passengers of sermons that he was a supernova and that all are pursuing him, but he is the salvation bugged, ..., we were pretty confused ...

In Magdeburg I said goodbye to my girlfriend.

We both had a great time spent, a dream vacation.

Overall, the holiday was so expensive - at any of us has such issued around 2000 € for those two weeks, but the time has paid off. We have learned a new culture, a new continent, have seen interesting things we collected on the beach and looked back a minute.


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