Monday, March 31, 2008

Why Don't Women Wear Girdles Anymore?

31st March


investigated after an early breakfast you have a cab that took us to the bus station for $ 5. Here, I bought tickets for the trip to Tulum. There are several bus companies that operate independently of each other. It may therefore be to continue that at the same time different companies to the same goals.

Since my English is very limited and none of those German or English, I was curious to see if we can find the right bus. But that was then quite simple. We showed our tickets and a bus driver still quite different from what was on the bus, he let us enter.

Oh yeah: get used to the fact that you get pre-booked the coach for a distance of one hour parking. We sat up front, but could also see very little. that gives the "TV board" a very brutal American "I shoot everything flat" - Film. Whether the children were with the bus, has fallen so? For us such a film would have been allowed only sure over 18.

After stops at two theme parks (here rose from most children) We reached around 10 Tulum clock.

I had been forewarned, "Tulum is very hot." Since it was always really hot, I did not particular care. But here it was really hot!

The road from the bus stop to the Mayan city is fairly advanced.

At the beginning of the road there is a large shopping center, where as an attraction and 4 Maya in full "folk art clothing" deigned by a long pole with a rope that had wrapped around his legs. A 5th Man stood on the high bar, and made loud music. Because we look at the 2 minutes, we were cashed by a "donations collector". (Well, ne typical Mexican attraction that one must have also seen times).

the way forward could be done with a "tractor train". We walked and were therefore quite sweaty when we arrived at the ticket booth to Tulum.

Tulum (Mayan probably is, to "wall") is surrounded by thick walls, you can traverse through narrow gates. The wall is / was also the sea. No one knows what is the meaning of it. (Containing again "Maya logic").

The city was full of visitors. (Sure, Tulum is easily reached via the Riviera Maya by bus, minibus, taxi to reach) are within the city walls, it remains of residential buildings, of course, a (fairly insignificant) Cenote, many temples. At some temples, one can still see the original paint colors. In a house the remains of painted gods are visible.

Everywhere you see iguanas. You can about who photographed them, clearly To recognize what tourist is not so long in Mexico. We ran over the entire course. Nice that the town has a beach access.

via a long staircase leads to the sea. It was really necessary to have a bath after 1 ½ hour tour here, and than make the return journey. We had to bathe separately, because it was better that one of us watching our clothes. After some time we were on the beach, it was a Mexican family comfortably next to us. Unobtrusively but surely they drew closer, were increasingly ... Suddenly we had no place for us anymore. But anyway, we were long enough to the beach and were about to return.

drank in the shopping center we have a quick coffee and then went to the bus that took us safely and on time back to Playa del Carmen. Another wild movie was on board television ...

went in the hotel swimming we first eat, then in the beach bar and drank a Maximilian XIII (coffee drink with milk and muuuch ice)

next to us were tourists inside it, under the guidance of an animator , Step make-conquer. As can be active in the heat so much sports, I do not understand.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Horse Stand Up Feeders

30th March 29th

30th March

bath day with sunburn

After breakfast we went to the "sister hotel" Viva Maya. The hotel is larger than ours, has a larger garden. But the beach is through the many tourists become quite crowded.

We were at a "VIP conversation" invited (actually wanted to us for the 1.4. To a "sales event" Invite), but we were given a small gift. Thank you! Then we looked at the shopping mall at Viva Maya. (There are a lot of buying, but the prices are very high) then we booked our tour guide in a jeep safari for snorkeling.

Back at the hotel we went to a few drinks at the beach, ate lunch and spent the remaining time on the beach. We tried to avoid the sun on this day. If we set our in the shadows, received little in the sun ... I think we have shone that day quite a bit.

In the evening we had booked a reservation subject to the 3 restaurants on property. These restaurants are even AI, but must be booked in advance. There are not indeed tasty and sufficient "Vacations All-inclusive mass diet" but a multi-course meal.

We had signed up for a little Mexican restaurant where a great atmosphere (jungle noises and drums in the background, across green stuff ..) and a three-course meal was. I ate chicken and shrimp (and black sauce) as a main course. We would have to be pre-reserve more often in these small restaurants. But we had too little time (?)...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Preowned Amsale Aurora Wedding Dresses

March 28th

29th March

snorkeling in Cozumel

Even at 7.15 clock we got up very quickly to come to Cozumel. After a good breakfast and 30 minutes way we were after 9 clock on the ferry. We booked the ferry for 10 clock and therefore did because we were so early there, good places on the "ship".

