own thoughts
4th January 2010
former children in care plan demo: "We do not have longer impersonate
15th April: The Round Table used by the Bundestag meets for the seventh session, 21 representatives of the federal states, churches, social institutions and former children in care deal again with the home education in the 50s, 60s and 70s. It is chaired by Antje Vollmer, a politician of the Greens from 1994 to 2005 Bundestag Vice-President. End of 2009, the 66-year-old has taken interim results. She praised the "we-feeling" at the round table, all had gone "as if on tiptoe" in the talks.
The changed temporarily, when the club of former children in care last spring, fully implementing its interchanges, prosecutors demanded a compensation fund of 25 billion euros. Antje Vollmer but let the new representative of the children in care not. Even the lawyers were not allowed to take the round table.
"The time of the writer's over," it is now in a demo announcement, which is supported by the Association of former children in care. Would therefore be on 15 April on the streets of Berlin website: "We are not kidding anymore." Should be a requirement at this demonstration apologies, compensation, damages, the cost of medical and psychological treatments will be given.
The Protestant and the Catholic Church, state institutions of children's homes and the supervisors are made in this press release serious allegations: "We complain because we were beaten because we were force fed, because we have been sexually abused, because we were tortured. "Home children were locked up in the 50s, 60s and 70s in dark cellars.
Researchers at the Ruhr-University estimate the number of those on 500 000 Not all pull together. Many former children in care do not be confronted with her past, They say: "What you did to us, no one can make amends." Others think that the round table to work slowly.
contrast resists Antje Vollmer carefully go over speed. Is a year since the work-up, more and more comes to light. Institutionalized children who report abuse, abuse and humiliation, even in the 80 years to come, not to speak. This does not belong to the Order of the Round Table, said Antje Vollmer, also we have already reached the breaking point.
5th October 2009
Hannover: discussion group decides to research commissioned
beatings, humiliations and perverse punishment - Countless children have suffered in the war in church and state institutions to the limit of endurance. This is explored not only a round table of the German Parliament, so that employs a working group meeting "Residential care from 1945 to 1975" in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs. Today it is again at the Ministry, a meeting of former children in care, the municipal associations, the National Association of Free Welfare, of the charity federation Osnabrück, the diaconal work, the Provincial Archives and the State Social Welfare Office where.
"All the stakeholders need access to files of the remaining state and private home support, to terms with their own personal biographies home, "said Social Security Mechthild Ross-Luttmann. Lower Saxony is in the document ensure government bodies further than other states. So the National Archives have switched all seven state archives, there is also preliminary investigations in all 79 district courts of the country. The Justice Department prevents the destruction of remaining files.
The President of the Lower Saxony State Archives, Dr. Bernd Kappelhoff reported in today's meeting on the merging of the files from the former county governments and state youth services with the holdings of the guardianship court documents. She was almost complete. The parties will allow a non-bureaucratic access to their files.
The call working group adopted a research assignment, the subjects: the former support structures, the facilities at that time, accommodation and supervision, complaints and incidents, the responsibility of the country for the remedial training, the development of home supervision and the State Youth Centre Göttingen, decisions of the courts and the conduct of public authorities below the state level.
any questions about the pension rights and compensation, however, the round table of the German Parliament is responsible. Early next year to be presented an interim report.
The fate of many former children in care does not alter the working group meeting in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs or the Round Table of the German parliament can clarify. Great is the number of those who say: "What has been done at that time, no one can make good." All too often they had experienced that their accounts were dismissed with the comment: "You are all a form."
including wood in Holzminden, there has been a children's home. What happened there, took my research in the nearly speechless. Readers of my brochure "Two cases for Commissioner Internet: wood and Dalheim" it will not prosper otherwise. Local newspapers have mentioned to date, this brochure with a single word.
The question remains: how wholeheartedly the Enlightenment?
18th June 2009
Social Affairs of Lower Saxony heard shocking reports
Hannover (tj). In the autumn of last year, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs has activated a hotline for former resident, over 100 affected persons called or wrote letters, described their experiences. They were staggering. The Social Security Mechthild Ross-Luttmann told the state parliament in Hanover. The Parliament dealt in second consultation on this issue.
The Minister pointed out that had the callers to "humiliation and violence," reported, adding: "Many have tried to repress the traumatic experiences. As well and was felt relief that finally spoken publicly about this suffering. "
The persons concerned had not only told of their experiences, they had also made claims. Access to the file belongs to compensation payments to the pension fund and the historical treatment. Access to the file said Mechthild Ross-Luttmann, "All concerned institutions in Lower Saxony will comply."
