Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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Dernbacher sisters

17th November 2009
In the "world": foster child tells tale of woe

In Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, the United States and India, they do social work: Almost 1,000 Dernbacher Catholic sisters. Some of them have now perhaps the "world" read page 3, entitled: "Violence as a system". It tells the story of Gudrun Ickenroth ". I've got in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" Two years ago it was as if in "a home of the Congregation of the poor maid-servants of Jesus Christ in the Hessian Dernbach" come is. There she experienced terrible.

Such allegations are not new. They are raised for a long time. Former children's home show in Dernbach, while entrenching sisters, reject calls. Some of those demonstrators had been almost pulled even in Aachen in court.

Since the judges with great public interest credited, was the indictment, the prosecution of 30 November 2006 done by correspondence. The accusation was: "In fact, the accused knew ... that there had been the children's home St. Joseph in the years 1956-1971 not to serious or systematic abuses against them." It was about a children's home in Eschweiler. The Dernbacher sisters showed any accusation out of hand, the prosecutor failed yet with his indictment.

own grave dug

"Most children in the Catholic St. Joseph's Home in the Rhine Eschweiler asleep, when the nine year old sister of Carol Theofriedis out of bed and out into the garden is. There, the fear gets cold and trembling girl pushed a shovel in his hand. 'You dig your grave now,' she tells the nurse. Carola sobs, begging wants back into the house. But all the pleading in vain to dig the nine-year-old must go on. Until the nurse believes the training process from rich now. "

With this ghostly scene started on the website of the ZDF's announcement of a documentary on 4 June 2008 was broadcast from 0.30 clock. Nevertheless, it is still on Wikipedia, that this Catholic religious order like that does not want to admit it, the former home children be sued without success.

rare negative

Rummage one on the website of the Dernbacher sisters, can be found at the facilities at the chateau Dilborn Brüggen. This was a new concept. And oddly enough, rarely negative headlines, although died recently, a foster child as night outliers the Explosionstod, a now-twelve-year-old against any medical reason Risperdal gets reported a private TV on the escape of a boy and says a young girl: "The home must be closed. "

So what governs the doubt for a lawyer. With the sometimes even threatened, before an article in the papers, while critical questions at all can not be resolved. As an editor lands quickly until Pontius, then on Pilate. The manager is hiding behind the home line, home line behind the management.

So now the "world". Gisela cherry stone and Miriam Hollstein as authors may now be curious: Serves this time the lawyer for the Dernbacher sisters?

published is sitting in today's issue included an interview with Antje Vollmer as President of the German Bundestag established the "round table" on which former resident, church representatives, scientists, representatives of federal, state and youth programs. She says: "Most I was surprised the intensity of Horrors. It was so hopeless for the children ... "

Dernbacher Some sisters have also read that this Tuesday may be - and in unison say," We is not?

more "world" article

Monday, September 14, 2009

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OVG Lüneburg as income from a business entity controlled: Poker tournament permit fee

OVG Lüneburg, decision of 10 , 2009, ME 11 67/09 Az

Summary: 1st

In poker, even if Texas as a tournament in the variant Hold'em is played, "predominate, despite the importance of mathematical knowledge, Stategic skills and psychological skills, the random elements. It is not therefore a game of skill, but a game of chance as defined in § 3 para 1 sentence 1 GST.

2 . Public Poker events without permission allowed only if no fee is charged for the purchase of a chance of winning ("fee") with a "participation fee" for a tournament of 15, -. 30, - € is to start from a consideration if there playing privileges can be obtained for subsequent tournaments, which offer opportunities for high returns in terms of value (here Participation in the WSOP in Las Vegas including airfare, hotel and buy-in of 1,500, - U.S. dollar, etc.). It does not matter whether the money is used directly as a bet or whether chips are assigned which are necessary for use in the rounds.

announced by Attorney Martin Arendt, www.wettrecht.de

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

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Switzerland: Federal Administrative Court allows poker tournaments

The Swiss Federal Administrative Court in a pilot decision private poker tournaments in Texas Hold'em "deemed admissible. The court in Bern is the view shared by the Swiss Federal Gaming Board (ESBK) that Follow the tournament was more important skill than luck.

The Gaming Board had ruled in 2007 that excluding some tournament poker variations not covered by the gambling ban, because the skill element is preponderant. They issued 189 permits for private operators tournaments outside of casinos. The feeling aggrieved by Swiss Casino Association complained against the orders of the Federal Gaming Board.

told the judges in Bern now certain tournament formats in the poker game "Texas Hold'em no limit" to be admissible and dismissed the complaints of the Swiss Casino Association. During the public consultation of a judge majority concluded that for success in a tournament, unlike a single game, the element of chance outweighs skill. While hanging the cards on the distribution of happiness. In order, however, in the course of several hours of tournament enforce and finally to land on a prize money ranking position, we need more. These were mainly mathematical knowledge, psychology, strategy, and not least the ability to bluff and asked actors. That a good placement is not mainly on luck, but rather depended on the skill showed, further points out that often found the same players in the front ranks were professionals and could even live from the game.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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generation later, Benedict

7th March 2009
Three questions for the generation Benedict

Nathanael Liminski belongs to "Generation Benedict. This network of young people was created in 2005 when the Catholic Church World Youth Day in Cologne. Heinz-Peter Tjaden presented a network member of three questions on current issues in the Catholic Church provide explosives.

hold you too Harry Potter for Satanism?
Nathanael Liminski: I think Harry Potter is not for Satanism. My little sister and my brother have read it on the contrary, at a profit.