The ferries run every hour here. Cozumel is an island that is accessible by ferry, within a tight three-quarter hour. There are hotels, of course, Maya cities and a lot of jungle.

The island is known for, that you can snorkel here. And that is exactly we had before. Just off the pier, we were asked if we were planning for a snorkeling tour.

because we could not verify whether there are good and bad providers, we booked at the first, who spoke to us. Though he sought - successfully - to cheat us (we had supposedly "accidentally" instead of a 5 - $ - where only a dollar note ..), but also we looked away.

We were given a "bracelet" to (probably in order not to get lost) and, wait for our boat. This was also the same. But no one outside of us first got in, slightly irritated. But before we could come to brood about it, we drove off already:

The coxswain and the "snorkel companion" took a glass bottom boat to a spot in the harbor, where a storm is in the 2 years ago sunken ship in the Navy. There is a bustle many fish. Then the skipper got a call and went back to the dock. Here now joined an American couple. (The man could not because of health problems mitschnorcheln and stayed the whole time on board).

Then it started: Passing on some cruise ships, the trip went to the snorkeling spot. At least until the skipper still received a call and once again turned to take a Mexican couple. Dann endlich fuhren wir zu den 3 angekündigten Schnorchelstellen.

Hier erhielten wir Taucherbrille, Schnorchel, „Flippers“ (Flossen) und Schwimmwesten und sprangen ins Meer. Jedenfalls der Begleiter, die Amerikanerin, Sabine und ich. Es ergab sich nämlich, dass die Mexikaner (zumindest der Mann) nicht schwimmen oder schnorcheln können. Sie probierten es aus und die Frau, die ja auch eine Weste hatte, hielt sich auch recht tapfer. Der Mann mußte vom „Schnorchelleiter“ zusätzlich mit einem Rettungsring versorgt werden und wurde die ganze Zeit von ihm durch das Wasser geschoben.

Because the fish were feeding in some, were very many. Since we had about 15 m deep, only a few corals were seen, which was a pity. Nevertheless, it was interesting.

snorkeling at the second point, we have seen divers, which we "floated", which apparently got their first lessons. We also saw a huge shoal of fish, the dahinwuselte far below us. Above him we saw a large barracuda who was on hunting ....

Here is a film from the snorkeling trip

In part, we snorkeled for about 25 m water depth. Great, easily managed as the Sabine. I think you have made the trip fun. We saw many colorful fish, some sea fans, some hard corals ...

The snorkeling trip, where we were a total of at least 1 ½ hours in the water, has paid off.

We will not forget him so soon. This was therefore not as fast possible, because we are on the back got a massive sunburn. So long as under sunshine just below the water surface: this good is soon no more oil was sun. We both were on the back of crisp red.

against 14 clock we were back in port and were greeted by a pelican. After a coffee we went running through the city and have visited many tourist shops. I have got a few t-shirts with motifs Cozumel purchased (3 units = 10 $ = 6,50 € - the dollar has fallen sharply for a € you get here -. Converted to peso - approx $ 1.60) We have some small souvenirs bought and Sabine has had a colorful "Zopfverlängerung" make that would last up to 4 weeks, but unfortunately after 2 days was back out.

At 17 clock we drove to the ferry back. Meanwhile, the waves had increased, so that the spray was well above the ship. Sabine was seasick, she was glad when we finally had solid ground under their feet. On the way back to the hotel we saw beside the road two wild pigs (peccaries), in two places "Wild Giant Sea Pigs" (do not know now, the names of the. They look like a mix of large brown guinea pigs and rabbits)

general: There are in Mexico, if you look good to many amazing animals: clear: the iguanas in amounts, then smaller lizards and geckos (running around in the hotel on the walls and ceilings), many colorful birds (from light yellow, blue, green to black, some with long tails), pelicans and gulls on the beach ....

Soon we were back at the hotel that she nursed back with "after-sun lotion and let the day fade away.

Friday, March 28, 2008

How To Set Alias 2 To Vibrate

March 27th

28th March


were after a good breakfast on the beach again. At 10:30 we met with the holiday care. As always, we were on vacation many possible trips, tours ... offered. Especially for a snorkel tour, we were interested very much and we also asked about bus service, because we still wanted to Tulum, by ferry to the island of Cozumel ... Then we lay back on the beach. In between I did - at Sabine snorkeling - despite high waves. After a short time was clear that they get along with mask is almost as good as I do.

About 15 clock we gave our towels again, because the sky was very cloudy.

