The reflection of the eternal yesterday
Actually it is not even a mention, as the obvious is obviously so much that it obviously well enough, only the obvious accept it and to pass off as what it is: verbal diarrhea of politicians.
Hardly there is violence among young people (which it gave way before never ) have to serve computer games and pornography .
way: While computer games are already long been used as cannon fodder for continuously desperately conservative karaoke machines of the eternal yesterday (who heard their part most likely also the devilish rock music and also probably even going about nor activities that were otherwise prior to and during her time as a mortal sin), is pornography for some time now resurfaced. Logical, but it fits the nature of the crime.
would be impossible to imagine what damage the bicycle industry would gain, it would have preferred the perpetrators to ride a bicycle to the scene. As it is with violence on television where there is to see almost daily blood and publicly flaunted bodies, together with detailed descriptions of violent acts - that is: Why is not the news to blame? Why are there no decent logo or of those reporting that the program for people under 16, or - if a war breaks out again somewhere or someone who runs amok - is not suitable for 18?
What if no foreigners or children of Hartz IV recipients had been abused - Politicians here would be the culprit that evoke with their skits to certain groups downright hate each other? And what would have been one of the boys would have worn a shirt of any one party - the same one would speak openly about a ban?
It seems to be fashion, children and young people as those talking dolls represent who derive inspiration from everything and everyone and leave. Yet this often takes on those occupational groups, like the subordinate. And agree it may be that disturb open display of violence and pornography on young people or indeed may blunt over time.
Only: For this there are already laws that aim precisely on those to protect that affects this and just all the others - it does not apply - to be left undisturbed as possible. The latter is possible, for example, in Germany and some other countries, more bad than good - but it underlines the importance of enjoying what the protection of youth in the affected states. Why is the regular hate speech? What benefit has a Pavlovian reflex Independent Computer games or porn industry?
is most likely the target is, what conservative supporters like to blindly follow: Protection by banishment. If there is no longer allowed, the youngest are only protected right.
The problem is that it is facing injustice that can not be specified by the Dogma wish to incarcerate, the just do not want to be patronized and not understand it, why the call for the medieval "thou shalt" / "you must not" on-rate may not increase, but. Freedom is indeed, to have even the freedom not to be confronted with something - but it is conversely not want this negative freedom can be formulated so extended, that someone else has this freedom not more. These people have to learn every day - but by living courageously while some of the painful process of finding other life from her open rejection and make this a policy.
A policy of sometimes victims Instruments in order to make them accessible to play the same song. Who can speak here of a lack of piety, is an evil villain. And if this is the equivalent to so often by those who advocated values, said the question remains in the room who would like to identify themselves so openly. may
Who knows drift in the direction this society, but essential characteristic of humans is that they must evacuate their places sooner or later for someone else who is much younger and more open. This time, if you're far ahead of her, we must persevere and wegtolerieren all the regular caller. Perhaps the "substitutes" to understand the current situation then even more, can understand - but he or she will eventually also the then emerging shift in values and curse not understand.
And that is the reason why there are always political camps: There are those who curse, everything that they do not understand, because they understand not willing or are able, that the world does not have a fixed frame and can squeeze in time not more - and then there are those who are open to everything and although it occasionally over the top shoot, but in fact are closer to reality. Still far more likely than those who reject such realities as fictitious, but their attitude just such an image . Emulated One might call it irony.
the above-mentioned people, provided that their guilt is proved clearly happened to a just punishment. But only them and not the company.
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