In this context the Minister mentioned a technical discussion, that on 8 led June with the two major Christian churches, government agencies, courts and communities. Another result of this meeting. "The great charitable institutions provide, for example, with the range of psychological, social and spiritual counseling to their responsibility for the fate of former children in care"
For other problems could only be a nationwide solution should be sought. The Minister concluded: "On site, however, here in Illinois, we have to do what helps those affected concrete. And do we meet with the parties for some time. Of these I will continue ongoing dialogue I "
March 17, 2009
Roundtable and former children in care. time window is closed in 1979
Dr. Antje Vollmer, from 1994 to 2005 Vice President of the German Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens politician since December 4, 2008 moderator of the Round Table, which focuses on resolution of the German Bundestag with the fate of former children in care in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, allowed the time window does not open wider than the Petitions Committee wanted the continuation.: Many former children in care are not seen. But in fact the round table would also look towards the mistreatment in the 1980s. Will not happen. The motto is: From 1980 to eyes!
begins the next scandal. The 65-year-old he notes she wrote to the Wilhelmshaven editor Heinz-Peter Tjaden, who engaged in over a year with the theme: "Your suggestion that the theme of the Round Table to expand (at the age of 80 years) very understandable and important. "Sounds good first. But then adds Antje Vollmer: "Unfortunately, the subject has been by the Petition Committee as prescribed." That means: The time window is opened in 1950 and 1979 closed.
hidden topics including a children's home in Diemerstein (Landkreis Kaiserslautern) and a boarding school that there was until 1987 the castle Eringerfeld. Michael Hunter, actor, presenter and author from Munich, has been there. He said: "In the home I was physically abused in the boarding school I was sexually abused." These experiences, the 42-year-old is not digested. "I've still confronted with what they did to me" you can read the on the web.
For Michael Hunter it comes at the round table as he has expected. His fellow sufferers and he will probably also have to wait decades before someone worked up publicly their fates.
Antje Vollmer asks for your understanding, because: "Already we achieved such a flood of letters and suggestions that we are not a wider issue could cope."
20th February 2009
From the home and then to the porn industry?
With the dire conditions that have occurred in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s in many children's homes, is the discussion, a round table chaired by Antje Vollmer. He has been employed by the German Bundestag. Why was maintained with the study of history home so long is a mystery, because what was going on in some homes, the public knew 40 years ago. Many heard, however, simply not deaf stood the churches as bearers of these bodies. Not even a novel that was filmed 30 years ago, changed it slightly.
Even today, again allegations of youth services, family courts and children's homes of the day. Who writes about have to be careful. The authorities usually deny any involvement in research, individuals are often enough to conjecture that not stand up to scrutiny. This penalizes those who do really bad.
An example of stories that are circulating in the Internet, it looks (mail-subject "Homes and Sex ': children's homes to work together with the porn industry should So there will be a mother to their daughters. live in a home. One day she meets friends who tell her: "We have found nude photos of your daughters on the net." She told a third party who wants to start research.
This should be true? If this were so, why did this mother then asked their friends immediately, where these pictures are hidden on the Internet? And why is it not then gone to the police? What mother would not do?
15th January 2009
is what "rose" Albrecht brewed since Ursula von der Leyen?
members of the Petitions Committee criticized the Federal Minister for Families, Children's former home on the internet calling the resignation of Ursula von der Leyen. The 50-year-old has agreed with their statements on the subject "Round Table" and "abuses in church and state children's homes" given proper social policy nettles.
But this is not surprising, as politics has "rose" Albrecht learned as a child playing under the desk of her father. Then, from the "rose" a rose - and they are known to prickly.
Out of nowhere, Ursula von der Leyen, appeared on a village in the Hannover region, effortlessly captured a parliamentary candidate of the CDU their constituency, made state politics and federal politics soon. They had the look almost rigidly focused on the middle and upper classes. The
down there, they rarely saw. In this respect they resembled their father publicly rather than her mother, who supported social services without any fuss, patient at the supermarket checkout in Burgdorf near Hanover, stood up and took care of after your purchase to MS sufferers. has
Whether the Federal Family Minister yesterday sat in Burgdorf front of the TV and the program "People and Stories" is seen questionable. For headlines on NDR television is not they but the Protestant bishop of Hanover, Margot Kaessmann, to the terrible conditions in church shelters in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, not talked about. She was ashamed for this, "said the Lutheran Bishop, and" children were really broken, too. "
but are not so broke all former resident, that they can not defend themselves when Ursula wants to torpedo von der Leyen, working through the Children's Home history before it began. But perhaps it is even with her as with the CDU now with the Stasi files. Chancellor Angela Merkel was pleased that these files are not destroyed. Just that but had Helmut Kohl and Wolfgang Schäuble creep someday ... before
12th January 2009
How cold is Ursula von der Leyen?