After coffee we went again to the city where Sabine bought a manufactured from natural materials lamp. In addition, we had indeed found the bus station. When we wanted to go back, and began a heavy rain. In an instant the whole street was under water. We slipped in a store, which unfortunately had only a very small offer. For a sewage influence was directly next to the open door, the in the rain immediately began to stink murderous. Nice that the tropical rain are just so short. We were glad to get back on the road and take a deep breath.

went after a good dinner the night with a short visit to the bar (there were actually many lovely drinks, but we have to try out by far not all) of the day came to an end

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Font Used In Softball Jerseys

March 26th

27th March


We were quite early awake and looked at the beach. Unfortunately, there is the bad habit of lying all early with towels, etc. to reserve. Whether we wanted to or not, we did it in the next few days, whatever. For this I had two used shirts picked out that we are above the inside out.

Since we did not know but so far we had on the first day at the beach only 2 places in the last row beds.

But on this day with us that was very right. We wanted to just chill out, lie in the sun, often times one of the many kinds of drinks taste (also included) go into the water, the pelicans and seagulls flying over the beach to watch ...

The beach in Playa del Carmen from under the storm 2 years ago (his name was Wilma, I think) suffered a lot. At that time, almost all of the sand was washed away. In order to save the remains, one has to be a long black plastic bags filled with sand down to the beach that look like dead whales, and locals also called so. Constantly attempting to flush new sand to the beach but the waves are just as eager to create the sand away again.

This hotel has good luck: There are other areas of the hotel facilities, which end with an eroded by the sea wall. Here the formerly up to 50 m wide beach is already completely gone.

Well: it is Viva Azteca at least enough beach for us was there. You could bathe (in more or less high waves) are well in the bright blue sea.
In the evening we went briefly into the "city". Here are the famous fifth Road, which is populated by thousands of travelers in the evening, here is a Gift shop next to the next, try here, "Indians" with pictures to make money, here to play Mexican music ....

In the city takes around 30 minutes. You can see the road some hotels, some Mayan ruins (Playa was once "trade point" on the way from Cancun to the interior part of the Yucatan), here there is a way that usually runs only 10 meters from the road. Here one is almost whistle "in the jungle," we see leaf-cutter ants, hear birds, trees looks with aerial roots, vines ....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Visual Communication Cover Letters

March 25th

26th March

Merida, Ek Balam and Playa del Carmen

clear after a good, very rich and obstigem breakfast, pineapple, many species of melon, papaya and many unknown fruit ... there are plenty of hotels. Where: the most colorful fruits I tasted mostly the least.

Then we took a city tour of Merida. We looked at old buildings, the custom of the arrogance of the English conquerors.

I like old English cathedrals and villas rather not. They seem so bleak, dark, threatening. The Mayan sites, however, from which they were built (even if there are any, many people lost their lives) have something sublime, historically significant in itself. We visited the Government Palace, the Cathedral ...

Then we went to the market. Here, Sabine once bought a very good, authentic Mexican Hammock (This part must be at least 1.60 to 1.80 m wide and very closely be. You sleep in it diagonally, it can - use them as a couple - supposedly carrying capacity of 4 tons. How good is a hammock can be counted using the strings that have been used .. But I do not remember how much has cords Sabines mat)

We went over the "ordinary" locals market. There are some really fresh meat, which hangs in the sun, fresh, but mostly shriveled fruit at noon, thousands of types of spare parts and components, many small food stalls where you can get an encore sure Montezuma's Revenge ... . Everywhere there is a lot of activity. .

Then there was the last joint lunch our tour group in a large open-air restaurant. Here we were offered lunch in addition to the folk dance. Gaily dressed Mexicans were dancing to tape music with glasses, bottles and trays on their heads. The food was - as always tasty. The drinks were - also as usual on the trip - expensive. Only coffee you could get yourself free.

The journey went on to Ek Balam, our (now) last Mayaort. The small (relatively new) excavation site, in addition to some small, have already been excavated buildings, but not as spectacular (or is that because we have already seen 3 cities?) As the highlight of a pyramid, you may climb, and are in their upper part, very well-preserved parts of a temple. As the temple entrance was very interesting - it is designed as a big mouth of a god - I really had to ¾ of about 110 steps high.

Up went really well. Above one has a very good view of the jungle (we saw smoke - surely a slash and burn), to the mountains, but probably not really mountains, overgrown ruins .... Even the temple entrance - you have found him a few years ago, he is still so white, that have not been discolored by the humidity - seemed overwhelming.

