Thursday, February 1, 2007

Exotic Mammal's For Rehoming In Uk


01.02.07 - 8th Tag Luxor and return flight,
valley of the craftsmen, Medina Habu

Today I had to get up very early. Already by 5 clock. After waiting for a breakfast at 6 clock drivers, me to Aswan had placed on me, take me to the west side. I had made 3 days in advance with him. The trip was relatively inexpensive, even if no one else was there. In the West, I bought the tickets at the tourist center. The seller told me that I was the first buyer of the day.
We drove into the valley of the craftsmen. We were the first. In the tombs there showed me the "guards" for a tip, all the corners. I would here also can take photos (even with flash) without further notice. But I would not. From the artisan tombs I have great photos in my books and the colors are to suffer by bright light. - Sure, this is so: in the temples can be seen, too in the dark corners colored reliefs. In the sun all the colors are gone. After the graves I watched the water point, the houses of artisans, their Horus temple. In the temple I was even allowed to climb (illegally) on the roof. Here we had a nice overview.
Then went the trip to Medina Habu. This is a large, well-preserved temple of Ramses III. Here is much more colorful. Many reliefs show the pharaoh victorious in the battle against the Sea Peoples. I was here all alone (if the 10 people who respect the fact that I'm stealing not gods, pharaohs and stones, do not count).
I stayed in the temple to 9 clock. Then we went (almost inevitably) to an alabaster factory. Well, I was alone .. So we had to stay there, not so long ...
clock at 9.30 we were back at the hotel. So I had plenty of time for a second breakfast.
This last trip was beautiful. I was thrilled by every day! Then I had

another 2 hours to pack, for up to 12 clock I had to leave my room. At 12 I went for a few hours at the pool, and at least wants to fill up a little sun.
against 16 clock I went into town and was approached by a seller in German: he asked me to a German text he had written to correct. It turned out that he is a teacher, who, to survive can, as a second job selling fabrics. A teacher gets only about 350 pounds per month. His apartment costs 500 pounds. Therefore he has to work as a salesman. The store will cost £ 5,000 per month, so he has to make daily sales of about 300 pounds (!!!). (If he does not pay the rent, going out as a warning light, a week later to the shop ..) - This Gelddiskrepanzen gave me but to think hard ....

Clock At 17 I was picked up, after 19 clock was the pilot. I had a great window seat. Even if it was dark, Luxor, Cairo, Hurghada on the night also great. We had a stopover in Hurghada.
Clock At 0.30 I was back in Leipzig. Sorry to take this Currently no buses, trains, etc. more. I had the choice to wait up to 5, or what I did then, to nozzles for 40 € by taxi home.
A great holiday had ended.

I've seen a lot:
7 Temple 10
grave plants at 4 different locations
4 museums with many mummies, statues, etc..
3 other sites
- a sound and light show
I have 2 Feluckenfahrten made
and Kaleschenfahrt.
I realized how the Egyptians really live (in Luxor and Elephantine)
I was about 550 km along the Nile with the bus on the road,
've flown 3 times
etc. ..
........ And I had a little time to lie by the pool.