How cold is
the Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen? These questions must be the 50-year-olds have not heard: "Why did this to me? Why have I been locked up for 17 years? "Placed they were on 4 December 2008 by a former foster child, at a public meeting of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag. Bundestag President Norbert Lammert announced on this occasion that a round table be formed at the former Bundestag Vice-President Dr. Antje Vollmer, all threads converge. This Lammert said: "This is a difficult task."
fact that she is even more difficult than expected, now ensures the Federal Minister for Family Affairs. In a letter to Berlin's senator for education, Jürgen Zöllner (SPD) is said to have loud "Taz" wrote: ". The establishment of a national compensation fund is not intended by the Bundestag and Federal Government" Previously rumored already from the Ministry that the German Association for Public and Private care, the organization of the Round Table take over.
immediately protested against the club former children in care in a press statement of 9 January 2009, because: "The
German club was involved in a particular way in which educational theory and practice of home education of National Socialism and the war in the Federal Republic of Germany. Only in the 90 years it became known that his decade-long high held in honor of former
Chairman, Mr Muthesius, in the Third Reich as the secretary for the central administration of the concentration camp for youth in Moringen Uckermark and in Lodz was responsible. "
She wanted the listen to stakeholders "with open ears," Antje Vollmer on 15 December 2008 the editor Wilhelmshavener Heinz-Peter Tjaden insured. The 59-year-old has been working for over a year have been the fate of former resident, the tortured in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s in care, abused and exploited. Further wrote to the former Bundestag Vice-President Tjaden, "The work of the Roundtable will begin once all the institutions that will participate, their representatives have nominated. I hope that this will be quite early in the year 2009 be possible. "
Then former children in care have been waiting for years. By harassing fire from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs this waiting period is further extended.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
European Sharking Shirt
Pestalozzi Foundation Burgwedel
16th March 2010
fear as a constant companion
"We are an incorporated public foundation and a church foundation and a member of the Social Service Agency. Since 1846 we are active in the Hanover region.
We provide social services in youth and the handicapped, and are carriers of general and vocational schools.
We see our task to make small and large people more independent and confident. Our offers are also weak and difficult people. "Thus, the Pestalozzi Foundation of Burgwedel the internet presents.
" I have sometimes made not to live further says, "Michael B. He is the year in 1978 to 1982 in a home . the Burgwedeler Pestalozzi Foundation spent Always in fear, says the 43-year-old is because... get. "The manager was nearly two feet tall and had hands like shovels" hands for beating the Michael B. according to him often has
The 43-year-old: "But I endured as a child and a teenager because I had more fear of sexual abuse.." Again and again he had recreated the home manager. Then he fled, returning only at night: "So I was able to escape that, I was once again the blows."
These recollections gnaw at the former foster child: "It's an emotional roller coaster, which cost me a lot of power." The hole he fell back from an out-patient treatment. Michael B. was in three homes. Everywhere he had experienced violence: "After my release I have made a suicide attempt."
Burgwedel is a picture-book city at Hanover, 22 000 residents, many well-heeled, seven villages - and also the scene of abuse, which has been working for over a year, a round table of the German Bundestag, headed by Antje Vollmer, the history of children's homes in the 1950s , reclaims 1960s and 1970s - and, according to the chairman of so much suffering learns that sometimes the possibilities of this body are exhausted?
Then there has been no response. The Pestalozzi Foundation, wrapped in silence.
19th March 2010 has
Long answer
Today I answered the Pestalozzi Foundation. Report follows.
16th March 2010
fear as a constant companion
"We are an incorporated public foundation and a church foundation and a member of the Social Service Agency. Since 1846 we are active in the Hanover region.
We provide social services in youth and the handicapped, and are carriers of general and vocational schools.
We see our task to make small and large people more independent and confident. Our offers are also weak and difficult people. "Thus, the Pestalozzi Foundation of Burgwedel the internet presents.