After everything I had sufficiently admired, I began my descent. Face always toward the stairs, slowly, diagonally down the steep steps ... Caution is the side which meet sometime at the end .. So do not come too close to the abyss ...

I was well down and was happy to listen to the remarks of Max.

The history of Maya is not really as complicated as I thought. The Olmec culture was replaced by the Maya. These acquisitions, like all American civilizations, much of its predecessors: a part of the gods, the construction of temples and pyramids, the very precise calendar, the observation of the stars, the sacrifice of prisoners for the gods .... They had a 20s-number system and knew the zero (much earlier than, say, the Europeans).

There was never a "unified Maya culture," but cities that stood against each other in competition. The Maya were many cities and developed rapidly. Even if they had to give up the wheel and iron, the many crops that were air conditioned possible that (coming from America so corn, potatoes, cocoa, and much more that we need today a day) many edible plants resulted in they were more accessible. For religious reasons, the cities wars against each other (when that was promising, "said Venus, which has been under constant) to have prisoners who could be sacrificed to the gods.

This was the sacrificed but apparently not quite as bad: only by the sacrifice (heart ripped out from the living body) could be the "real paradise to come. finally alliances were formed around the "great powers" Tikal and Calakmul . As one of the great powers was defeated by a small "city side", broke the balance, the wars were to .. Additionally, there was the ever-increasing population nutrition problems, since the fields are no longer "rest" and therefore could have been infertile. When, more often times the rains did not come true (global warming, the earth happened so every few hundred years, like just now), questioned the "common people" to their god kings, and there were riots. In consequence, most cities have been abandoned over time. The Mayan civilization was slowly creeping under. You followed then by the Toltecs, for example again the almost deserted populated Chichen Itza newly built and continue. These were then in principle (even slowly) being replaced by the Aztecs, which were then defeated by the Spaniards ....

Then our journey took us to Playa del Carmen, where we were looking forward to our hotel. We were lucky - After the long bus trip, we had taken the last few days behind us, we were about 18 clock the first to be dropped off at their hotel. A super trip was behind us. We have very seen a lot a lot about Mexico and the Maya experienced. Much of it is safe to tell still,

eg make

  • The natives still about 10% of the total population of the country, they live mostly in separate locations (we have seen in passing. Properties with a "Mayan hut, whose neighborhood is full of trash on a regular basis rather)

  • The average" Mexicans "have a nearly with the U.S. citizens similar income Only unskilled are "poor". (Told me Max, but I the question was put firmly in the wrong place. All around us were other tour groups and Mexicans, Max looked at me with his comments also very intense and wondered each formulation .. Whether in our neighborhood "representatives his company "or" local tourist police was "otherwise and his response would have been different?)

  • There are few roads through the jungle. Also, we are usually the same routes had been driven several times.

  • locals were always very helpful, without expecting a tip (at least, the begging, I'm used to from Egypt, there was almost never)

any case, now was the holiday at the Hotel WYNDHAM VIVA AZTECA going on. Having our AI bracelet (which we were identified as hotel guests in the hotel but also for all street vendors) had received, we went to our room 1219th Unfortunately, the room had no sea view, but you could see the barely 40 cm wide "balcony" from the garden to see where to jump out small lizards ... And in the second floor of a hotel to be dreietagigen is certainly in order: the stairway is not as long, but nobody from outside can come into the room. was in the room are two double beds (which actually in a double room? We have only used one.), A safe, accessible well-stocked Minnibar (included), a beautiful bathroom, very quiet air conditioning ( the noise of air conditioning in the three hotels was far but very disturbing.) ... We were completely satisfied. We looked at only briefly this evening to the hotel and then went, after a good dinner, fast To sleep.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hindi Marrige Card Slogen

March 24th

25th March

Uxmal, Kabah, Celestun lagoon, Merida

After breakfast we were again in the sunshine in Uxmal. Here it is next to the "Pyramid of the Magician" - a round / oval pyramid, which has allegedly created a dwarf / wizard in one night - many buildings in the Puuk construction. (Ground floor unadorned, many figures, Snakes, birds ... from Year 1 . Masks on the walls - floor), many buildings have Chak.

are at the entrance to admire a large cistern. Uxmal has - as one of the few cities - no cenotes. We saw a "Mayan World Tree". A tree of the 3 levels of the Maya world: roots / soil - soil - symbolizes heaven. This tree has many thorns on the trunk, so it can not be suffocated by the creepers.

We were in our "nuns square" that has never seen a nun. But The English explorers, old pastor could be in enclosed buildings that have many small rooms, safe rooms only imagine nuns. The buildings are interesting: they have such doors in each prime number (.. what a stupid word created by me). You have ample ornamentation. Here, too, mostly Mayan gods are seen.

