Monday, September 14, 2009

Discharge From Kidney

OVG Lüneburg as income from a business entity controlled: Poker tournament permit fee

OVG Lüneburg, decision of 10 , 2009, ME 11 67/09 Az

Summary: 1st

In poker, even if Texas as a tournament in the variant Hold'em is played, "predominate, despite the importance of mathematical knowledge, Stategic skills and psychological skills, the random elements. It is not therefore a game of skill, but a game of chance as defined in § 3 para 1 sentence 1 GST.

2 . Public Poker events without permission allowed only if no fee is charged for the purchase of a chance of winning ("fee") with a "participation fee" for a tournament of 15, -. 30, - € is to start from a consideration if there playing privileges can be obtained for subsequent tournaments, which offer opportunities for high returns in terms of value (here Participation in the WSOP in Las Vegas including airfare, hotel and buy-in of 1,500, - U.S. dollar, etc.). It does not matter whether the money is used directly as a bet or whether chips are assigned which are necessary for use in the rounds.

announced by Attorney Martin Arendt,

poker law gambling law


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