" I have sometimes made not to live further says, "Michael B. He is the year in 1978 to 1982 in a home . the Burgwedeler Pestalozzi Foundation spent Always in fear, says the 43-year-old is because... get. "The manager was nearly two feet tall and had hands like shovels" hands for beating the Michael B. according to him often has
The 43-year-old: "But I endured as a child and a teenager because I had more fear of sexual abuse.." Again and again he had recreated the home manager. Then he fled, returning only at night: "So I was able to escape that, I was once again the blows."
These recollections gnaw at the former foster child: "It's an emotional roller coaster, which cost me a lot of power." The hole he fell back from an out-patient treatment. Michael B. was in three homes. Everywhere he had experienced violence: "After my release I have made a suicide attempt."
Burgwedel is a picture-book city at Hanover, 22 000 residents, many well-heeled, seven villages - and also the scene of abuse, which has been working for over a year, a round table of the German Bundestag, headed by Antje Vollmer, the history of children's homes in the 1950s , reclaims 1960s and 1970s - and, according to the chairman of so much suffering learns that sometimes the possibilities of this body are exhausted?
Then there has been no response. The Pestalozzi Foundation, wrapped in silence.
19th March 2010 has
Long answer
Today I answered the Pestalozzi Foundation. Report follows.
Trailer Tires Load Range D
Pestalozzi Foundation II
20th March 2010
dealing openly with the past
"We are confident that we now offer not only a publicly recognized and professional youth services, but also make a lot of exemplary," says Pastor Andreas Seifert, since the summer of 1984 the Board Pestalozzi Foundation in Burg must Wedel and in three months in retirement. In this work if no "bad light", so must be dealt openly with the past.
This past include the experiences described in this blog of Michael B., who lived from 1978 to 1982 in Wichernhaus the Pestalozzi Foundation, reports of beatings and sexual overtures by the then head home. Andreas Seifert recalls, "This home manager, I have met and soon dismissed for various offenses." These transgressions would, however, did not relate to attempted sexual abuse. Rather, the former national director had stuck with the young people of his group under a blanket, the police found stolen goods in his room.
Around 30 alumni, Andreas Seifert have to grow within the past two years at the Pestalozzi Foundation Burgwedel reported: "Most were only in inspecting the file." Six alumni have made allegations, Michael B. is the seventh man. "We also have three former staff reports with charges that exceed the reports of the former children and adolescents," said Andreas Seifert, who adds: ". Refer all allegations to beatings and punishments and humiliating and degrading educational measures"
Yet he would not cast doubt on the accounts of Michael login as: "What he reported, we have noted with dismay There is no reason to deny these statements, or to qualify.." The
do you along with the current investigations of the Diaconal work on the history of residential care from 1945 to 1978 not: "In these days of an interim report because we have a good archive, many negative examples are mentioned in our foundation.."
evaluates Never Andreas Seifert as a compliment that determination of a former "I was in three homes When you first because it was the least bad..." And as is true for Michael, "We look forward to hearing from him directly yet."
20th March 2010
dealing openly with the past
"We are confident that we now offer not only a publicly recognized and professional youth services, but also make a lot of exemplary," says Pastor Andreas Seifert, since the summer of 1984 the Board Pestalozzi Foundation in Burg must Wedel and in three months in retirement. In this work if no "bad light", so must be dealt openly with the past.
This past include the experiences described in this blog of Michael B., who lived from 1978 to 1982 in Wichernhaus the Pestalozzi Foundation, reports of beatings and sexual overtures by the then head home. Andreas Seifert recalls, "This home manager, I have met and soon dismissed for various offenses." These transgressions would, however, did not relate to attempted sexual abuse. Rather, the former national director had stuck with the young people of his group under a blanket, the police found stolen goods in his room.
Around 30 alumni, Andreas Seifert have to grow within the past two years at the Pestalozzi Foundation Burgwedel reported: "Most were only in inspecting the file." Six alumni have made allegations, Michael B. is the seventh man. "We also have three former staff reports with charges that exceed the reports of the former children and adolescents," said Andreas Seifert, who adds: ". Refer all allegations to beatings and punishments and humiliating and degrading educational measures"
Yet he would not cast doubt on the accounts of Michael login as: "What he reported, we have noted with dismay There is no reason to deny these statements, or to qualify.." The
do you along with the current investigations of the Diaconal work on the history of residential care from 1945 to 1978 not: "In these days of an interim report because we have a good archive, many negative examples are mentioned in our foundation.."
evaluates Never Andreas Seifert as a compliment that determination of a former "I was in three homes When you first because it was the least bad..." And as is true for Michael, "We look forward to hearing from him directly yet."
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