Then we went on an inhabited by many iguanas playing field. (Have can it be that science does something wrong? Were the inhabitants of the ancient Maya cities, but no iguanas, the rummwimmeln now because everywhere, so never leave the city?)

Behind the square is the "Great Pyramid", was allowed to climb the man / could if you wanted to. I did not want. I have climbed just 35 of the 120 steps, I thought the way back to the high, steep steps but could be complicated.

(why the steps are each so high -.. The Maya today was 1.50 meters high, the 1200 years ago were not even sure how they are larger than the 35 to 40 cm high levels come up?

From the Great Pyramid could be from many others, suspect still at earth and scrub hidden other buildings. The pyramid itself was only half free of debris, sand and plants. From the side so you could clearly see how the Maya ruins have looked at all sure their find. We went after that to other buildings. We also saw a table of offerings in the form of Jaguar, phallus-shaped columns, the "fertility" symbolize, we saw colorful little birds flying around ....

Uxmal was worth a visit!

We drove a few kilometers to the Kabah. This city, which lies in the environment of Uxmal (20 km), and was allied with her too, is so far unearthed only a little. Right through the former town is a broad highway. Some large pyramids, you can sense only under the rubble. They are still completely unexcavated.

In general, there are archaeological discover certainly very much in Mexico. Max told me, that in the last 10 years in only one state 60 Maya villages has found. Since it is about to decipher the writing, noticed that even very important Mayan cities have not yet been recovered. You just know that there must have been them when they have lost a war against whom and so on. Where the ruins are in the jungle, surely know the grave robbers. Also on satellite images, the ruined cities are allegedly not detectable. In Kabah gave it a great "palace" with a 90 meter long frieze, which consisted of Chak-masks. Rüsselnasige this rain god, I mentioned many times before. order to inspect these, we had to climb a very steep staircase, which was worth it. On the back of the building, there were depictions of the ruler of the city: almost anatomically correct figures. on the walls there are reliefs and Mayan hieroglyphs.

Oh yes, I should mention that all the buildings of the early Maya were very colorful, almost kitschy painted colorfully. (Basic color of the pyramids was probably red.) The Max stressed several times.

After the very short visit (it was also only a small investment), in which we could also include the "elephant ear tree" admire, we went for lunch in a Mayan village.

Here, in a built in typical Mayan design restaurant which is operated by Maya, it was typical Mayan food from an "earth oven": hole in earth, wood fire until it glows, then up pot, the whole einbuddeln until it is cooked ...) For delicious, sometimes spicy food, there was a "Kukaratscha" = cockroach = tequila with coffee and brandy? to drink.

Then we drove on to Celestun lagoon already looked at the directions we fly on our bus pelicans. In a "port" were about 50 boats that were powered by 2 large outboard motors.

each to 6 people, we got into the boats. And off went a fast ride. Fortunately we had brought jackets despite the heat. Also, if I ride because of the large wind only once failed to make the zip to me, the whole jacket very used.

made already after 5 minutes we short a break to give us water birds to see, sitting on a fallen tree, then the boats chased further for some time until we saw everywhere light pink birds in the distance: We were there: Over 4,000 flamingos were standing here on the only 30 to 50 cm deep ocean water some Delta flew in pieces, many were in search of food. We came to 30 or 40 meters closer to the flamingos.

( text from the Internet:.. " The most popular bird in the reserve is the Pink Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) The Flamingo is one of the finest and most spectacular birds Its survival depends on an extremely fragile ecosystem (highly saline lagoons) from. In the northern hemisphere is the north and west coast of the peninsula Yucataán the only place where there are flamingo populations on the mainland.
Flamingos live in flocks of several thousand birds huddled together in knee-deep muddy water or salt levels. They feed on microorganisms, which are filtered through a complex mechanism in their large beaks.

After about half an hour of observation, we drove on, passing bays where there were many birds, swimming, flying (many pelicans). The Banks were all mangroves. Suddenly we turned into a hidden water between the mangrove trees. A river cruise "through the Jungle"! ... were a long way on both sides of the boat some huge, bizarre roots that went down to the water. In the trees, birds, insects nests .... (Max showed us "Zwergeisvögel" - which were so small that I could not see them)

Then it went to a dock, where we visited a place where fresh water comes from the floor and as a Bach / river runs into the lagoon. Here in the water, there were many "four-eyed fish" - Fish that can see simultaneously under-and over water, somewhere there was a very rare "tiger heron"

Many locals were bathing in spring water. We ran on a wrong track a little round through the jungle. Then it was our boat that is stuck in shallow water had to be cleared, and we could go back.

