When the smoke clears and the reason to gloss over the absence of the mind tries, it is time to get to safety. It's Christmas in MMOGs and this is traditionally the time at which explores the art of kitsch misplaced its virtual existence, and, sadly, finds. Those who wish to protect themselves, must deal with a pad, a pen and plenty of canned food in the cellar locked up. Self-preservation as the engine of self-flagellation. Welcome to the Christmas season.
The virtual game of hide-relatives, used to be the one used earlier this season works, no longer quite some time. No matter what you play: Somewhere hops any guy with a red nose and bloating before the cart and offers you his gifts. In real life this would be a reason to confuse the brake with the accelerator, but in the virtual world, you drive straight through without consequences. Or is through collision detection simply plug - which in real life imitating the art of regularly metall'schen deformation of her car in front of eyes (better known as "Full Contact Reality Check").
So perseverance is announced. And, hand on heart, with a little good will, this is not a problem.
is however one or the other will feel a tingling in mind. Do not worry, this is normal. It is simply a sign of life of the mind, the point to his estranged existence and defend themselves against the intertwining of Absurdistan by impressions like. It is quite loud even at the current industry giant "World of Warcraft".
When your house is burning, the war is at the gates and the world is about to rounding, everyone would again go to the door and look for small eggs to give to someone who randomly daherstapft dressed in red . If so that must regularly be expected that close relatives and acquaintances will be swallowed by the sky fire, it is time to read a book and the meaning of Christmas to . Understand
Welcome to the technical content Kataklistierspritze World of Warcraft. Here you can find between the blood and guts still a gingerbread. If the metropolitan area looks like Dresden in the morning looking for one a large fir tree to fetch his gifts. If your own house is burning, we search for fresh milk for the fat in the shade of fir. This is pure selflessness in a satisfactory dissonance for its own reason. A cacophony of Christmas songs brings the right "feel" over, while one is strangled by a gnome rogue. Everything is so wonderful
acting out of place that one would almost say from the gallows celebration. But the Truth is much simpler: just take things to no regard for personal feelings, even if it meant by "personal" the whole world. The time, for example, will not be just because they collide on the A10 towards capital with a landing on the highway Boing 747th Quite the contrary: As you meet in intensive care for a glass of punch and looks out the window together created the fire.
And to be honest, now I feel afterwards. So much fire down, as it is about time to step back and look at the work. Of course, not without a final word.
I want to thank all our loyal readers. In all constructive critics. Among those who urged me repeatedly to continue. Thanks for a nice joint in 2010 - you a merry and a happy and a happy new year 2011. happens
your Namidh