Saturday, March 29, 2008

Preowned Amsale Aurora Wedding Dresses

March 28th

29th March

snorkeling in Cozumel

Even at 7.15 clock we got up very quickly to come to Cozumel. After a good breakfast and 30 minutes way we were after 9 clock on the ferry. We booked the ferry for 10 clock and therefore did because we were so early there, good places on the "ship".

The ferries run every hour here. Cozumel is an island that is accessible by ferry, within a tight three-quarter hour. There are hotels, of course, Maya cities and a lot of jungle.

The island is known for, that you can snorkel here. And that is exactly we had before. Just off the pier, we were asked if we were planning for a snorkeling tour.

because we could not verify whether there are good and bad providers, we booked at the first, who spoke to us. Though he sought - successfully - to cheat us (we had supposedly "accidentally" instead of a 5 - $ - where only a dollar note ..), but also we looked away.

We were given a "bracelet" to (probably in order not to get lost) and, wait for our boat. This was also the same. But no one outside of us first got in, slightly irritated. But before we could come to brood about it, we drove off already:

The coxswain and the "snorkel companion" took a glass bottom boat to a spot in the harbor, where a storm is in the 2 years ago sunken ship in the Navy. There is a bustle many fish. Then the skipper got a call and went back to the dock. Here now joined an American couple. (The man could not because of health problems mitschnorcheln and stayed the whole time on board).

Then it started: Passing on some cruise ships, the trip went to the snorkeling spot. At least until the skipper still received a call and once again turned to take a Mexican couple. Dann endlich fuhren wir zu den 3 angekündigten Schnorchelstellen.

Hier erhielten wir Taucherbrille, Schnorchel, „Flippers“ (Flossen) und Schwimmwesten und sprangen ins Meer. Jedenfalls der Begleiter, die Amerikanerin, Sabine und ich. Es ergab sich nämlich, dass die Mexikaner (zumindest der Mann) nicht schwimmen oder schnorcheln können. Sie probierten es aus und die Frau, die ja auch eine Weste hatte, hielt sich auch recht tapfer. Der Mann mußte vom „Schnorchelleiter“ zusätzlich mit einem Rettungsring versorgt werden und wurde die ganze Zeit von ihm durch das Wasser geschoben.

Because the fish were feeding in some, were very many. Since we had about 15 m deep, only a few corals were seen, which was a pity. Nevertheless, it was interesting.

snorkeling at the second point, we have seen divers, which we "floated", which apparently got their first lessons. We also saw a huge shoal of fish, the dahinwuselte far below us. Above him we saw a large barracuda who was on hunting ....

Here is a film from the snorkeling trip

In part, we snorkeled for about 25 m water depth. Great, easily managed as the Sabine. I think you have made the trip fun. We saw many colorful fish, some sea fans, some hard corals ...

The snorkeling trip, where we were a total of at least 1 ½ hours in the water, has paid off.

We will not forget him so soon. This was therefore not as fast possible, because we are on the back got a massive sunburn. So long as under sunshine just below the water surface: this good is soon no more oil was sun. We both were on the back of crisp red.

against 14 clock we were back in port and were greeted by a pelican. After a coffee we went running through the city and have visited many tourist shops. I have got a few t-shirts with motifs Cozumel purchased (3 units = 10 $ = 6,50 € - the dollar has fallen sharply for a € you get here -. Converted to peso - approx $ 1.60) We have some small souvenirs bought and Sabine has had a colorful "Zopfverlängerung" make that would last up to 4 weeks, but unfortunately after 2 days was back out.

At 17 clock we drove to the ferry back. Meanwhile, the waves had increased, so that the spray was well above the ship. Sabine was seasick, she was glad when we finally had solid ground under their feet. On the way back to the hotel we saw beside the road two wild pigs (peccaries), in two places "Wild Giant Sea Pigs" (do not know now, the names of the. They look like a mix of large brown guinea pigs and rabbits)

general: There are in Mexico, if you look good to many amazing animals: clear: the iguanas in amounts, then smaller lizards and geckos (running around in the hotel on the walls and ceilings), many colorful birds (from light yellow, blue, green to black, some with long tails), pelicans and gulls on the beach ....

Soon we were back at the hotel that she nursed back with "after-sun lotion and let the day fade away.


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