The tour went to Merida. This is an old city, which now has almost one million inhabitants and built by the Spaniards in part from the remains of an ancient Maya city (ie: the Mayaüberbleibsel were completely destroyed. From the stones you then palaces and churches built.

As we passed the main square, it was so loud, as if 20 people would make noise with whistles. This loud pipes is caused by birds who gather after dark in the many trees on the market. (I've checked: the birds are called Quiscalus mexicanus - Dohlengrackel- They are slightly larger than blackbirds, have longer tails, the males are bright blue black .. and they make a big noise.)

for further hotel. The Los Aluxes is probably a 5-star hotel. But it is in the middle of downtown, fairly built and we had a view into the rear building. - Actually, that is our worst hotel on the trip, even if it had the most stars. Again, we were welcomed with a drink.

Then we went into town for dinner. Sabine and I picked out a small domestic economy, where we ate very well and drank our first "Tequila Sunrise". Tequila itself, "Landesgesöff" which is made from agave, preferably with a red worm should taste in the bottle is drunk with salt and lemon, I tried only once. I have not tasted it and I understand the cult of salt and citrus fruit not quite ..

Also on this day - as so often - we went to bed relatively early.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sample Speech For Vote Of Thanks

March 23rd

24th March
Chichen Itza, Hacienda and light show at Uxmal

We were loud with birdsong aroused. The singing / noise of the tropical birds made us finally realize that we were in Mexico.

From the balcony we could see the palm trees and tropical plants tall, slender black birds, who called loudly. Small, colorful birds were also (but unfortunately only temporarily) to see.

It quickly went to breakfast. Here we met some of our fellow passengers. Some who had already spent a week here, very tanned and rested, others who were like us we had just arrived from Germany, still rather pale ...

drove to the rich, fruit-containing breakfast we go by bus. In Valladolid, we parked briefly at the market place to exchange money.
then went off the trip:
same as the first stop of our trip was before a very special event:

Chichen Itza - one of the 7 new wonders of the world, the most famous Mayan plant in Mexico, the Pyramid of Kukuklan that you really connect with "Maya", the location of "Chac Mool" (the famous lying plastic, which is probably a victim of the table), the sacred cenote ...
nice that Max has changed our original plan so that we could be early in the day here: When we arrived at 9 clock it was still not as oppressive full and the many buses in Cancun and Playa del Carmen Start Chichen had not been reached.
We went through the "back door" into the system. Even if it was not so hot, the humidity was high but already noticeable (which we saw the whole holiday was in our hotel rooms in Playa del Carmen, the entire Clothespins, paper towels were wet, swimsuit barely dry ...). On the way to the "old stones" many tropical trees, orchids and cacti were visible.
We passed a wall, a "gate" and let us first explain the overall structure of the system. Then we ran into the "Old City", the southern part of the plant. First, we stayed near the southern Cenote stand and admire the remains of a small temple. Actually, I was somewhat disappointed, everything looked so small and inconspicuous. If the already be anything?

After a lengthy explanation of the cenote, it went on.
(cenotes are the "water supply" of the Mayan cities. Yucatan has no rivers, but a large cave system that is mostly under water in some places the cave ceiling collapsed and.. one comes close to the water. What, "lead" or water that is always water, "if not by those the many Maya who lived in cities, could have been supplied with water? Fast all the Mayan cities were built in cenotes. There are few places that had to rely on cisterns. Cenotes were sometimes used as a place of sacrifice.
There are other types of cenotes: deep water holes that have no connections with each other. These are usually caused by the meteor crash millions of years ago, who is also responsible for ensuring that the dinosaurs died out. )

After 5 minutes, running path, we saw the first "pyramid". - Yes, so we imagine the Maya cities: 20 to 50 m high pyramid in the middle of each staircase, decorated with masks of gods. We were at the "grave of the Great Priest". (The names of the pyramid, like almost all the buildings and statues of the Maya have usually nothing to do with its actual meaning. The names originated many years ago due to tell the locals because of the imagination of the English explorers, or by international archaeologists, the cities have been excavated ... Since we have only begun in recent years to decipher the Maya writing, the actual meaning of the "stones" and building was long in the dark. Thus, the known Chak Mool nothing to do with the rain god Chak but is a sacrificial stone in human form, the "nuns square" in Uxmal was a temple complex and certainly not the residence of nuns, etc.)

went from where we the famous "observatory" - a building that certainly was actually used for solar observation. Nearby is a building with beautiful reliefs on the wall (the "House of the wall paintings) ....