I am not a former foster child, am working only as an editor with it: Why the Caritas wobbles on the compensation issue is still around so?
Nathanael Liminski: I do not know why the charity acts in the compensation issue so reserved.

Excuse Is your church accessible only when most are already dead, viz: How do you explain the almost complete failure of your Church, if it really burns and it is not just about that the Pope has made a diplomatic mistake?
Nathanael Liminski: The church has done much to suggest that today's society as civilized and humane, like many humanists emphasize again and again. For the errors that are inevitable in a human organization, Pope John Paul II's 2000 apology in Jerusalem. I know of no other world religion that has done that. You may also write their representatives an email.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Information About Kate From Kates Playground


When are they about?

The Roundtable is concerned with the fate of children in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. But even then, there have been victims of violence and sexual abuse.

First example:

I too was in the orphanage physically abused and sexually abused at boarding school. I too am a victim who is still confronted with what was done to him.

More here

The history of the castle and boarding

Sunday, February 1, 2009

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press release

9th January 2009
children in association astonishment outraged by von der Leyen

With and outrage, the association of former children in the attempt of the Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen note of the decisions of the Bundestag's Committee on Petitions (26 November 2008) and the Bundestag (4 December 2008) to curtail or unduly.

Instead of a comprehensive work-up and redress the wrongs recognized even by the parliament wants to send children home to Minister von der Leyen, the previously planned national "round table" only one "of debate and investigation function.

to establishing a compensation fund should not be discussed once more, the ministry wants to exclude this from the outset categorically.

In the proposal presented by Mrs. von der Leyen approach the important coordinating and advisory body for former children in care is not provided.
Significant deviations are
to the decisions of the Bundestag is also in the composition of the "round table". The Ministry plans to members of the "round table" called arbitrarily. There are reports former children in care at the "round table" are represented by only two representatives. So we would not again be taken seriously, but pushed to the edge.

particularly incomprehensible to us that with the management of the "round table" of the "Association for Public and Private Welfare" should be mandated, in place of the Bundestag recommended for children and youth-organization AFET and the German Institute for Youth DIJUV and family law. These two organizations have presented has long been known and accepted approach to the work of the "round table".

said in a letter from the Parliamentary State Secretary in
Family Ministry, Hermann Kues, the Petitions Committee to the "German Association for Public and Private Welfare" was particularly appropriate "the task ahead to take over" because he was "like no other Association inextricably interwoven with the history of social work in Germany. " The latter is indeed the case, but including in a most inglorious way:
The German club was involved in a particular way in which educational theory and practice of home education of National Socialism and the war in the Federal Republic of Germany. Only in the 90s was known to be high for decades held in honor of former
Chairman, Mr Muthesius, in the Third Reich as the secretary for the central administration of the concentration camp for youth in Moringen Uckermark and in Lodz was responsible.

Ironically, this association is therefore the postwar history of
residential care, which was still marked by the Nazis and dyed, worked up for the victims! For us this is a travesty!

the association of former children in care is missing for this project the federal government
comprehension. And just as we lack the confidence that the German club would act in accordance with the decisions of the Bundestag for us.

Dr. Hans-Siegfried Wiegand
Chairman of the PDB eV

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21st December 2008

will be ironed asker

Members Watch is a portal along the lines of "ask citizens - politicians respond." Dr. Dieter Wiefelspütz since 1987 Member of the German Bundestag. These issues have been ironed out of the judges retired.

federal decision "Former children in the old federal states"

Dear Mr Wiefelspütz.

All these questions I do not refer to the "25-member Committee on Petitions of the German Bundestag," but the "612-member German Parliament" itself

1) What exactly did the Bundestag itself decided diesbetreffend "?

2) When was this "decision" taken by the Bundestag, or announced? Was, for example, this is something Affected by on 04.12.2008 officially announced in the Federal German Parliament itself?

3) Has the federal excused himself officially "former children living in western Germany", "and" asked for forgiveness, "or not?

4) What is the exact and complete Wording of the "Decision" of the Bundestag itself?

5) What is the exact and complete wording of any "apology to former children in institutions in western Germany" and "Please pardon the Bundestag" itself?

6) How many of the current parliamentary deputies present in the Bundestag have participated in this "decision" positive - given that their "yes" vote on this?

7) How many of the current parliamentary deputies present in the Bundestag have to take part in any "apology to former children in institutions in western Germany" and the "apology" involved in positive - That made her "yes" vote on this?

8) At all places on the Internet which can be this "decision of the Bundestag calling read," and? Direct links, please, so you need not look long after.

9) Which official bodies on the internet can be such a possible "of the parliamentary apology to former children in institutions in western Germany" and "Please call for forgiveness," and read about it?


Herrmann host
(21 years, "former foster child, from infancy to the age of majority, born 1944)

response from Dr. Dieter

Dear Landlord,

I do not understand what you want from me.


Dr. Dieter Wiefelspütz, MP