We walked past a ball court. Chichen Itza has about 13 playing fields (says Max, in my travel guide are 7)

Here we saw the first iguana. Later we have not looked as closely at these animals: they exist everywhere in the Yucatan. Wherever there are stones, a sitting of the sometimes over a meter long lizards. Sometimes there is "harem," which consist of a large male and 3-5 females. Even at the hotel, there were iguanas that live under a staircase.
We now reached the square, admiring the the real attractions were: the famous pyramid of KUKUKLAN. This is the Pyramid of the reason that Chichen Itza "new wonders" has become. We see many pictures of people who climb the pyramid. But that has been banned for 2 years. The pyramid is 24 meters high, has 365 steps, and in some parts of ornaments with "snake heads" - the symbol of Kukuklan, the feathered serpent.

on each image you can see a reconstructed great pyramid. That is so not so. Only the 2 pages you snaps are fully prepared. At the other two sides there are many holes in the rock, incomplete steps, stones lying around ....

Still, very impressive ...

Nearby is a wall that is made of stone skulls. Here are the heads of the sacrificed enemies were displayed. ( The Maya cities often led war against each other to take quite a lot of enemies captured. These were then sacrificed by them cut out alive the heart. By this sacrifice of blood and the blood sacrifice of the nobles who are regularly the tongue or her genitals anpieksten, the gods were appeased. The gods had in the "creation story" given their blood to create the people and the need to pay back the people now)..

Ah yes, the Maya were created from corn. That is why they called themselves as "corn people". There is a god of corn, which is responsible for the underworld. - The corn grain is buried out and sprout new life. can thrive Thus, the maize and therefore the life, it needs water. But the rain god Chac is responsible, the trunk has a large nose. clear

Oh, Give

  • as there Kukuklan the feathered serpent, the symbol of the ruler.

  • There is still the "hero twins" defeat in the ball game the gods.

  • There are the Venus, which is responsible for the wars. Therefore the names of the wars that were carried out for the procurement of victims - and sometimes denied by the opponents were before - the "Venus Wars"

  • Since there is still the sun that is so sacred that its symbol, the circle, used religious be allowed. So the Maya could not use wheels.

And there are many other gods and myths that we as a non-Maya can not really understand ....

We went to a large playing field. It is not clear whether the winner or the loser of the "game", which certainly was actually a ritual, were sacrificed. Because: To have to rip the heart, was a great honor and important for the rebirth. And only the best, so the game winner for the gods were good enough.

therefore had no problems even with its many wars: Either they won and accumulated by the capture of many opponents of fame, or they lost, they had the great honor to be sacrificed .. (Sounds a bit illogical? Sure. But who really understands Maya logic ..)

In ball games were also local groups of visitors, who clapped their hands constantly. The explanation is simple: they clap their hands because they have no garages. No, not because they want to ask the gods about building some. But: Yucatan is flat, here are it is not something (such as underground walls) could reflect sound. Only the smooth walls of the playing fields and some of the pyramids reflect the sound. And this echo for the "locals" was completely unknown ....

(must have tasted something strange here, archaeologists have found thousands of victims and sometimes submerged objects and more than 50 skeletons. The drinking water of the Maya ...) After a hike to 300 meters from the sacred cenote, we went back to the bus and went to lunch.

then headed to an old sisal Hacienda. On the way there we saw a film about the exploration of cenotes.

In the late 19th Century was won on the Yaxcopoil Hacienda Sisal from agaves. To over eleven thousand acres were everywhere this spitzblättrigen plants that have long fibers in its interior, from which we produced ropes.

Today the sisal agave hardly any economic importance. Instead, all the blue agave is grown. It is for the production of Tequila, the basic product.

The plantation is very run down. You could Remains of old buildings and furnishings admire, one could see old machines which were necessary for fiber production ... Well, we have seen and heard a lot about the history of 200 years ago ...

In the garden of the resort there was the "gum tree" for example - a tree with apple-like fruit, derived from its root, the rubber is, from which the company has developed the Wrigley's chewing gum.

ran at the Hacienda all around medium-sized wild dogs in the vicinity was a children's party, which had the kids all dressed up as animals.

We arrived at the Hotel Mision where we would spend the second night. Our room had a great view of the ruins of Uxmal. Unfortunately, the beautiful hotel pool of wild-Americans are tenager was besieged, the disturbed pretty.

But anyway .. We wanted a short stay here and went straight to the sound and light show to Uxmal (Uschmal is spoken).

After dark we went into the Maya city. Here were on a wall of the quadrangle nuns placed chairs. We were given headphones which we should translate the following. The ruins were like a big theater in front of us. They were illuminated alternately colored. This was a "radio play" about the worship of Chac, the war of Uxmal to Chichen Itza, by a beautiful princess (beauty is relative: I have seen many Mayan descendants Actually, no one of which was "nice "..... the beauty ideal of the Maya was once thought that the children with wooden planks, which were tied on the head, the skulls were flattened or that the teeth have been sharpened ...) was fired and many other myths.

interesting .. clear .. But not nearly as impressive as the Lichtschows in Egypt.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Amitriptyline And Trimethoprim

March 22 March

23rd March 2008

from Dusseldorf to Mexico

After a short and simple breakfast with youth hostel level (to fix screwed stools , on long tables, wall, single wrapped sausage, butter, honey and cheese and coffee pods from "Mitropa cups") We went with U-and S-Bahn to the airport. The Düsseldorf Airport is very large and somewhat confusing. And because we had not understood that the LTU a subsidiary of Air Berlin , we checked out relatively late. So we got in the great machine, unfortunately, only some funds. Actually not so bad ... But at 11 hours of flight annoys you then, however, that no one can often see out time. Especially when you see that window up space "darken as easily the window looking out to not have to.

before the flight started, we had over two hours waiting for boarding. The plane was late come back from the USA, had to be cleaned, refueled and re-loaded ... And Stuff like that can take on a machine that will transport about 300 people ...

Air Berlin has set up a "1st class". Here the passengers who pay as € 500 more per flight, spoiled with 5-course menu and selecting film program in deck chairs.

The plane was a long time for us, "Wood-class pilots' employment are: drinking, eating, selling, movies (2 movies, but not too nice to the stupid series as Mr. Been -.? And who wants to see "The Nanny" - also an ancient, meaningless series .)... Actually, the time passed fairly well. Still, after 11 hours we are happy to finally be able to get out. Some left the machine like a battlefield. The Entmüllungskollonne had to do teamwork.

ended up with 7 hour time difference we are about to sunset in Cancun.

After the usual wait for our luggage, we quickly found our bus for the 4-day Round trip. But before we boarded, a cigarette break was taken. - The first cigarette after 14 hours ....

Here we learned that Max, our tour guide. Max accompanied our tour group now 24 people strong, the next 3 ½ days of very competent, well-organized, thoughtful ... He told us a lot, but everything was interesting and suited to understand the Maya and the Mexicans better.

then rushed the two-hour bus ride: slow, it was dark so we are off the track and Valladolid, our first Target, could see little.

The road was mostly past dense "bush" - the typical, low jungle of Yucatan, which consists of many shrubs, "high normal" trees and a few palm trees. (Well, not the "classic jungle with giant trees that you'd like them). It was just dry season, many trees had their leaves - lost - at least in part. Nevertheless, everything was very green .... I particularly liked the trees, which have glossy dark brown trunks, the white light with appropriate lighting - This can not be described properly. This must you see!

We arrived at our hotel. A luxurious 5 - star hotel with huge rooms with balconies. Here we were - after a welcome drink - given the room key. The cases had been brought there already. The hotel service was, as the whole trip, well organized and easy for us.

We were very tired after the exhausting outward journey, we went to sleep quickly.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How To Masterbate With Bed?

Mar 22, 2008

From Halle to Dusseldorf

noon we set off by train from the hall, I and my girlfriend is boarded in Magdeburg . Because we had seat reservations, the train ride was quiet and stress-free in spite of the interchanges in Hanover. Once at the main train station in Dusseldorf, it went with the "underground" (a tram that runs 3 or 4 stations underground) to Krefeld in the Etap Hotel. In the city we have just eaten at Mc-Donald, and then well into the "plastic hotel" slept n.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Palmolive Dishsoap Msds

vacation in Mexico - 2008


vacation in Mexico

in Maya, dolphins, sea water and cenotes

21st March 2008

Our holidays in Mexico is now behind us. I'm still in "Jadleg," was the first time back in the office, wash my laundry, have repaired the computer (which had the power supply "Abandoned"), the lighting of the aquarium fish have renewed ....

And now I'm starting to record my experiences, impressions, experiences of our trip to Mexico.

good that we have written down every day just what we did ... There were many interesting .....